AFRICA -- "AFRIQUE divisée en ses principaux Empires et Royaumes". Paris, 1795. Engr. map, cold. in outlines, by Delamarche after G. and D. Robert de Vaugondy, w. 2 cartouches and extensive legend. 495 x 665 mm. (Central fold misfolded, but in v.g. condition). -- Added: "IN NOTITIAM Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula Geographica". Amst., Covens & Mortier, (c. 1740). Engr. map in cont. colouring after G. de l'Isle. 387 x 545 mm. -- And 3 o. maps of Africa, 2 by Tirion (not cold.) and 1 consisting of 2 cold. maps on 1 leaf of the North of Africa by Blaeu ("Barbaria"). (5).
€ 130
AFRICA -- "CARTE de l'EGYPTE de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c. (…)." Amst., J. Covens & C. Mortier, (n.d., ±1710). Engr. map in cont. colouring, of a large part of the Eastern part of North Africa, Arabia and the Mediterranean Sea after G. de l'Isle. 510 x 595 mm. -- Added: "CARTE DE LA BARBARIE, le la Nigritie et de la Guinée". (Paris, ±1707). Engr. map in cont. colouring, of a large part of the Eastern part of North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea after G. de l'Isle. 500 x 577 mm. (Lower part central fold reinforced on v°, but in v.g. condition). -- (2).
€ 180
AMERICA -- "AMERICA nach der zweyten Ausgabe von Arrowsmiths Weltcharte (…)". Nuremberg, A.G. Schneider & Weigel, 1796. Engr. map of the America's by C. Mannert w. some sparse colouring in places. 545 x 660 mm. (Slightly stained to the left and outer right corner, rep. to upper part central fold, very small hole just above 'Baffins Strasse'). -- Added: "NOUVELLE CARTE De Geographie De La Partie Meridionale De L'Amerique Suivant Les Plus Nouvelles Observations (…)". (Amst., 1721-39). Engr. map by H. Chatelain (after G. de l'Isle) of South-America. 480 x 610 mm. -- (2).
€ 200
AMERICA -- "NOUVELLE CARTE de l'Amerique Septentrionale dressee sur les plus Nouvelles Observations (…)". (Amst., 1721-39). Engr. map by H. Chatelain (after G. de l'Isle) of North-America in fine cont. colouring. 480 x 610 mm.
ARCTIC REGION -- "DELINEATIO SPITSBERGIAE" - "GROENLAND" - "NOVAE ZEMLAE delineatio" - "GOTIA" - 4 plain engr. maps, all from Bertius' Tabularum Geographicum Contractarum', Amst., 1616. Each c. 98 x 135 mm.
ASIA -- "ACCURATISSIMA TOTIUS ASIÆ Tabula (…)". Amst., F. de Wit, n.d. (c. 1660). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. fine cartouche which is embellished w. puppets, a monkey and a camel. 480 x 570 mm. (Lower margin a bit short but in v.g. condition).
€ 400
ASIA -- "ASIA" - "MOLUCCAE INSULAE" - "NOVA GUINEA et Ins. Salomonis" - "BORNEO INSULA" - "IAVA MAIOR" - "SUMATRA INSULA" - "INDIA ORIENTALIS" - 7 plain engr. maps, all from Bertius' Tabularum Geographicum Contractarum', Amst., 1616. Each c. 98 x 135 mm.
€ 340
ASIA -- "GENERALIS TOTIUS IMPERII RUSSORUM Novissima Tabula (…)". Nürnberg, J.B. Homann, n.d. (c. 1715). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 483 x 565 mm. -- Added: "IMPERII RUSSICI et Tartariæ Universæ, (…)". Nuremberg, Heirs of Homann, 1739. Engr. map w. sparse cont. colouring. 490 x 580 mm. -- "CARTE GÉNÉRALE de la Russie d'Asie et des régions polaires boréales (…)". Paris, A.H. Brué, 1821. Engr. map from the 'Atlas Universel', cold. in outlines. 405 x 552 mm. -- And 4 o. of 'Asia'. (7).
ASIA -- INDIA -- "COLOMBO" - "GOA" - "COICHIN" - "BANDEL ofte Reede Voorde Stadt Arakan" - (Amst., C. Allard, n.d. (1690's)). 4 engr. views, cold. by hand. c. 210 x 270 mm each (paper size). (Margins trimmed to plate edges).
ASIA -- INDIA -- "L'INDE DE ÇA LE GANGE, (…)" - "L'INDE DE LA LE GANGE, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations (…) Augmentées de Nouveau". - Leiden, P. v.d. Aa, c. 1700. 2 engr. maps printed one above the other on 1 sheet of paper within an architectural framework.
€ 100
ASIA -- "MAGNÆ TARTARIÆ, Magni Mogolis Imperii Iaponiæ et Chinæ". Amst., P. Mortier, (c. 1730?). Engr. map in cont. colouring, i.a. after N. Witsen. 440 x 555 mm. On the lower right side of the title cartouche has been engraved: "Sold by Christopher Browne (etc.)". -- Added: "CARTE D'ASIE. Nouvellement revue et augmentée p. Dezauche". Paris, 1788. Engr. map cold. in outlines. 503 x 655 mm. -- "CARTE DES PAYS VOISINS de la Mer Caspiene (…)". Amst., Covens & Mortier, (c. 1730). Engr. map cold. in outlines by G. de l'Isle. 475 x 625 mm. -- "CHINA". Lond., Cadell & Davies, 1809. Engr. map cold. by hand. 570 x 510 mm. -- And 4 o. of (parts of) Asia. (8).
