ARETHUSA PERS -- MANZONI, A. Koor uit de Adelchi. (1987). W. a signed etching by H. Pauwels. 4°. Or. full cf. Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 80 copies. This copy 1 of 10 bound in full cf., number 2. (Spine discold., some bumping to extremities). -- A. POLIZIANO. Due ballate / Twee balladen. Vert. F. v. Dooren. 1990. W. an etching by O. Vychodilova. 4°. Owrps. (Slightly discold.). -- Th. DE VRIES. Signor Rossini of Afscheid van Pesaro. (1992). W. a woodcut by P. Lazarov & a copy of the same loosely inserted. Owrps. (2 commemorative postage stamps for Rossini pasted on to colophon). Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 100 copies, this copy "h.c." -- F. PETRARCA. De dood van Laura. (1991). W. or. etching by H. Jürgens. Obrds. One of 10 bound copies w. extra added etching. -- (4).
€ 70
ARETHUSA PERS -- PANENKA, I. & D. KALLAY. Hommage aan Albin Brunovsky. Vert. uit het Slowaaks door A. van Dijk - Prazaková. 1985. W. 3 engravings. Ocl. Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 50 copies. -- Id. Vyznanie Albinovi Brunovskému. 1985. W. 3 engravings. Or. hcf. In or. slipcase. Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 30 copies, this copy number 5. -- H. BLOKLAND. Vzpimonka na Ludmilu Jirincovou. (1987). W. 3 engravings by L. Jirincová tipped in. Ocl. Printed in a lim. & numb. ed of 75 copies. -- K. CAPEK. De dichter. 1992. W. 1 lithographic print by A. Born. Ocl. -- And 2 o. by the Arethusa Pers. (6).
ARETHUSA PERS -- PAUSTOVSKIJ, K. Tsjechov. 1992. W. cold. etching by D. Bekker. Ocl. (Few smudges on back cover). Printed in 60 copies, this copy number 4. -- I. BABEL. Odessa. 1995. Ocl. (Few smudges on front cover). One of 55 bound copies w. cold. etching by D. Bekker, this copy number 3. -- A. DVORAK. Franz Schubert. (1987). W. cold. etching by O. Kulhanek. Ocl. Printed in 110 copies. -- H. KRIGAR. Anton Dvorak. Eine biographische Skizze. Komm. v. Jarmil Burghauser. Clipeus Pers, (1991). W. front.-portr. & 2 commemorative postage stamps for A. Dvorak in the Impressum. Owrps. Printed in 110 copies. -- R.M. RILKE. Über den jungen Dichter. Ed. W. Simon. 1991. 2 vols. W. loosely inserted signed woodcut portr. by C. Floor. Obrds. In or. marbled slipcase. Printed in 125 numb. copies, this copy H.C. 6. -- And 3 o. by the Arethusa Pers. (9).
€ 90
ARETHUSA PERS -- VERVOORN, A.J. Zicht op Van der Meij. 1993. W. 3 (2 signed) etchings by W. v.d. Meij. 4°-obl. Ocl. Printed in a lim. & numb. edition of 70 copies. -- Th. de VRIES. De verdwijning van Monsieur Cambert. (1993). W. etching by W. v.d. Meij. Sm-8°. Ocl. W. an extra copy of the etching loosely added, this copy numbered h.c. -- VERZEN voor vrienden. 1993. W. (signed) etching by H. Pauwels. Hcf. (Spine ends dam., some invitations and funeral cards loosely inserted). Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 70; this copy 1 of 14 printed & bound for colleagues of the publisher, dedicated by name to J. de Coo. -- Added: some invitations & booklets and 1 In Memoriam w. an etching by H. Pauwels. -- And 5 o. by the Arethusa Pers. (13).
€ 80
AVALON PERS -- COLLECTION of 33 (also smaller) publications by the Avalon Pers. Woubrugge, 1979-2013. Diff. sizes. Owrps. (Traces of use in places, several spines discold.).
