APIANUS, P. & B. AMANTIUS. Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis non illae quidem Romanae, sed totius fere orbis summo studio ac maximis impensis Terra Mariq[ue] conquistate feliciter incipiunt. Ingolstadt, P. (& G.) Apianus, 1534. (40), cccccxii, (8) pp. W. large woodcut on ti-p. after A. Dürer, woodcut coat of arms of the Fugger family, woodcut initials by M. Ostendorfer, & 185 woodcuts in the text by H. Brosamer & M. Ostendorfer. Each page within a woodcut frame. Fol. Old cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt backs, gilt centerpieces on both sides, surrounded by gilt borders. (Some small dam. to spine, bind. skilfully restored in places, new endpapers, 2 libr. stamps on ti., piece of blank outer margin ti-p. cut off, margins cut (outer margin leaf 'tt' cut too short, affecting text), else a fine and clean copy).
€ 1200
uitslag € 1300
ASCONIUS PEDIANUS. In orationes M. Tullii Ciceronis enarrationes (…). (Ed. N. Beroaldus). (Paris, P. Vidoue for C. Resch, 1520). (8), cccxxxix pp. W. ti. printed in red & black, w. printer's mark, within a beautiful woodcut border by Urs Graf & num. criblé initials. - Bound after: QUINTILIANUS. Oratoriarum Institutionum libri duodecim. (Acc. Declamationes XIX). (Ed. G. Bucoldianus). Cologne, Cervicornus 1527. (8), 330, (2 blank) pp. W. ti. printed within woodcut border by A. Woensam von Worms after H. Holbein & num. woodcut initials & sev. head- & tailpieces. - Tog. 2 in 1 vol. Fol. Mod. leather binding in antique style. (Old owner's entries/annot. on paste down/ti-pp., stamp on v° first ti., sev. annot. in a neat old hand (espec. to first mentioned work), 2 marginal tears closed w. mending tape, margins a bit (water)stained in places, sl. browned, but a nice copy with ample margins).
€ 500
uitslag € 650
BIBLIA LATINA -- BIBLIA cu[m] pleno apparatu summariorum co[n]cordiantiarum et quadruplici repertorii (…). (Basel, J. Froben, 1514). (14), 351, (28) lvs. (last blank lacks). W. ti. printed within woodcut border & woodcut printer's vignet both by Urs Graf, woodcut of Hieronymus on last leaf of prelims, & num. initials and woodcut columns (pp. 279-81). Fol. Cont. blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. brass clasps & catches. (Bind. a bit dam., extremities a bit rubbed/bumped, sm. defects, pigskin soiled, old owner's entries on ti., margins first/last lvs. skilfully restored, num. marg. annot. in an old hand in first part, upper outer corners of paper a bit worn at the end, margins sl. waterstained in places, but else a clean copy).
€ 900
uitslag € 1000
BIBLIA LATINA -- BIBLIA, cum concordantiis, et terminoru[m] hebraicorum interpretationibus. (Strasbourg, [Johann Prüss d. Ä.], 1489). (4), 418 (in fact 417), (29) lvs. W. fine large initials in yellow, red & blue and rubricated in red and blue throughout, leaf a2 also w. a large initial that is extended w. decorative penwork in red. Fol. 18th c. hcf. (Bind. a bit worn, interior a bit thumbed, some staining in places (espec. in upper and lower (blank) margin), some small annot. in places, outer margin lvs. 3 and 4 split, lower margin lvs. 325 v° and 326 r° more severely stained, but altog. a very clean and sound copy).
€ 4000
uitslag € 4600
BONIFACIUS VIII. Sexti libri materia cum capitulorum numero. Paris, Thielman Kerver for Jean Petit & Jean Cabiller, 1513. (4), cclvxxiv, (12) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. & 3 nearly full-p. woodcuts. - Bound with: CLEMENS V. Clementinarum materia cum capitulorum & titulorum numero. (Ibid., idem), 1513. cx, (6) (last blank) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. & large woodcut on v° ti. - And: JOHANNES XXII. Extravagantes XX. (Ibid., idem), 1513. lxii, (4) (last blank) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark. - And: Id. Extravagantes communes. (Ibid., idem), 1513. lx, (4) (last blank) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark. - Tog. 4 in 1 vol. 4°. Cont. richly blind tooled cf. w. raised bands & ties. (Ties renewed, some tiny wormholes in spine, corners/edges a bit chafed/worn, new headbands, name entry on first ti., a few marg. repairs, some marginal stains, but a clean and fine copy).