€ 300
ASIA -- "SUMATRA EIN GROSSE INSEL so von den alten Geographen Taprobana genennet worden." (Basel, c. 1588). Plain woodcut map by Seb. Munster of Sumatra w. 2 insets on the right, one containing text, 1 representing an elephant. 288 x 203 mm. (Blank margins dam., split in lower margin running into image). -- Added: "ASIA WIE ES JETZIGER ZEIT nach den fürnemesten Herrschaften abgetheilet und beschriben ist." (Basel, c. 1588). Plain woodcut map by Seb. Munster of Asia. 310 x 360 mm. (Upper and lower margins frayed). -- (2).
€ 160
ASIA -- "TABULA RUSSIA Vulgo Moscovia". Amst., F. de Wit, n.d. (c. 1680). Engr. map (signed J. Lhuilier) in cont. colouring w. fine cartouche embellished w. puppets. 453 x 565 mm. - Fine.
€ 150
ASIA -- "TAPROBANA". (Venice, 1606). Woodcut map of Sumatra, cold. by hand. 272 x 370 mm. (Remnants of former hinges on v°).
ASIA -- TIBET -- "KAART VAN DEN REISWEG van Buxadeouar naar Tassisudon in Boutan, en van Tassisudon naar Teschou Loumbou in Thibet". (Amst., W. Holtrop, 1801). Engr. map by C. v. Baarsel. 530 x 225 mm. (Folds visible).
€ 80
BELGIUM -- "FLANDRIÆ COMITATUS Pars Occidentalis, (…)". Amst., N. Visscher, (c. 1698). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 510 x 570 mm. (A bit age-toned, traces of former framing, lower part central fold split). -- Added: "TERTIA PARS BRABANTIÆ qua continetur Marchionat. S.R.I. horum urbs primaria Antverpia". Amst., J. Janssonius, (1652-58). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 420 x 522 mm. -- And 5 o. maps of (parts of) Belgium, published by Visscher, Danckerts, Blaeu and Ottens. (7).
EASTERN EUROPE -- "CARTE DU TEATRE DE LA GUERRE dans la Pologne, Moscovie et Turquie". Amst., P. Schenck, 1733. Engr. map of Europe, beautifully cold. by hand. 870 x 730 mm. (Folds partly re-inforced on v°, image partly slightly worn on folds, surface a bit rumpled in places, but in v.g. condition).
EASTERN EUROPE -- POLAND -- "TABULA NOVA TOTIUS REGNI POLONIÆ". Amst., N. Visscher, (c. 1697). Engr. map after N. Sanson, cold. by hand. 428 x 556 mm. (Trifle browned, but in v.g. condition).
EASTERN EUROPE -- "ROYAUME DE HONGRIE, Le, et les Estats (…) qui sont (…) la Partie Septentrionale de la Turquie en Europe". Amst., G. Valck, n.d. (c. 1700). Engr. map in cont. colouring. w. large cartouche in upper left corner. 495 x 587 mm. (Traces of use, but in v.g. condition). -- Added: "SCLAVONIA, CROATIA, BOSNIA cum Dalmatiæ parte". (Amst.), W. Blaeu, (1644-55). Engr. map after Mercator in cont. colouring. 390 x 503 mm. -- "NOUVELLE CARTE DE LA PETITE TARTARIE ou Taurie, montrant les Frontières de l'Impératrice de Russie, et l'Empereur des Turcs, (…)". Amst., J. B. Elwe, 1792. Engr. map in cont. colouring. 518 x 610 mm. -- And 1 o. (4).
EASTERN EUROPE -- "TAURICA CHERSONES VS. Nostra ætate Przecopsca et Gazara dicitur". (Amst., H. Hondius, n.d. (=1619)). Engr. map after G. Mercator of the Crimea in cont. colouring. 320 x 406 mm.
EUROPE -- "AUSTRIA Archiducatus". Amst., W.J. Blaeu, (1649-50). Engr. map after W. Laz in cont. colouring. 370 x 552 mm. (Margins trimmed and a bit stained, but in all a good copy). Dutch text on v°. V.d. Krogt II, 2710:2.2. -- Added: "REGNUM BOHEMIÆ eique Annexæ Provinciæ ut Ducatus Silesiæ (…)". Amst., N. Visscher, (c. 1700). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 505 x 590 mm. -- "HUNGARIÆ (…)/Carte de Hongrie (…)". Nürnberg, Heirs of J.B. Homann, 1744. Engr. map in cont. colouring w. armorial cartouche. 505 x 610 mm. (Upper part of central fold a bit browned). -- And 7 o. maps: Germany (5) and Switzerland (2). (10).
EUROPE -- "KAART VAN LONDEN enz. en van het naby gelegen land, (…)". - "NIEUWE KAART VAN PARYS en derzelver voorsteden". - Amst., I. Tirion, 1754-56. 2 plain engr. plans/maps. 291 x 426 and 322 x 397 mm. (Folds visible, Paris partly a bit browned). -- Added: "GEZIGT van de Keyzerlyke Hoofdstad Weenen (…)". (Amst., I. Tirion, 1736/37). Plain engr. view of the city. 176 x 349 mm. -- And 1 o. (4).
EUROPE -- "NOVA REGNI HISPANIÆ (…)/L'ESPAGNE (…)". Amst., Covens & Mortier, (c. 1730). Engr. map after G. de l'Isle, R. Mendez Sylva, a.o. 495 x 600 mm. (A bit browned in places). -- Added: 3 maps, 2 of Great Britain and 1 of Portugal. (4).