€ 120
BINDINGS -- MORRIS, W. Kunst en maatschappij. Vert. d. M. Hugenholtz-Zeeven. M. levensschets d. H. Polak. Amst., (A.B. Soep, 1903). vii, (5), 159, (3) pp. W. dec. half-title, title, portrait of Morris & 6 vign. designed by S.H. de Roos, also w. 7 reprods. after Morris's designs. Or. gilt dec. full vellum, uncut, t.e.g. -- Added: F. v. EEDEN. De Kleine Johannes. The Hague, Mouton, (1898). 190 pp. W. 9 plain full-p. lithogr. printed on Japanese paper, dec. fly-lvs. & 15 different head-pieces (printed in pale green) by E. Koning. Lge-8°. Fine dec. gilt h. vellum extra, green cl. sides, gilt top. (Bind. showing wear, rear panel partly damp stained). -- And 1 o. (3).
€ 200
BOOM, I. The architecture of the book. Books in reverse chronological order 2013-1986. (2013). Miniature book. Owrps. In or. cardboard box. -- Added: G.A.E. BOGENG. Einführung in die Bibliophilie. Lpz., 1931. Cont. hcf. w. marbled sides, spine w. raised bands & gold lettering. (Spine a bit chafed, ex libris Collectie Buijnsters Smets). -- Ch. ASSELINEAU. De hel van de bibliofiel. 2022. Ocl. w. dust.-j. -- P. IJSENBRANT & E. SCHILDERS, eds. De pelle humana. Over de mensenhuid als boekband. Feiten of fabels. 2023. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- Ch. NODIER. De bibliomaan. 2021. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- B. BÜCH. Openbaar boekbezit. Over verre leeszalen, kille bibliotheken en vergeten pennevoerders. M. illustr. v. P. van Straaten. 1991. Obrds. -- And 11 o. (17).
CLIPEUS PERS -- LENNEP, J. v. De Weifelende Ezel. (1983). Owrps. -- STUDIA TYPOGRAFICA in honorem Henrici Saveuris. (1993). Ocl. (Slightly smudged). -- J. v.d. VONDEL. Davids tranen of Boetepsalmen. Uit: Harpzangen (1657). 1987. Ocl. -- CAELIUS SEDULIUS. Hymnus Abecedarius de Vita Christi. Abecedarische lofzang op het leven van Christus. 1982. Owrps. (Spine discold. Bound in Japanese style).-- Added: 67 booklets, pamphlets & letter tests (several doubles), most by the Clipeus Pers in Leiden. -- (71).
COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL -- SPINOZA -- "EN FACIES SPINOSA ANIMIS EVELLERE NATI". 1927. Medal commemorating the 250th anniversary of Spinoza's death, minted by J. C. Wienecke. Bust of Spinoza en face with inscription and on the other side his house in Rijnsburg with inscriptions in Latin. Ø 65 mm.
€ 100
DE BLAUWE SCHEEN -- BLADSPIEGELING. Banholt / Woubrugge, De Blauwe Scheen, 1989. Index booklet and 26 booklets by various private presses. W. ills. All bound in owrps. Tog. in fine cloth box with perspex mirror-slipcase by D. Simaleavich (Phoenix Bindery). (Some scratches/signs of use on slipcase).
€ 130
(DOWLAND, J.). Doulandi de Lachrimae. (, Tern Press, 1983). W. illustr. by N. Parry. Obrds. Signed by the publishers, numb. 166 of 175, w. a letter by the publishers to J. de Coo. -- B. GRIFFITHS, ed. The Rune Book. (, Tern Press, 1989. W. illustr. by N. Parry. Obrds. Signed by the artist, numb. 73 of 125. -- J. LYDGATE. Stans puer ad mensam / Table Manners for Children. W. transl. & introd. by N. Orme & foreword by L. Hellinga. (Salisbury), Perdix Press, 1989. W. wood-engr. by H. Phipps. Or. buckram in dust-j. Numbered 76 of 250. -- And 7 o. (10).
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- DE GROTE NEDERLANDSE LETTERPROEF. Zestig prozafragmenten van Jacob Israel de Haan. Ed. M. Stapert-Eggen. Banholt/Woubrugge, De Blauwe Scheen, 1998. Title/colophon, "Verantwoording" and "Inhoud en bibliografie" (3 booklets) and 61 (instead of 60) booklets (2 diff. contributions numb. 38) by various private presses. Together in or. blindstamped cloth dropback box, fine wooden metal look slipcase representing a large lead printing-letter "H".
