Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

CONFESSIO AUGUSTANA -- CONFESSIO oder Bekantnus des Glaubens etlicher Fürsten und Stedte, uberantwort Keiserl. Maiestat auff dem Reichstag gehalten zu Augspurg Anno MDXXX. Wittenberg, (Rhau), 1540. xxxix lvs. Ti. printed in red & black. - Bound with: APOLOGIA der Confession. Aus dem Latin verdeutschet durch J. Jonam. Wittenberg, (G. Rhau), 1540. cxci lvs. W. woodcut ti., 1 sm. woodcut on v° leaf 4 & 25 woodcut initials. - 2 in 1 vol. Sm-4°. Cont. blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. raised bands, & brass clasps/catches. (Bind. a bit soiled, tiny wormholes in front cover, flyleaves gone, small stamp & old owner's entry on ti., margins a bit wormholed, sl. browned).

Rare print of the fundamental confessional document of the evangelical church, designed by Melanchthon and signed by the most important princes and cities; with Melanchthon's apology of the German version of Justus Jonas. - VD 16, C 4751; STC German 52.

€ 900

uitslag € 950

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