€ 90
EUROPE -- "REGNI DANIÆ, Novissima et Accuratissima Tabula". (Amst.), N. Visscher, (c. 1700). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. 2 decorative cartouches and many ships at sea. 460 x 555 mm. (Margins trimmed). -- Added: "CARTE DU ROYAUME DE DANEMARC". Amst., Covens & Mortier, (c. 1730). Engr. map by G. de l'Isle in cont. colouring. 490 x 610 mm. (Lower right outer corner replaced in manuscript). -- "FIONIA". (Amst., Hondius, 1613-19). Cold. engr. map by Mercator of Funen. (Browned). V.d. Krogt I, 1530: 1A.1. -- And 2 o. general maps of Scandinavia. (5).
EUROPE -- "VALENTIA REGNUM (…)". Amst., G. Blaeu, (1635). Handcold. engr. map w. compass rose, sea monster, ships in full sea and cartouche. 385 x 500 mm. (A few sm. marg. tears/chips, sm. stain in right margin, rep. on fold, sl. browned). -- "ILLYRICUM". (Antw., Ortelius, 1579). Handcold. engr. map after J. Sambucus from Ortelius’s 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. 365 x 470 mm. -- "LA GRANDE BRETAGNE ou les Royaumes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse comme aussi le Royaume D'Irlande divisée par Provinces". Augsburg, (c. 1764). Handcold. engr. map by T.L. Lotter. 495 x 580 mm. (Margins a bit thumbed/soiled in places). -- And 2 o. (5).
FRANCE -- "GALLIA LE ROYAUME DE FRANCE". Amst., W.J. Blaeu, (c. 1640). Cold. engr. map. 385 x 505 mm. (Outer margins a bit stained, a bit thumbed). V.d. Krogt II, 4000:2A.3. -- "PROVINCIA GALLIS LA PROVENCE (…)". (Augsb.), M. Seutter, (c. 1730). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 510 x 590 mm. -- And 5 o. of (parts of) France. (7).
FULLARTON MAPS -- COLLECTION of 6 maps from A. Fullarton's 'Royal Illustrated Atlas Of Modern Geography', London, (etc.), 1850's. Attractively cold. lithogr. maps, 5 of which are surrounded by images of residents and a perpective view. 480 x 320 mm. (Margins a bit brittle and dam. in places and w. some small splits).
€ 120
GREECE -- "ACHAIÆ Nova & accurata descriptio". (Amst., J. Janssonius, 1662). Plain engr. map by J.W. Lauremberg of the Aegean islands. 393 x 572 mm. (Outer margins a bit short).
GREECE -- "GRÆCIÆ PARS SEPTENTRIONALIS". (Amst.), Covens & Mortier, n.d. (after 1757). Engr. map after De l'Isle in cont. colouring of Northern Greece including Macedonia, Thracia, Asia Minor, etc. 472 x 650 mm. -- Added: "GRÆCIÆ PARS MERIDIONALIS: Græcia Antiqua (…)". (Amst., Covens & Mortier, n.d. (= c. 1745). Engr. map after De l'Isle in cont. colouring of Ancient Greece w. a nice historiated cartouche. 490 x 655 mm. -- (2).
GREECE -- "PELOPONNESUS hodie Morea (…)". Amst., N. Visscher, (c. 1698). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 460 x 562 mm. (Margins a bit browned). Koeman III, 183. -- Added: "MACEDONIA, Epirus et Achaia". (Amst.), W.J. Blaeu, (c. 1645). Cold. engr. map. 420 x 506 mm. V.d. Krogt II, 7805:2. -- (2).
HISTORICAL MAPS -- "AENEAE TROIANI NAVIGATIO Ad Virgilii sex priores Aeneidos". Amst., J. Janssonius, n.d. (c. 1662). Engr. map. 395 x 485 mm. V.d. Krogt I, 0311H:1. -- Added: map by R. de Vaugondy of the Roman Empire, 1752. -- (2).
HISTORICAL MAPS -- "GERMANIÆ Veteris, typus". (Amst.), Janssonius (and/or Hondius), n.d. (c. 1633). Engr. map w. 3 fine cartouches. 393 x 486 mm. (Outer blank margins a bit stained). German text on v°. -- Added: "TABULA ITALIÆ ANTIQUÆ geographica". Nuremberg, Weigel-Schneider, 1784. Engr. map in cont. colouring w. 2 insets dep. (the vicinity of) ancient Rome. 640 x 517 mm. (Surface partly a bit rumpled, but in v.g. condition). -- (2).
HISTORICAL MAPS -- "GRÆCIA VETUS" - "IMPERII ROMANI" - "GALLIA ANTIQUA" - "HISPANIA ANTIQUA" - "GERMANIA ANTIQUA" - "LA JUDÉE OU TERRE SAINTE" - (Paris, G. & D. Robert de Vaugondy, c. 1750). Tog. 6 engr. maps (some after Sanson), hand-cold. in outlines. c. 500 x 570 mm each. (All a bit age-toned, some splits in blank margins in places, some vertical false folds in places, but in good condition). -- Added: "CARTE GENERALE DES POSTES DE FRANCE avec les Postes de Communication (…)/GALLIA POSTARUM (…)". Nuremberg, Heirs of (J.B.) Homann, 1745. Engr. map, hand-cold. in outlines. 535 x 585 mm. -- (7).
HISTORICAL MAPS -- "IMPERII TURCICI EUROPÆI TERRA, in primis Græcia (…)". Nuremberg, Heirs of (J.B.) Homann, 1741. Engr. historical map of Ancient Turkey/Ancient Greece, partly with cont. hand-colouring. Title cartouche made up of 23 ancient Greek coins. 500 x 580 mm. - In very good condition.