€ 150
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- HOMMAGE AAN BRAM DE DOES. (, n.publ., 2007). Comprising 23 (incl. introd.) contributions by various private presses. Together loosely inserted in ocl. box by E. Schots. -- Added: B. de DOES. Kaba-structuren. Structuren, patronen en figuren met één ornamentje en zijn spiegelbeeld in twee drukkleuren. 2011. Obrds. Printed in 225 copies. -- Id. Het Kaba-ornament. Experimenten met een typografisch ornamentje en zijn spiegelbeeld in vignetten, randen en patronen. 2006. Obrds. (Bottom of spine dam.). -- Id. Trinité & Lexicon. 2013. Obrds. -- (4).
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- KLOOIEN MET LETTERS a.k.a. Rammen maar! Voor Jan Keijser. (, n.publ.), 2000. Comprising 58 (incl. introd.) contributions by various Dutch private presses, loosely inserted in ocl. dropback box (32 x 20 x 6 cm.) by H. v.d. Kruijk. -- DAT DOEN WE TOCH EVEN. Voor Jan Keijser. (, n.publ.), 1990. Comprising 17 contributions by various Dutch private presses, loosely inserted in ocl. dropback box (32 x 20 x 3 cm.) by J. Hassink. (Box partly a bit faded). -- (2).
€ 180
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- PAALTJENS, P. (=F. Haverschmidt). Snikken en grimlachjes. (Ed. J. Keijser & K. Thomassen). (Leiden "en omstreken", 'Drukkers in de Marge', 1994). Lge-8°. Ocl. -- Added: F. HAVERSCHMIDT. Verz. gedichten in handschrift. (1993). 4°. Ohcl. -- (2). (Blind stamp on ti.-pp.).
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- VRIES, H. de. Die droomwereld in te dringen! Project van drukkers in de marge bij de honderdste geboortedag van Hendrik de Vries, de Spaanse Groninger. Gron., De Typografentafel, 1996. 30 booklets (incl. 1 scroll rolled on sticks) by various private presses & 1 accomp. booklet. Sm-8°. Dif. binds. Tog. in or. gilt lettered board box (15,5 x 20 x 13,5 cm.).
DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- WOORDENDOOS. (Vervaardigd n.a.v. het 20-j. bestaan v.d. Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge. 1995). 29 contributions (broadsides and (small) books) by members of Drukwerk in de Marge, many illustrated or printed in two or more colours. Diff. sizes. Ohcl. (1), ocl. (1) and owrps. In or. green silk covered box produced by Atelier C. Verburg. (Box partly faded). Printed in 60 copies. -- ALLEMACHTIG FRANS TACHTIG! Een vriendendoos voor Frans de Jong. (, n.publ., 2001). 66 contributions (incl. introd. booklet and box) by various Dutch private presses. In or. dec. cardboard box. Printed in a limited edition. -- (2).
€ 140
FACSIMILE EDITIONS -- BOVELAND, K., (u.a.). Der Antichrist & die 15 Zeichen v.d. jüngsten Gericht. (1979). 1 text-vol. & 1 plate-vol. 4°. Ocl. In or. slipcase. Facsimile ed., printed in 300 numb. copies. -- A. PRESCOTT, introd. The Benedictional of St Aethelwold. A Facsimile. (2001). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A. HENRY, ed. Biblia Pauperum. A facsimile and edition. (1987). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. MITSCHERLING, transcr. Medizinisch-Astrologischer Volkskalender. (1981). 1 plate-vol. & 1 comm.-vol. Or. h. vellum. In or. slipcase. -- And 2 o. (8).
FACSIMILE EDITIONS -- DODONAEUS, R. Stirpium historiae pemptades sex sive ll. XXX. (W. introd. in Dutch. Reprint of the ed. Antwerp, Chr. Plantin, 1583.) Nieuwendijk, De Forel, (1979). (20), 860, (28) & loosely inserted introd. of (16) pp. Fol. Or. bind. In or. slipcase.
