Veiling 360 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

WORLD WAR II -- "OVERZICHT VAN DE WERKZAAMHEDEN, verricht door de afdeeling voor de Geheime Berichtenwisseling, gedurende de bezettingstijd". (Amsterdam, "Mei 1945"). (4), 36 lvs. (r° only). Typescript survey of the activities of the '[Illegale] Code-dienst', falling under the organisation 'Bureau Inlichtingen'. W. 8 caricature drawings in colour, signed in pencil, presumably by Cor ter Brugge, 17 tipped in or. photographs, and 6 tipped in documents (1 being a cotton cloth flag 'Oranje'). 4°. Cont. clothbacked brds. w. drawing by hand by C. ter Brugge on front side.

Account written by an unidentified 'I' who describes his work at the 'Code-dienst' between October 1944 and May 1945 which was located in a factory (part of an old bakery (the 'MBF Bakkerij) on the Vijzelgracht). Unveiling how he and his colleagues worked there under harsh conditions and in complete secrecy. Names occurring: M. Oortman, J.C. Beck, J.H. Schoorel, S. van Straten, L. Vié, K. Zimmer, Bloos, Deys, Van Kempen. Illustrated with original photographs of the 'office' and its location and with tipped in examples of the sort of messages that were conveyed. With autograph dedication on upper endpaper, signed by M. Oortman, to 'Jhr. P[ieter] J[acob] Six' who was a high official within the Dutch resistance ('Ordedienst' (OD)).

€ 500

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