ITALY -- "L'ITALIE (…)". Paris, 1772. Cold. engr. after G. de l'Isle by L. Simonneau. 500 x 636 mm. (Some very small stains in image in places). -- Added: "LA REGNI DI SICILIA, e Sardegna, (etc.)". Nuremberg, Heirs of (J.B.) Homann, 1762. Engr. chart in cont. colouring of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. 490 x 600 mm. (Lower part of central fold a bit worn, some small stains in image). -- (2).
ITALY -- "REGNUM NEAPOLIS (…)". Amst., F. de Witt, (c. 1680). Engr. map in handsome cont. colouring. 590 x 498 mm. (Hole in image rep. right of the word "Tyrrhenum"). -- Added: "STATUS ECCLESIASTICUS et Magnus Ducatus Thoscanæ". Amst., C. Danckerts, (c. 1696). Plain engr. map of the Papal State and Tuscany. 510 x 612 mm. Koeman II, 92. -- (2).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "ACTIE VOOR GEVALLEN te Half Weege Haarlem" - "ACTIE VOOR GEVALLE by het dorß Ouderkerk" - "ACTION ENTRE LES PATRIOTTES et le Prussiens, proche le village d'Amstelveen" - "ACTIE VOOR GEVALLE aan Duyvendregse brug buyten Amsterdam". Amst., J. Buffa, n.d. (c. 1788). 4 cold. aquatints within circles by J.A. le Campion after G.A. Meysenheijm. Ø 112 mm (image size).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "AMERS-FORT" (Amersfoort). (Antwerp, C. Bouttats, 1674). Etching by Bouttats after Joh. Peeters, cold. by hand. 145 x 240 mm. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. -- Added: "HET DORP ACKOY". N.d. Etching by H. Schouten (1762-1822). 141 x 185 mm. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. -- (2).
LOW COUNTRIES -- AMSTERDAM -- "AFBEELDINGE VAN DE WYDVERMAARDE EN BEROEMDE KOOPSTAD AMSTELDAM met d'omleggende landen". (Amst.), N. Visser, n.d. (±1705). Engr. map by D. Stoopendaal after G. Drogenham, partly cold. by hand. 525 x 570 mm. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. (Uninspected out of frame, a bit browned, but in v.g. condition).
€ 700
LOW COUNTRIES -- AMSTERDAM -- "AMSTELDAM". (Amst.), C. Allard, c. 1700. Plain engr. view of the IJ from the North w. 2 richly dressed people in the foreground. 216 x277 mm (image size). D'Ailly 158. -- "HET WEST INDISCH HUYS" - T'LANTS MAGESYN". - (Amst., c. 1660). 2 plain engr. views from Dapper's 'Historische Beschrijving der Stadt Amsterdam'. 167 x 280 mm. each. -- And 1 o. (4).
LOW COUNTRIES -- AMSTERDAM -- CAMPION, A. le after J.A. MEYSENHEYM. Series of views on Amsterdam, numbered in the plates 2-4, 6-7, 11, 12, 14, 20. Amst., (etc.), J,. Buffa & Ambresonne, n.d. (c. 1790). 11 cold. aquatints within circles, incl. 1 duplicate. Ø 112 mm. (2 plates dam.). Rare series. -- Added: "AMSTERDAM. De Oude Doelen/Hotel du Vieux Doelen". Plain lithogr. view by Desguerrois and Co. 190 x 255 mm. -- And 1 o. (13).
LOW COUNTRIES -- CITY SIEGES/FORTIFICATIONS -- "NOUVELLE CARTE representant la Ville de Bolduc en plan, avec ses Rempars, Fossez, Forterelles d'alentour, etc. (…)". Amst., Joh. Blaeu, n.d. (1649). Plain engr. map of 's-Hertogenbosch w. surroundings after J. Prempart. 390 x 518 mm. -- Added: "HET BELEG VAN HAARLEM" - "HET BELEG VAN ALKMAAR" - (Amst., 1703). 2 engr. bird's eye views by C. Decker on the sieges of Haarlem and Alkmaar, deriving from 'Geschiedenissen der Vereenigde Nederlanden, sedert den aanvang van die Republyk (…)' by J. Le Clerc. Each 274 x 360 mm. -- And 1 o. (4).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "COMITATUS ZEELANDIAE Accurata et novissima delineatia". (Amst.), C. Allardt, 1674. 455 x 540 mm. Engr. map of Zeeland w. dec. cartouche in left upper corner, cold. by hand. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. (Some false horizontal folds, middle section somewhat whiter than the outer sections. Uninspected out of frame).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "COMITATUS ZELANDIÆ TABULA". Amst., F. de Wit, n.d. (c. 1680). Engr. map w. fine allegorical cartouche in cont. colouring. 465 x 550 mm. (Slightly age-toned, but an attractive map).
LOW COUNTRIES -- FRIESLAND -- "ALGEMEENE KAART VAN DE PROVINCIE FRIESLAND, (…), op eenen schaal van 50,000 op 1, zamengesteld, tot op 1 Januarij 1860". Leeuwarden, W. Eekhoff, (1860). Plain engr. map by D. Veelwaard & J.C. Zürcher after J.W. Witteveen, divided in 60 sections laid down on linen. Total size: 155 x 164 cm. In cont. slipcase (w. some waterstains on the outside). - Very detailed map. In very good condition.