uitslag € 1400
CICERO, M.T. (Opera:) De officiis, etc. (Venice, Bernardinus Benalius, n.d. (c. 1488)). (180) lvs. W. some black grounded woodcut initials. Fol. Well executed modern brds. (Small wormholes in places (diminishing towards the end), some small annot. in an old hand in places/few underl. in ink, notes crossed out with ink on r° and v° first leaf, but else a clean and fine copy w. ample margins).
€ 2000
uitslag € 2600
CONFESSIO AUGUSTANA -- CONFESSIO oder Bekantnus des Glaubens etlicher Fürsten und Stedte, uberantwort Keiserl. Maiestat auff dem Reichstag gehalten zu Augspurg Anno MDXXX. Wittenberg, (Rhau), 1540. xxxix lvs. Ti. printed in red & black. - Bound with: APOLOGIA der Confession. Aus dem Latin verdeutschet durch J. Jonam. Wittenberg, (G. Rhau), 1540. cxci lvs. W. woodcut ti., 1 sm. woodcut on v° leaf 4 & 25 woodcut initials. - 2 in 1 vol. Sm-4°. Cont. blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. raised bands, & brass clasps/catches. (Bind. a bit soiled, tiny wormholes in front cover, flyleaves gone, small stamp & old owner's entry on ti., margins a bit wormholed, sl. browned).
uitslag € 950
DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA. (Opera:) Cælestis hierarchia; Ecclesiastica hierarchia; Divina nomina; Mystica theologia; Undecim epistolæ; Ignatii Undecim epistolæ; Polycarpi Epistola una. (Venice, J. Tacuinus da Trino, November 1502). (6), 143 lvs. Title-p. partly xylographically printed and w. woodcut representation of St John beneath the title (monogrammed BM (=Benedetto Montagna?), 16 woodcut diagrams in text and several woodcut initials (1 printed in red). Fol. Mod. h. vellum. (Margins trimmed, last blank fails, underlinings and small annotations in an old hand in places, some tiny wormholes at end, but a very good copy).
EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS. Chronicon id est temporum breviarium incipit foeliciter. (Venice, E. Ratdolt, 1483). 177 lvs. Late 18th c. hcf. w. gilt dec. spine & w. red & green label. (Upper spine end dam., extremities scuffed, first quires delicate near the bindwork, some (water-)stains, some annot. in ink in an old hand, a few tiny wormholes in the last few leaves, otherwise a good & clean copy).
€ 3600
uitslag € 3000
EYB, Albrecht von. Ob ainem sey zu nehmen ain Eelich weib. Augsburg, Silvain Otmar for Johann Rinnman (Rynmann) von Öhrungen, 1517. lii, (1) lvs. W. large old cold. ti. woodcut of the 'Petrarca-Meister' after Hans Schäufelein, 1 large (full-p.) woodcut ill. after H. Schäufelein at the end, & some woodcut initials. Sm-4°. Mod. h. vellum binding w. use of old materials. (Ti-p. a bit soiled/browned & w. small stamp, inner margin first and last leaf skilfully restored, a few old marg. annot., later annot. on last free endpaper, a few faint spots/stains).
€ 1500
(FULVIO, A.). Illustrium imagines. Rome, J. Mazzocchi, 1517. W. woodcut ti.-border (repeated in the text), 204 medaillon portrs. with 8 different border blocks and beautiful painted coat of arms ("Ricordare et tace") in colours and gold to title-p. 19th c. polished cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt back & black label, sides ruled in gilt, gilt dec. board-edges & gilt dec. inside dentelles, a.e.g. (Upper margin first few lvs. a bit brittle, lower outer corner fol. 16 torn off, some unobtrusive foxing, bookplates on paste downs, but a fine and clean copy).
