Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

BIBLIA LATINA -- BIBLIA, cum concordantiis, et terminoru[m] hebraicorum interpretationibus. (Strasbourg, [Johann Prüss d. Ä.], 1489). (4), 418 (in fact 417), (29) lvs. W. fine large initials in yellow, red & blue and rubricated in red and blue throughout, leaf a2 also w. a large initial that is extended w. decorative penwork in red. Fol. 18th c. hcf. (Bind. a bit worn, interior a bit thumbed, some staining in places (espec. in upper and lower (blank) margin), some small annot. in places, outer margin lvs. 3 and 4 split, lower margin lvs. 325 v° and 326 r° more severely stained, but altog. a very clean and sound copy).

Old and New Testament and second Prüss Bible. Prüss is said to be the first to use a separate title-page for his first Bible in Latin in 1486. Our bible also has a separate title-page. NB Errors in foliation in places (e.g. no foliation on leaf bound up between lvs. 2 and 3, etc.). Colophon on v° leaf 418. A 'Fontibus ex Græcis edition', a series of corrected Latin Bibles "(…) which claim for themselves - apparently with justice - a superiority above all contemporary editions" (Darlow & Moule II, 911), although without the opening lines which give these editions their name. - Latein. Bibeldr. Stuttg. D138 ("Blattzahl 3 (…) in arabischer Ziffer; das Perikopenverzeichnis an der richtigen Stelle zwischen den beiden Kurztraktaten und den 'Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum' eingebunden"); Hain-C. 3104; ISTC ib00588000; etc.

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