Veiling 360 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

CHOLERA EPIDEMIC -- "RAPPORT AAN DE PROVINCIALE COMMISSIE van Geneeskundig Onderzoek en Toevoorzigt in Zuid-Holland, (…)". 's-Gravenhage, July 5th 1832. 36 pp. Ms. on paper in a legible hand. Fol.

Copy of a report by William Friedrich Peter Kiehl (1798-1876), preceded by an letter in the same hand as the report (1 leaf r° and v°) to Peter Lambertus Beckers, officially signed by the mayor of The Hague, L.C.R. Copes van Cattenburgh and dated June 25th 1833, concerning the cholera epidemic which occurred for the first time in Holland among Scheveningen fishermen on the 24th of June 1832. Including section reports.

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