€ 1000
uitslag € 4000
GERSON, Johannes. Trigilogiu[m] astrologi[a]e theologisat[a]e (…)/ Con[tra] sup[er]stitiosa[m] dieru[m] observat[i]onem (…)/ Adversus doctrina[m] cui[us]dam medici in Mo[n]ntepessulano sculpe[n]tis in numismate figuram leonis cu[m] certis characterib[us] p[ro] curatione renu[m] (…). (Cologne, Ulrich Zell, c. 1470, or 1472). (27 (of 28=blank) lvs. Initials in red added by hand. Sm-4°. Early 20th c. renaissance style brown mor. bind., a.e.g. (Small hole in outer left margin of first 16 lvs., part of outer margin of second last leaf torn out and skilfully reattached, last leaf laid down, a bit thumbed/soiled in places, but in all respects a very good copy).
uitslag € 2000
GUERNERIUS VICTORINUS / GARNIER DE SAINT VICTOR. Enucleame(n)ta Biblie complicata ex Gregorianis codicibus. Par., Prostant in edibus magistri Petri Gromorsij (P. Gaudoul), (1518). (2), clxxv (=clxxvi) lvs. W. ti. printed in red & black, woodcut printer's mark (of P. Gaudoul) on ti-p. & num. fine dec. woodcut initials. Cont. richly blind tooled cf. (Rebacked/recornered, part of old spine laid down, new ties & endpapers, 2 lvs. of prelims (index) lack, other 2 lvs. clumsily restored, several old owner entries on ti., lower margin waterstained more or less throughout).
uitslag € 550
HEGIUS, A. Dialogi. De scientia et eo q[uo]d co[n]tra Academicos. De tribus anim[a]e generibus. De incarnationis misterio dialogi duo quib[us]. Dialogus physicus. De sensu et sensili. De arte et inertia. De rhetorica. De moralibus. Eiusde[m] Farrago cui addita invectiva eius in modos significandi. Epistola una et altera eius ceteris apud suos latentibus. (Ed. J. Faber). (Colophon: Deventer, Richard Pafraet, 31 Dec. 1503). (170) pp. With spaces left for 3- to 5-line manuscript initials (most with printed guide letters), printed in Gothic type. Sm-4°. Later h. vellum. (Some underl./marg. annot. in an old hand to first 8 lvs., sl. yellowed in places).
uitslag € 3800
HOMERUS. Ilias; Odysseia, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni XXXII. Venice, Aldus Manutius & Andreas Asculanus socer, 1524. 2 vols. 277, (1); (56), 251, (1) lvs. W. woodcut Aldine device to both titles and v° last lvs. Both bound in mod. limp vellum w. overlapping sides, vol. 1 with blue edges and vol. 2 with gilt edges. (Originally a composed set (dif. cold. edges!), but together for quite some time: both w. same libr. stamp on v° ti., old owner's entry on ti-p. vol. 1, inner margin first lvs. vol. 2 skilfully restored, a few stains at the beginning vol. 2, sl. yellowed, some spots in places, else a fine and well preserved set).
JUSTINIANUS. Digesti novi textus: cum summarijs amplissimis. Paris, Fr. Regnault, (n.d., c. 1510). CCC, (28) lvs. Printed in red & black, w. nearly full-p. woodcut on ti-p., repeated on v° leaf III, & num. beautiful criblé initials. Sm-8°. 17th c. vellum. In mod. brds. slipcase. (Margins cut, stamp on ti-p., sl. yellowed).
€ 300
uitslag € 600
JUVENALIS. Satyræ. (Venice, Theodorus de Regazonibus, June 16th 1491). (120) lvs., incl. first and final blanks (!). W. initials and paragraph marks alternately supplied in red and blue throughout. Fol. Fine modern limp vellum ('spitselband') w. overl. sides, signed by Lobstein-Laurenchet, t.e.g. (A bit thumbed, outer margin restored in places where finger tabs were attached to the margin or discoloration where they were attached, lower margin faintly stained towards the end, some annotat. in places, but a very good copy).
uitslag € 2400
LEONARDUS DE UTINO (c. 1400-1470). Sermones quadragesimales de legibus dicti. Vicenza, Stephan Koblinger, 24 November 1479. 404 lvs. (of which 16 in manuscript). Printed in 2 columns, 52 lines. Initials in red. Nicely rubricated in red. Fol. (290 x 200 mm). Old (contemporary?) monastic, austere calf binding over wooden brds. w. raised bands, brass protective strip on both hinges, 4 wooden bosses on both sides, both clasps present but loosely inserted. (16 lvs. replaced in manuscript, in very neat and old (monk's?) hand (12 of them rubricated in red and decorated with blue and red initials), 1st leaf pasted in (inner margin a bit dam.), some tiny marg. holes in last 2 lvs., some light marg. staining in a few places, else a clean copy).