LOW COUNTRIES -- "HOLLANDIAE pars septentrionalis, vulgo Westvriesland en 't Noorder Quartier". - "FRISIA OCCIDENTALIS". - "DUCATUS LIMBURGUM". - Amst., W.J. Blaeu, (c. 1650). 3 engr. maps in cont. colouring. c. 384 x 500 mm. -- Added: "TABULA DOMINII GROENINGÆ quæ et complectitur maximam partem Drentiæ (…)". Amst., F. de Wit, (c. 1671). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. 2 cartouches, inset map of the Wadden Islands and 2 compass roses. 460 x 545 mm. -- All in v.g. condition. -- And 4 o. (8).
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "ACADEMIA, DE". 255 x 315 mm. - "DEN BURG". 255 x 315 mm. - (c.1670). 2 engr. very similar to the engr. by C. Hagen surrounding his large plan of Leiden (1670). Both framed, glazed and under passepartout. (Uninspected out of frames).
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "KAART VAN DE OMGESTORTE en Onherstelbare Gebouwen te Leiden; Bij het springen van een met Buskruid geladen schip Op den 12 van Louwmaand 1807". (, no publ., n.d.). Plain engr. cadastral plan by P. v. Campen w. large title cartouche above the plan. 690 x 392 mm (image size). Muller 5728. -- "LEIJDEN IN HOLLANDT". (1620). Engr. perspective view of the city from the 'Thesaurus Philopoliticus' by Daniel Meisner. 103 x 145 mm. -- And 10 o. views/plans of Leiden. (12).
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "LEYDA, BATAVORUM LUGDUNUM, vulgo Leyden, Anno 1574". (Cologne, Braun & Hogenberg, between 1572 and 1618). Engr. bird's eye view on the city from the South, cold. by hand. 345 x 478 mm. Framed & glazed.
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "LEYDEN". (Frankf., 1659). Engr. view, printed on 2 joined leaves, taken from Merian's 'Topographia Germaniae-Inferioris'. 215 x 625 mm. (Remnants of paper hinges on v°, small rep. on v°, a bit browned/stained).
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "LUGDUNUM BATAVORUM, Leyden in Hollant". (1582/88). Plain engr. plan of the town (numbered '34' in right outer lower corner). 250 x 341 mm (image size). -- Added: "HOLLANDIAE CATTORUM REGIONIS TYPUS". (1581/82). Plain engr. of 'Holland' w. compass rose, scale indicator, ships at sea and large ti. cartouche. 237 x 322 mm (image size). (Small stain in lower blank margin). -- (2).
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "LUGDUNUM BATAVORUM, Leyden in Hollant". (1612). Plain engr. plan of the town. 243 x 332 mm. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. -- Added: "LE PLANT ET POURTRAICT DE LA VILLE DE BOLDUC, une des villes capitales de Brabant". (1567/-68). Woodcut view of 's-Hertogenbosch in bird's eye perspective w. printed index underneath. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. -- (2).
€ 170
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "LUGDUNUM BATAVORUM". (Leiden), 1675. Plain engr. plan of the city by C. Hagen 'crowned' by 4 family crests (representing the majors of Leiden) and the city arms, on top of a perspective view of the city seen from the South and flanked by 16 views on churches, gates, the academy building, etc. On several conjoined sheets, tog. c. 8205 x 890 mm. Framed and under blackened glass w. gilt rule surrounding the plan. (Uninspected out of frame, possibly laid down, a bit browned/foxed).
€ 1000
LOW COUNTRIES -- LEIDEN -- "ZYL-, MORSCH-, HEERE-, KOE-, HOGEWOERTSCHE-, RHYNSBURGSCHE-, WITTE-, MARE POORT". - 1762. 8 engr. views by P.L. Delfos after F. de Beyer on the (partly still existing) city gates. 145 x 180 mm each. Framed and under blackened glass w. gilt rule surrounding the image. (In good condition, but uninspected out of frames).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "NIEUWE KAART VAN DELFTLAND". Delft, I. Tirion, (1753). Cont. cold. engr. map. 340 x 387 mm. -- Added: "ZUYDHOLLA[N]D". (Amst., 1616). Engr. map from Bertius' Tabularum Geographicum Contractarum', cold. by hand. 90 x 124 mm. -- (2).
€ 70
LOW COUNTRIES -- "ROTERODAMI Delineatio Ichnographica et Scenographica (…)". Augsburg, T.C. Lotter, n.d. (± 1750). Engr. map by M. Seutter of which the plan above the perspective view of the city is in cont. hand colouring. 510 x 588 mm. (Lower margin a bit curled up, split in upper margin running into image, but a v.g. copy).
€ 600
LOW COUNTRIES -- "WYCK BY DUERSTEDE". (c. 1695). Engr. perspective view by T. Doesburgh (active 1692-1714), nicely coloured by hand. 250 x 315 mm. Framed, glazed and under passepartout. (Vertical folds slightly visible).
LOW COUNTRIES -- "ZUID HOLLAND, Kaart van de provincie, 1846. Opgemaakt op last v.d. Provinciale Staten". (Den Haag, Prov. Staten, 1846). Lithogr. ti., and 8 lithogr. maps, divided in sections and mounted on linen, w. later (!) colouring and augmented w. annotat. in red ink, each 550 x 730 mm. In cont. clamshell portfol. -- Added: "KAARTE VAN SCHOUWEN EN DUIVELAND" - "NIEUWE KAART VAN THOLEN" - "NOORDBEVELAND" - "ZUIDBEVELAND" - "WALCHEREN". Amst., I. Tirion, 1753. Tog. 5 engr. maps, divided in sections and mounted on linen, cold. by hand. Each map in red h. sheepskin sleeve. In slipcase. -- And 1 o. (3).