FACSIMILE EDITIONS -- (ORTELIUS, A.). Theatrum orbis terrarum. (Repr. ed. Antwerp, 1570. Lausanne, 1964). All maps in colour. Fol. Ocl. -- S. MÜNSTER. Cosmographei. (Repr. ed. Basel 1550). Houten, 1987. W. introductory booklet by R. Oehme. 4°. Or. bind. In or. slipcase. -- (2).
GUICHARD, K.M. British etchers, 1850-1940. Lond., R. Garton, 1977. 81, (2) pp. W. or. ti.-etching and 2 full-p. etchings by R. Tanner, all signed in pencil, & 81 plates w. num. ills. Fol. Or. gilt-lettered blue h. mor., t.e.g.
HET HOFKEN. Gedicht v. zuster Bertken van Utrecht. Linosneden van J.A.M. Bossaert. (Nijmegen, Open Atelier de Westerhelling, 1984). W. linoleum cuts, frontispiece signed by the artist. Owrps., bound Japanese style. Numb. 8 of 10. (Spine bit discold., slightly bumped at spine ends). -- (W. WAGENER). Brieven Maurits Duivenis. (Apeldoorn, Eikeldoorpers, 1990). Owrps. w. (illustr.). dust-j. Numb. 15 of 70, w. autograph dedication of the publisher in the colophon. -- A. LUNS & E. GRAANOOGST. Niet Klef! Ontstaan en ondergang van de N.V. de Leidsche Broodfabriek. Pers no. 14, Leiden, 1991. W. many illustr. Owrps. w. (cold.) dust-j. Numbered 35/50 on the lower flyleaf. -- SET OF 8 prints of poems printed by the Mikado Pers. (Den Haag, 1987-91). All prints loosely inserted in cold. wrps. (Poems by: A. Korteweg, E. van Vliet, R. Schouten, C. Buddingh', A. Zuiderent, H. De Coninck, some wrps. a bit discold.) -- Added: C. 80 books, booklets, announcements, seasonal greetings, letter tests &c, all by Dutch fine presses.
JAPANESE PAPER SAMPLES -- YU ETSU SHI (Collection of Paper beyond Ordinary). Tokyo, So Maya Genshiro Company, n.d. (c. 1900?). Sample book containing 73 (numbered 1-73) paper samples of different stocks and patterns designated for various uses. Sm-8°-obl. (137 x 190 mm). Stab sewn Japanese bind. w. illustr. front and back side.
KONING, J. Verhandeling over den oorsprong, de uitvinding, verbetering en volmaking der boekdrukkunst. Haarl., 1816. (2), viii, 475, (1), xvi, (8) pp. W. 9 (partly fold.) plates. Fine cont. light brown hcf. w. red ti.-label.
LE NORMAND, S. Handboek voor den boekbinder, bijzonder met betrekking tot de nieuwste Engelsche en Fransche verbeteringen. Amst., Gebr. Diederichs, 1843, (4), vi, (8), 414, (10) pp. W. 4 fold. lithogr. plates. Sm-8°. Cont. hcl. w. marbled paper sides. - Added: 2 booklets w. gold and silver leaves. Schmidt-Künsemüller 7268.
MENSES, J. & J. GROOT. Hoorn. (Haarlem, 1992). W. 1 screenprint. Owrps. -- J.E.D.W. (=J.E. de Witte v. Haemstede). Dichtmatige regelen om drukkers proeven te corrigeeren. Met eene uitleiding van R. Breugelmans. Leyden, 1992. Owrps. -- H. v. KRIMPEN. Boeken maken. (Haarlem, 1985). Owrps. -- H. BLOKLAND. Afscheid zwart op wit. Muiderberg, (1970). Owrps. -- And 5 o. concerning fine printing. -- Added: 12 prints & pamphlets for Koppermaandag & other occasions (4 doubles). -- (21).
€ 60
MINIATURE BOOKS -- HEMPEL, S. (&) E. WALTER. Bibliographie der Miniaturbücher. Ein Verzeichnis kleinformatiger Bücher, die in der DDR zwischen 1949 und 1990 erschienen sind. Lpz., Miniaturbuch Verlag, (2002). 3 vols. 496; 603, (5); 459 pp. In cardboard, cloth covered stand. Prof. illustr. 80 x 60 mm. Or. blue simili leather binds. - First edition.