€ 3000
uitslag € 5000
LIVIUS. Romische historie Titi livii meniglich kürtzweilich und dienstlich zu lesen. (Übersetzt von Bernhardus Schöfferlin (I & II) & J. Wittig (III)). Mainz, Schöffer, 1514. (12), cxci, (1 blank), (1), cxciii-ccccx, (6) lvs. W. ti. printed in red & black and large woodcut depicting a battle scene, 1 full-p. woodcut & c. 240 (partly repeating) woodcuts in the text. Fol. 17th c. blind tooled vellum w. raised bands. (Sm. defects to spine, upper joint restored (tight), ti-p. a bit thumbed/soiled, tiny wormholes at the beginning, sm. marg. rep. to 1 leaf, last 6 lvs. of 'Register' bound at the end, margins (faintly) stained at the end, sl. browned in places).
€ 2400
uitslag € 4200
MARTIALIS. Epigrammaton libri XIIII. Adiectum quoque est Graecarum dictionum, quibus autor utitur, interpretamentum. Basel, H. Petri, Aug. 1530. 231, (1) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark at the end. Sm-8°. Early 19th c. red h. mor. extra w. raised bands, gilt lettering, marbled paper on sides, matching marbled endpapers & matching marbled edges. Binding signed Petit succ. de Simier. (Margins cut, a few minor foxing spots, sl. yellowed).
€ 400
uitslag € 320
NIDER, J. P[re]ceptoriu[m] divine legis. (Basel, no printer (=Joh. Amerbach), 1481). (201 (of 222)) lvs. (ff. 21-222). Leaf a2 w. cold. and gilded initial, cold. and gilded border decoration and a miniature portrait within a blue coat of arms in the right outer corner (Nider?); blue and red initials and rubrication throughout. Fol. 19th c. starch paper cardboard bind. (As often lacking the index consisting of the first 20 leaves, bind. a bit rubbed, lower (inner) margin more or less stained throughout (gradually fading towards end), ownership notice on top of first leaf, some ink stencilling in places, but actually a good copy w. ample margins).
uitslag € 2800
ORDINARIUS DIVINI OFFICII pro ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Capituli sive Congregationis Wyndesemensis. (Deventer, Albertus Pafraet, Apr.) 1521. 15 (of 16, a1 (=blank) missing), LXXIII, (1) lvs., rubricated in red throughout. Title w. large woodcut border, num. woodcut initials, 2 circular woodcut ills. on black background and a large woodcut on v° last leaf depicting the Virgin Mary with child on moon-sickle in mandorla. Later overlapping pigskin over boards, red edges. (19th c. name entry on endpaper, endpapers sl. spotted, marg. annot. in an old hand in a few places, sl. yellowed, else a fine and clean copy).
uitslag € 3400
PAULINUS OF NOLA. Epistolae & Poemata lucule[n]ta a tergo huius enumeranda. (Paris), J. Petit & J. Badius Ascenius, (1516). (4), cccxii lvs. W. beautiful woodcut printer's device on ti. & num. criblé initials. Cont. richly blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. brass clasps & catches, red edges. (Binding taken from another book (book block not quite fitting, too tight), 1 clasp gone, spine a bit cracked/rep., bind. a bit soiled, later marbled endpapers, small ink stain to lower margin of a few pages, some unobtrusive foxing, but a clean copy).
€ 600
PLATINA, Bartholomaeus. Vitæ pontificum. (Nürnberg, Anton Koberger, 11 Aug. 1481). (128) lvs. W. initials and paragraph marks alternately supplied in red and blue. Fol. Fine modern dark blue mor. Jansenist binding, gauffered edges. (r° first leaf a bit thumbed, some marginal annotations in an old hand in places, some unobtrusive staining in places, but an excellent copy w. ample margins).
PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Epistolarum ll. X. Eiusdem Panegyricus Traiano Principi dictus. Eiusdem de viris illustribus in re militari, et in administranda rep. Suetonii de claris grammaticis, et rhetoribus. Iulii Obsequentis prodigiorum liber. Indices II (…). Lat. interpret. dictionum, & sententiarum, quibus Plinius utitur. Venice, Aldus, 1518. (52), (4 blank), 525, (2 blank), (1) pp. W. woodcut Aldine device on ti-p. and at the end. Fine 19th c. full red mor. w. raised bands, gilt marbled edges, beautifully gilt dec. inside dentelles, signed 'Bauzonnet-Trautz'. (Some scratches on front side, else an excellent and clean copy).
€ 650
uitslag € 750
PLUTARCHUS. Parallèla en biois Ellènônte kai Rômaiôn. Quae vocantur parallela: hoc est, vitae illustrium virorum graeci nominis ac latini, prout quaeque alteri convenire videbatur, accuratius quam antehac unquam digestae. Basel, (A. Kratander & J. Bebel), 1533. (4), 369, (1) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark at ti-p. and at the end. Fol. Cont. blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. roll stamp blind tooled decorations. (Spine covered with old paper, clasps lack, name of author written Greek on edges (in an old hand), old ownership entry of a Fransiscan library on ti-p., tiny wormhole(s) in outer blank margin, but else a very fine and clean copy with ample margins).
€ 700
uitslag € 1600
QUINTILIANUS. Institutiones oratoriae. (W. comm. by Raphael Regius). Venice, Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus, "17 July 1493" (after 22 Feb. 1498). 205 lvs. (last blank lacks). Printed in Roman type, 46 lines (text) and 61 lines (printed glosses which occas. surround the text). W. Scotus device at the end, sev. diagrams & some fine woodcut initials. Fol. 18th c. vellum. (Sm. dam. to spine, label partly gone, w. 16th c. inscription on ti-p., several (cont.) marg. annot., ti-p. a bit thumbed/soiled, margins a bit dampstained in places).
€ 1800
THUCYDIDES. Von dem Peloponnenser krieg. In acht bücher gethailt darinnen von wunderlichen selttzamen hendlen un[d] kriegen, so die Griechen vnder jnen gehabt, begriffen. Nit minder notwendig dan[n] nutzlich zu lesen. Durch (…) Hieron. Boner (…) inn Teütsche Sprach verwendet. (Augsb., H. v. Steiner), June 16th 1533. (3 (of 4)), 169 lvs. W. large woodcut on ti.-p., 1 full-p. woodcut of two soldiers (on v° last leaf), and 47 (of 48) large woodcuts in text by/after Schäufelein (3 prints bear his monogram), Breu, Burgkmair, etc. Fol. Mod. antique style h. vellum w. speckled paper boards. (Lacking leaf 4 (woodcut) of the prelims, browned in places, some staining in places (e.g. lvs. G3-4 and X2-3), but altog. a sound copy).
€ 800
VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, C. Historiæ Romanæ duo volumina. Per Beatum Rhenanum ab interitu vindicata. (Basel, H. Froben, Nov. 1520). (12), 70, (14) pp. W. fine woodcut ti. border, 2 woodcut text-borders by H. and A. Holbein, 2 woodcut printer's devices and some woodcut initials and ornaments throughout. Fol. Mod. vellum w. overl. sides. (2 wormholes running through all lvs., stamp on v° ti.-p., but a fine copy).
uitslag € 850
VERGILIUS. Opera Virgiliana cum decem commentis. Lyon, J. Crespin, 1529. 3 parts in 1 vol. CCLXVIII, XCV, (1), CCCCCC, (16) pp. First title printed in red and black within elaborate woodcut border, second title with fleur de lys device, c. 200 large woodcut text-illustr., numerous woodcut criblé historiated and decorative initials. Fol. 18th c. hcf. w. dec. gilt back. (Spine a bit dam., corners/edges bumped/worn, P4 (=CCXXVII-CCXXVIII) lacks, lower margin ti-p. rep., lower margin a bit wormholed/rep. in places, margins a bit thumbed/soiled/stained, sl. browned).
€ 1600