Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

ORDINARIUS DIVINI OFFICII pro ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Capituli sive Congregationis Wyndesemensis. (Deventer, Albertus Pafraet, Apr.) 1521. 15 (of 16, a1 (=blank) missing), LXXIII, (1) lvs., rubricated in red throughout. Title w. large woodcut border, num. woodcut initials, 2 circular woodcut ills. on black background and a large woodcut on v° last leaf depicting the Virgin Mary with child on moon-sickle in mandorla. Later overlapping pigskin over boards, red edges. (19th c. name entry on endpaper, endpapers sl. spotted, marg. annot. in an old hand in a few places, sl. yellowed, else a fine and clean copy).

Vervliet, Post-incunabula and their publishers in the Low Countries, p. 130: "Albert Pafraet was the first printer in Deventer to decorate his books with title-page borders. (…) The illustration here is of a title-page border used by Pafraet from 1521 onwards (NAT 16). It consists of four loose blocks. To left and right there are busts of fathers of the church; at the top and bottom we see people in Indian dress with, among other things, an elephant and two camels." - Nijhoff/Kronenberg I, 1649; Adams L-995; BCNI 813.

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