MIDDLE EAST -- "NOVA PERSIÆ, Armeniæ, Natoliæ et Arabiæ". Amst., F. de Wit, n.d. (c. 1680). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. fine cartouche which is embellished w. puppets, a camel, an elephant and a leopard. 478 x 560 mm. (Lower part of central fold a bit browned and split on fold (rep. on v°), split in upper margin rep. on v°). Koeman III, 215 dates 1680. -- Added: "IMPERII PERSICI in omnes suas provincias". Nuremberg, J.B. Homann, n.d. (c. 1720). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. fine cartouche w. puppets, a lion and a leopard. 500 x 583 mm. (Rep. to lower part central fold). -- (2).
MIDDLE EAST -- "THEATRUM HISTORICUM (…). Pars Orientalis". Amst., I. Covens & C. Mortier, n.d. (c. 1740). Engr. map in cont. colouring after G. de l'Isle. 507 x 625 mm. - NB Right of the decorative title cartouche, included in the image, a world map showing the Eastern Hemisphere is engraved.
SOUTH AMERICA -- "AMERICA MERIDIONALIS". (Amst., J. Hondius, 1619). Engr. map of South-America, cold. by hand, w. inset view of Cusco. 364 x 498 mm. (Repair to left outer lower corner and to lower blank margin, but a good copy).
€ 500
SOUTH AMERICA -- "AMERICA MERIDIONALIS". Augsburg, T.C. Lotter, 1772. Engr. map in cont. colouring w. large title cartouche. 490 x 600 mm. (A bit age-toned, small brown spots in right lower corner, but in fair condition). -- Added: "L'AMERIQUE selon l'etendue de ses principales parties (…)". Augsburg, M. Will, n.d. (c. 1810). Handsomely cold. engr. map of South America w. large title cartouche. 498 x 590 mm. (Some small annot. in ink added in the image in places). -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- "AMERICAE PARS MERIDIONALIS". Amst., H. Hondius, n.d. (c. 1646-49). Engr. map of South America in cont. colouring w. fine title cartouche, and many other interesting details. (A bit browned).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BOLIVIA -- "VISITE DES INDIENS YURACARES". Paris, Lemercier, mid 19th c. Plain lithogr. by E. Lasalle. 186 x 272 mm. -- "BALSA ou bateau de peau de phoque soufflé". (Paris), Rigo frères, mid 19th c. Cold. lithogr. by Lasalle. 175 x 250 mm. -- "VICTORIA REGINA en Moxos". (Paris), J. Delarue, mid 19th c. Cold. lithogr. by Lehnert. 181 x 263 mm. (Some foxing). -- And 10 o. prints relating to Bolivia, all from the 19th c. (13).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "ACCURATISSIMA BRASILIAE TABULA". Amst., J. Janssonius, n.d. (c. 1650). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. large title cartouche, scale indicator and 2 insets, v° blank. 381 x 491 mm. (Clean split in central fold, some small wormholes in blank lower margin, but a good copy).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "BRASILIA". (Amst.), J. Blaeu, (1642/43). Engr. map in cont. colouring. -- Added: "NOVA ET ACCURATA BRASILIAE totius tabula". (Amst.), J. Blaeu, (after 1662?). Engr. map in cont. colouring. 500 x 600 mm. (Margins short/cut on plate edge, margins partly in need of repair, espec. outer lower right corner). -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- COLLECTION of 38 plain lithogr. plates by Adam & Lecamus after J.M. Rugendas, taken from 'Voyage pittoresque dans le Brésil'. Diff. paper & image sizes. (Margins cropped, a bit age-toned, some tears, some plates w. remnants of glue on the margins, some staining in places).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- COLLECTION of 38 very fine plain lithographs from J.M. Rugendas's 'Das Merkwürdigste aus der malerischen Reise in Brasilien'. Schaffhausen, 1836. 250 x 350 mm (plate size). Plates only, loose as issued. In good & untrimmed condition. (Slightly foxed in places).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "IM PORTO DOS MIRANHAS, AMRIO JAPURÁ" - "ALDEA DER COROADOS" - "AUSGRABUNG UND ZUBEREITUNG der Schildkröteneier, am Amazonenstrome" - "VÖGEL-TEICH am Rio de S. Francisco" - (,, n.d. (1830's?). 4 captioned plain lithogr. views, 3 after D. v. Martius. c. 330 x 440 mm (image size). (Some light foxing along borders, but images clean).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "LE BRESIL. Dont les côtes sont divisées en capitaineries". Paris, G. Danet, 1719. Engr. map by N. de Fer. 427 x 543 mm. -- Added: "LE BRESIL, dont la Coste est possedée par les portugais et divisée en Quatorze Capitanieries". Paris, P. Mariette, 1656. Engr. map by N. Sanson d'Abbeville, cold. in outlines. 402 x 543 mm. (Image skimmed by insect causing a small hole in the upper left corner). -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "PRÆFECTURÆ PERNAMBUCÆ pars borealis (…)" - "DE PARAIBA ET RIO GRANDE" - (Amst., J. Blaeu, 1662-70). 2 engr. maps of the Brazilian coastline, cold. by hand, consisting of 2 plates that overlap, but do not fit when conjoined. 425 x 544 and 425 x 540 mm. (2nd mentioned a bit browned/foxed, some folds & tears in upper & lower margins (does not reach image)).
€ 800
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "RIO DE IANEIRO" - "VILLA DE CAXOEIRA" - "MANDIOCCA" - "VÖGEL-TEICH am Rio de S. Francisco" - (,, n.d. (1830's?). 4 captioned plain lithogr. views, of which 3 by F.W. v. Couven and 1 by C. Heinzmann, 2 after Th. Ender and 1 after D. v. Martius. 366 x 486 mm (image size). (Some very light foxing along borders).