MINIATURE BOOKS -- LORD'S PRAYER. Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum, n.d. (1990's?). Printed in 7 languages: German, English, American, Spanish, French, Dutch and Swedish. 3,5 x 3,5 mm. Handbound in red leather, w. gilt dec. In plexiglass case (65 x 65 x 28 mm) w. a little magnifying glass. -- Added: BILDER-ABC. (Lpz.), Faber & Faber, (2000). 13 sheets with the 26 letters of the alphabet in colour designed by Josua Reichert. 2,9 x 2,4 mm. Handbound in limp brown leather. Under plexiglass magnifying glass in upholstered wooden box (82 x 82 x 43 mm). -- (2).
MINIATURE BOOKS -- MINIATURE BOOK COLLECTION IN A WOODEN MINIATURE BOOKCASE divided in 16 compartments of uneven size, of which the lower 4 have hinged 'doors'. N.d. (1980's?). The bookcase contains 68 miniature books in 83 vols., nearly all published in Germany and in the German language (but also 4 in English published by Prado in Madrid) between c. 1975 and 2016, the majority however published in the German Democratic Republic (DDR) during the 70's and 80's, by i.a. Nexö, Miniatur Buch Verlag, Dietz, etc. Bookcase: 540 x 500 x 75 mm. Miniature books in various sizes: ranging from 50 x 40 mm to 103 x 75 mm. All or. binds., the majority in slipcases.
€ 500
NIEUW VRIENDENLUST. Een literair huldeblijk. Haarlem, "Samenwerkende margedrukkers", 2009. W. ills. by Bandirah. Tall-8°. Ocl. -- H.C. ten BERGE. Eerste sneeuw of Fanny zu Reventlow doet Diepenheim aan. (Diepenheim, Stichting de Zwaan, 1999). W. illustr. by A. Kramer. Ocl. -- M. REUGEBRINK. De Philips EL 3516. (Diepenheim, Stichting de Zwaan, 2013). Ocl. -- And 3 o. (6).
OLY, P. De Grondslag van het Bedrijf der Lettergieterij Amsterdam voorheen N. Tetterode. Westzaan, 1983. W. many ill. 4°. Owrps. -- I. BOOM. The architecture of the book. Books in reverse chronological order 2013-1986. (2013). 16°. In or. cardboard holder. -- J. STELLINGWERFF. Kleine geschiedenis v.h. groot ABC-boek of haneboek (&) facsimile. (1979). Ocl. w. dust-j. & slipcase. -- J. de ZOETE. A manual of photogravure. A comprehensive working-guide to the Fox Talbot Klíc Dustgrain method. (1988). Obrds. -- And 3 o. (7).
PAPER -- (BAKER, C.A., (a.o.)). Design and Pattern in Decorated papers: Wet and Dry Techniques. (Washington), Hand papermaking, 1994. x, 29 pp. (text vol.) & 21 handmade paper folders containing tipped in coloured handmade paper samples, loose as issued. Tog. in orange cloth box. Published in 150 numb. copies. -- Added: loosely inserted booklet containing ('Venice') paper samples by Elizabeth Orme., n.d.
POPULAR LITERATURE -- SCHOONE EN WONDERLYKE, Een, Historie van Valentyn en Oursson, De twee Edele vroome Ridders, (…). Amst., B. Koene, 1818. W. woodcuts in text. 4°. Old dec. brds. -- HISTORIE, De, van Genoveva, Huisvrouw van Siegfried, Graaf van Trier. (Verb. dr.). Amst., Erve(n) H. Rynders, n.d. (first h. 19th c.). W. 12 woodcuts in text. 4°. Cont. h. vellum w. marbled paper brds. -- Added: 7 similar 'volksboeken', all early 20th c. publications. -- (9).
