Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, C. Historiæ Romanæ duo volumina. Per Beatum Rhenanum ab interitu vindicata. (Basel, H. Froben, Nov. 1520). (12), 70, (14) pp. W. fine woodcut ti. border, 2 woodcut text-borders by H. and A. Holbein, 2 woodcut printer's devices and some woodcut initials and ornaments throughout. Fol. Mod. vellum w. overl. sides. (2 wormholes running through all lvs., stamp on v° ti.-p., but a fine copy).

Edited by Beatus Rhenanus after a manuscript from Murbach abbey (southern Alsace). A fine and clean copy of this editio princeps w. ms. annotations by an old hand throughout, also to head and bottom of ti.-p. and on 3 paper clips pasted in. Joh. Albert Burer compared the manuscripts again most precisely and added his own conjectures at the end of this work. - VD 16, V516; Adams P413; Proctor 14234; Dibdin II, 523; Schweiger II, 1124-5; Sandys II, 263.

€ 700

uitslag € 850

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