SOUTH AMERICA -- BRAZIL -- "SINUS OMNIUM SANCTORU[M]". (Amst., P. Mortier, n.d. (= after 1670)). Engr. map of 'All Saints' Bay', w. inset plan of San Salvador, cold. by hand. 390 x 510 mm. Cf. V.d. Krogt II, 9855:2.2 (Blaeu edition). -- Added: "PROVINCIE del Para e del Maragnone". (Rome, Rossi, n.d. (c. 1700)). Engr. coastal chart by H. Vincent after A.A. Horatius. 515 x 385 mm. -- And 1 o. (3).
SOUTH AMERICA -- CARIBBEAN -- "L'ISLE ST. DOMINGUE OU ESPAGNOLE decouverte l'an 1492 (…) par les Espagnols." Paris, Danet, 1723. Engr. map by N. de Fer, cold. by hand, w. 2 large cartouches. 440 x 600 mm. - From: 'Atlas ou recüeil de cartes geographiques'.
SOUTH AMERICA -- "CARTE DE LA TERRE FERME, du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones" (&) "CARTE DU PARAGUAY, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan, &c." Amst., Covens & Mortier, n.d. (c. 1730/40). 2 engr. maps by Guillaume de l'Isle of South America which are in fact a pair, cold. in outlines, both w. title cartouche. 500 x 577 mm each.
SOUTH AMERICA -- CHILI -- "CHILI". Amst., J. Janssonius, (1652/58). Plain engr. map w. 3 cartouches and 2 compass roses. 380 x 485 mm. (A bit soiled, a bit dam. on central fold, small rep. to right outer blank margin, but altog. a good copy).
SOUTH AMERICA -- CHILI -- "PARTIE LA PLUS MERIDIONALE DE L'AMERIQUE, ou se trouve Le Chili, Le Paraguay, et les Terres Magellaniques avec les fameux Detroits de Magellan et de le Maire". Paris, N. de Fer, 1720. Engr. map w. handsome large title cartouche. 503 x 640 mm.
SOUTH AMERICA -- CHILI -- "TYPUS GEOGRAPHICUS Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici, &c.". Nuremberg, Heirs of (J.B.) Homann, 1733. Engr. map, cold. by hand, w. inset plan of Santiago and nice cartouche. 510 x 585 mm. (Faint stain in lower outer left corner, but in v.g. condition).
SOUTH AMERICA -- COLOMBIA -- "PAS-KAART Van de Zee Kusten van Carthagena, Tierra Firma, Costa Rica ende Honduras. Tusschen Rio Grande de S. Martha en Cabo de Gratias Dios". Amst., J. v. Keulen, n.d (c. 1700). Engr. chart, cold. by hand, w. 3 insets of harbours. 520 x 587 mm. (Skilful rep. on v° to 4 splits in top margin, centre of map slightly browned, but a v.g. copy).
SOUTH AMERICA -- "GUIANA sive Amazonum Regio". Amst., H. Hondius, n.d. (1639-44). Engr. map in cont. colouring w. compass rose, scale indicator and 2 cartouches. 381 x 496 mm. (A bit age-toned/slightly browned).
SOUTH AMERICA -- "GUIANA sive Amazonum Regio". Amst, J. Janssonius, n.d. (1652-58). Plain engr. map w. compass rose, scale indicator and 2 cartouches. 381 x 496 mm.
SOUTH AMERICA -- "MAURITIOPOLIS". (Amst., 1671). Plain engr. perspective view of 'Mauritsstad' (now part of Recife), taken from Montanus's 'De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld'. 272 x 550 mm (plate size). -- Added: "DE STADT ST. MARTIN". (Amst., 1671). Plain engr. perspective view of St. Martin (now Philipsburg), taken from Montanus's 'De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld'. 280 x 370 mm (plate size). (V° remargined, a bit browned). -- And 1 o. view of 'Hoegly' (Chinsurah), a VOC settlement in India, from 1721. -- (3).
SOUTH AMERICA -- "NOVAE HISPANIAE, CHILI, PERUVIAE, et Guatimale Littorae". (Amst.), F. de Wit, (1675). Plain engr. sea chart of the Pacific Coast from Xalisco, Mexico, to Puerta Bairres and Rio Cachapoal in Chile. 505 x 572 mm. (11 small wormholes in image unfortunately).
SOUTH AMERICA -- "PARTIE DE TERRE FERME ou sont GUIANE et CARIBANE". Paris, P. Mariette, 1656. Engr. map by N. Sanson d'Abbeville w. some colouring in outlines added. 412 x 546 mm.
SOUTH AMERICA -- PERU -- COLLECTION of 42 prints (plans, costumes, views) relating to Peru, partly cold. by hand, incl. duplicates. 18th-19th c. Diff. techniques. Diff. sizes.
SOUTH AMERICA -- PERU -- "DIE STATT CUSCO, so die fürnemeste im Landt Peru ist". Woodcut perspective view of Cusco, taken from S. Münster's 'Cosmographia'. 2nd half 16th c. 275 x 378 mm (block size). (Small brown spot in left lower quadrant, a bit soiled/age-toned). -- Added: "PERU". (Amst., 1671). Attractive plain engr. map of Peru, taken from Montanus's 'De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld'. 295 x 355 mm (plate size). -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- PERU -- "PERU". Amst., J. Janssonius, n.d. (between 1646 and 1657). Plain engr. map w. fine title cartouche and compass rose. (A bit age-toned, but in v.g. condition). -- Added: "LE PEROU et le cours de la Riviere Amazone, depuis ses sources jusques a la Mer". Paris, P. Mariette, 1656. Engr. map after N. Sanson d'Abbeville by Joh. Somer Prutenus, cold. in outlines. 410 x 560 mm. -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- PERU -- "PERUANI REGNI DESCRIPTIO". 1597. Plain engr. map of Peru. 235 x 294 mm. -- Added: "DIE STATT CUSCO in dem Königreich Peru in West Indien". Woodcut perspective view of Cusco, taken from S. Münster's 'Cosmographia'. 2nd half 16th/1st quarter 17th c. 275 x 378 mm (block size). (Central fold rumpled, some small worm holes in image). -- (2).
