ANTWERP -- "BURGEMEESTEREN, Schepenen, Rentmeesteren ende gemeyne Ingeschrevenen van de Stadt van Antwerpen oorkonden op 26-6-1544 dat, omdat de koning van Frankrijk in 1542 de stad heeft overvallen en ingenomen, de Roomsche keizer hen geordineerd heeft de stad te fortificeren, waarop zij enige nieuwe imposten en accijnzen hebben ingesteld om de kosten daarvan te betalen en om de kooplieden hier te houden, zij een erfelijke rente van 6000 karolusgulden hebben verkocht aan Mertene Bossuyt en zijn vrouw Barbara van den Achtere te Brussel". Ms. on vellum. Signed by C. Grapheux, w. pendent (dam.) wax city seal. 250 x 255 mm.
€ 70
uitslag € 850
CHOLERA EPIDEMIC -- "RAPPORT AAN DE PROVINCIALE COMMISSIE van Geneeskundig Onderzoek en Toevoorzigt in Zuid-Holland, (…)". 's-Gravenhage, July 5th 1832. 36 pp. Ms. on paper in a legible hand. Fol.
€ 150
uitslag € 120
DISJECTA MEMBRA -- COLLECTION OF 6 FOLIA, all fragments of religious texts in Latin, written on vellum. 15th c. Diff. sizes. (largest 310 x 210, smallest 157 x 108 mm). -- And 1 16th c. (1514) printed leaf w. 2 woodcuts. (7).
uitslag € 460
GRADUALE with c. 33 religious songs in Latin and 2 in Dutch. (Turnhout?), 18th c. Hymns in Latin and Dutch accompanied by Gregorian chant notation on paper, written in brown ink. ± 100 paginated lvs. (pagination w. gaps). In 8°-obl. cont. cf. bind. (Bind. partly worn, lvs. loose/loosening, some wear & tear to margins). Dated June 29th 1771 on r° 2nd leaf and inscribed by the owner Elisabeth Josepha Verhaert (of Turnhout?). Index of songs on v° first 2 lvs. -- Added: a similar hymn book in Latin in an intriguing - but unfortunately damaged - 18th c. 8°-obl. binding. -- (2).
€ 200
uitslag € 260
LAND MAAS & WAAL -- "EXTRAORDINAIRE SIERING over de dijken en daarmede in verband staande wegen, in den polder van Maas en Waal, over 1828". (14) lvs. Ms. on paper in a legible hand, r° only. Fol. Budget for water management works in the Land of Maas and Waal, listed by municipality. -- Added: 7 o. documents, incl. 2 letters, from roughly the same period concerning water management in the vicinity of Nijmegen. -- (8).
€ 100
uitslag € 130
OIJEN (NBR) -- "WIJ KATOLIJKE INWONDERS VAN OIJEN geven met verschuldigde Eerbiet te kenne (…)". March 13th 1795. Request, signed by J.P. & J.G. v.d. Bogaert (Bogaardt ?) and by 53 fellow Catholic inhabitants of Oijen (signed or with 'X') concerning the use of the "Groote Kerk" (?). Ms. on paper in a legible hand, r° & v°. 1 fold. l. Together w. typed transcription. -- Added: COLLECTION of 5 letterpress decrees on various issues, issued by the Executive Government of the Batavian Republic. 1796-99. 5 fold. lvs. (r° only), each sent and addressed as letters, all signed in ink. -- (6).
uitslag € 90
PHARMACY - RIJN VAN ALKEMADE -- "VERSLAG DER NAVOLGENDE BEREIDSELEN (…) door de Utrechtsche Provinciale Commissie van Geneeskundig Onderzoek en Toevoorzigt ter vervaardiging afgegeven aan J. van Rijn van Alkemade bij gelegenheid van het door hem voor dezelve af te leggen examen als Artsenij-bereider (…) den 15-16 Augustus 1839". (7) and 59 numbered lvs. W. 1 fold. plate. Ms. on handmade paper, r° only. In very fine red mor. bind. w. panels w. gilt foliage borders, gilt spine, a.e.g.
uitslag € 0
POMOLOGY -- GILBERT, Charles. "Album pomologique". N.d. (before 1880). Collection of 9 odd vols., comprising 2 vols. w. manuscript descriptions of apples (532 and 534 numb. pp), 2 vols. w. manuscript descriptions of pears (528 and 522 numb. pp), and 5 lge-4° vols. w. c. 980 original drawings in colour of pears made by the author, all cut out on outlines and laid down on light blue paper (77; 76; 76; 76; 76 lvs. respectively). (Binds. worn and/or slightly dam., but in fine interior condition).
€ 3000
uitslag € 8000
PRAYERBOOK. (Maastricht area?), late 15th c. Ms. in Middle-Dutch on paper and vellum. (315) lvs. (later pencil foliation). Littera hybrida, black, blue and red ink, 14-20 lines to the page, measuring 64 x 95 mm. W. 20 fine coloured and partly gold heightened initials, of which 3 historiated (i.a. depicting Mary and Child). Bound in 19th c. cf. bind. w. 1 central clasp with catch, all edges painted red. (Sides detached, but in fine and clean interior condition).
€ 5000
uitslag € 14000
PRINCIPAUTÉ D'ORANGE -- LIVRE CONTENANT les Edictz, Reiglemens & Ordonaces faittes par Son Excellence et sa Cour de Parlement en la Principauté d'Orange. Late 16th, early 17th c. ms. in French on paper by various (3 or 4?) hands. (138) lvs. Sm-fol. Cont. vellum. (Ties fail, a bit waterstained towards end, but in fine condition).
€ 500
uitslag € 600
REICHSTORF -- MARTIN HALLER of Nuremberg issues a document in 1554 regarding 'Schloss Reichstorff', a district of the Lower Bavarian town of Eichendorf in the district of Dingolfing-Landau (Bavaria). Ms. in German on vellum. W. pendent wax seal w. family crest. 350 x 580 mm.
uitslag € 150
ROTTERDAM -- SENN VAN BASEL -- "Extract Authentijcq. Staat en Scheiding des boedels (…) Contineerende de daarbij gedane Aanbedeeling ten behoeven van CORNELIA JURRIANA de LILLE, dato 27 December 1809". (34) lvs. Ms. on paper written in a legible hand, r° and v°. Fol. Cont. brds.
SCRAPBOOK. (1700-1800). C. 200 lvs. W. numerous cut-outs, scraps, drawings, for a large part in colour, in equal parts mounted and loosely inserted on c. half of the lvs., mostly on r°-sides, including two thin folders inserted in the book w. many loose cut-outs. Fol. Cont. h. red mor. w. marbled boards, binding tight, high quality 18th c. French paper. (Spine dam., corners & sides chafed & bumped, endpapers w. some spots, some waterstaining and glue stains in places, autograph entry on last free endpaper "Canga (?) boek").
€ 300
uitslag € 950
WORLD WAR II -- "OVERZICHT VAN DE WERKZAAMHEDEN, verricht door de afdeeling voor de Geheime Berichtenwisseling, gedurende de bezettingstijd". (Amsterdam, "Mei 1945"). (4), 36 lvs. (r° only). Typescript survey of the activities of the '[Illegale] Code-dienst', falling under the organisation 'Bureau Inlichtingen'. W. 8 caricature drawings in colour, signed in pencil, presumably by Cor ter Brugge, 17 tipped in or. photographs, and 6 tipped in documents (1 being a cotton cloth flag 'Oranje'). 4°. Cont. clothbacked brds. w. drawing by hand by C. ter Brugge on front side.
uitslag € 500