SOUTH AMERICA -- SEA CHARTS -- "CARTE DE LA CÔTE OCC[IDENTA]LE DE L'AMÉRIQUE: comprenant le Pérou, la Bolivie et le Nord du Chili" - "CARTES DES CÔTES DU CHILI et de la Patagonie occidentale" - Paris, Au Dépôt-général de la Marine, 1847. 2 engr. coastal charts covering a large part of the East coast of South America. -- Added: "CARTE RÉDUITE de la côte de l'Amérique méridionale depuis l'île de Trinidad jusqu'a la Province de Barcelona". Paris, Au Dépôt-général de la Marine, 1823. Engr. chart. -- All c. 900 x 600 mm. -- (3).
SOUTH AMERICA -- SOUTH SEA COMPANY -- "A NEW AND EXACT MAP OF THE COAST, Countries and Islands within ye Limits of ye South Sea Company, from ye River Aranoca (…) to ye North Part of California &c. (…)". (London), H. Moll & I. King, n.d. (1711/1720?). Engr. map w. 12 inset maps printed on 4 conjoined sheets, cold. by hand in outlines. Total size 665 x 498 mm. (Upper right corner (small piece of image gone) and outer right margin a bit dam. in the middle). -- Added: "THE COAST OF CARACAS, Cumana, Paria and the Mouths of Rio Orinoco, (…)". London, R. Sayer, 1773. Engr. chart by Th. Jefferys. 496 x 648 mm. -- (2).
€ 140
SOUTH AMERICA -- "VENEZUELA, cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae". Amst., J. Janssonius, n.d. (1652-58). Plain engr. map w. 2 large cartouches, incl. scale indicator. 383 x 490 mm.
SOUTH AMERICA -- "VENEZUELA, cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae". Amst., W. Blaeu, n.d. (1635). Engr. map cold. by hand w. 2 large cartouches, incl. scale indicator. 383 x 490 mm. (Split rep. on v° of false central fold). -- "VENEZUELA cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae". (Amst., 1671). Plain engr. map, i.a. occurring in Montanus's 'De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld'. 293 x 371 mm. -- (2).
SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN -- "MAR DI AETHIOPIA Vulgo Oceanus Aethiopicus". (Amst., J. Janssonius, 1650). Engr. sea chart in cont. colouring, showing large parts of South-America and Africa. 440 x 560 mm. (Slightly browned/age-toned, but in good condition).
TURKEY -- "NATOLIAE, olim Asiae Minoris Tabula". Amst., C. Allard, n.d. (c. 1697). Engr. map of Turkey in cont. colouring. 483 x 560 mm.
TURKEY -- "NOUVELLE CARTE générale des provinces Asiatiques de l'Empire Ottoman (sans L’Arabie). Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1884 (Chemins de fer d'après l'état de 1899). Lithogr. cold. map of Turkey, the Levant, and other parts of the Middle East by H. Kiepert. Laid down on linen, dissected in 24 sections. 1018 x 1718 mm. Stored in or. cloth-covered slipcase with paper label of Edward Stanford. (Slipcase a bit worn, lower left corner of map creased, sl. browned in places).
VARIA -- "CHARTE von dem hollaendischen und franzoesischen Guiana" - "GENERAL-CHARTE der Oesterreichischen Monarchie (…)" - "DIE HELVETISCHE REPUBLIK" - "CHARTE von Italien" - "CHARTE von Schweden, Norwegen, und Finnland" - "CARTE GÉNÉRALE de la France" - Weimar, Im Verlage des Geographischen Instituts, 1802-14. Collection of 6 maps, partly cold. Diff. sizes, smallest 280 x 300 mm, largest 430 x 310 mm. All w. horizontal and vertical folds.
VARIA -- "NORD AMERICA mit Westindien" - "DIE VEREINIGTEN STAATEN von Nordamerica nebst Canada" - "AFRICA" - "VORDER-ASIEN oder Iran, Turan, Arabien, Kleinasien und die Kaukasus Länder" - "DIE SCHWEIZ" - "DIE PREUSSISCHEN PROVINZEN Preussen und Posen und das Königreich Polen" - DAS KÖNIGREICH HELLAS oder Griechenland und die Republik der sieben ionischen Inseln" - Weimar, Geogr. Institut, 1859. 7 large sized engr. maps from: 'Hand-atlas der Erde' by H. Kiepert, (a.o.), all cold. in outlines. 590 x 710 mm (paper size) each. (Last mentioned w. tear running into image, clumsily rep., others in v.g. condition). -- (7).
WORLD MAP -- "MAPPE-MONDE Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres". Amst., G. Valck, n.d. (after 1687). Engr. map of the world, partly cold. by hand. 475 x 620 mm. (Severely browned, colouring faded, traces of former framing on v°).
WORLD MAP -- "TYPUS ORBIS TERRARUM" - "DESCRIPTIO ORBIS PTOLOMAICA" - Added: "AFRICA" - 3 plain engr. maps, all from Bertius' Tabularum Geographicum Contractarum', Amst., 1616. Each c. 98 x 135 mm.
€ 240