€ 110
SWARTE, Joost. Verjaardagskalender "Lezen brengt u en anderen rondom u ernstige schade toe". (2006). 13 ringbound sheets w. 12 postcards inserted. -- Id. Plano. Amst., 1987. Obrds. -- Id. & MECANOO ARCHITECTS. Toneelschuur. (2003). Owrps. -- 4 stamps ("Kinderpostzegels), designed by Swarte. -- And several postcards, periodicals, newspaper cuttings on/by Joost Swarte/Toneelschuur.
€ 50
TUINWIJKPERS -- DRIE AMOUREUZE LIEDJES/Three Love Songs/Three Chansons d'Amour. Haarlem, n.d. (±1964). W. small cold. woodcut in text. 16°-obl. Obrds. First production of Sem Hartz at the Tuinwijkpers, printed in 50 copies. -- M. ANDRIESSEN, (a.o.). Portret van Thijm. Haarlem, 1968. W. etching by S. Hartz. Owrps. Printed in 90 copies. -- F. RABEL (=S. Hartz). Vierslag. (Haarlem), 1976. 16°. Owrps. One of 5 copies, according to the author's ms. inscription. -- B. ROGERS. Four unpublished letters to S.H. de Roos. Haarlem, 1975. 16°. Owrps. One of 5 copies, according to the author's ms. inscription. -- W. SHAKESPEARE. The Phoenix and the Turtle. 1975. 24°-obl. Owrps. One of 90 copies on Barcham Green. -- And 8 o. publ. by the Tuinwijkpers, nearly all inscribed/dedicated by the publisher S. Hartz in ms. (13).
€ 300
TYPEFACES -- ENSCHEDÉ, Ch. Typefoundries in the Netherlands from the 15th to the 19th c. A history based mainly on material in the collection of Joh. Enschedé en Zonen at Haarlem. Engl. transl. w. revisions & notes by H. Carter & N. Hoeflake. Ed. by L. Hellinga. Haarl., Stichting Museum Enschedé, 1978. xxviii, 477 pp. W. front.-portr. & over 520 type specimens & blocks. Fol. Ohcf. In slipcase. (Spine a bit faded).
TYPEFACES -- PROEF VAN LETTEREN, Welke gegooten worden in de Nieuwe Haerlemsche Lettergietery van J. Enschedé. (Haarlem, J. Enschedé), 1768. (32) pp. engr. introd. text in the script type of J.M. Fleischman, 8 pp. 'Lyst der Pryzen' at end. W. engr. front., title within woodcut border and engr. vignette, 2 etched portraits of J. Enschedé and J.M. Fleischman, 3 etched/engr. plates w. statues, 2 of Laurens Jansz. Coster and 1 of Hadrianus Junius, 1 fold. engr. plate of the Enschedé type-foundry, and 80 lvs. w. typespecimens printed on recto only. Fine cont. mottled cf., spine raised in compartments. (Bind. only lightly chafed in places, some minor age-toning/foxing (also to fold. plate), but a v.g. copy). -- Added: Dutch and English copy of 'Het Huis Enschedé', published on the occasion of their 250th birthday in 1953. -- (3).
€ 1000
UITVRETER PERS -- ACHTERBERG, G. De zangen van een twintiger. Vere, (1983?). Green marbled wrps. (Slight dam. to upper spine end, otherwise a very well-preserved copy). Number 2 of a lim. & numb. ed. of 99. -- G.C. v.'t HOOG. Stemmingen. Uitgelezen verzen. Leiden, 1991. Owrps. (Spine discold.). Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 85. -- W.C. KLOOT VAN NEUKEMA alias CESAR BOMBAY (= E. du Perron). Het paradoxale vrouwtje. En andere poëmen voor bij de huiselijke haard. Leiden, 1991. Owrps. w. dust-j. -- (K. THOMASSEN). Noodige & Overbodige aantekeningen omtrent twee brieven geheel op rym van H.F. Tollens Czn. aan P.J. Uylenbroek. Leiden, 1990. Owrps. w. 2 cards loosely inserted. -- And 14 similar. (18).
WOLFF, C. de (1889-1963). Collection of over 90 ex libris and other small occasional prints. Mostly wood engr. but also incl. cold. lithogr. and (cold.) etchings & aquatints. Some signed in pencil, most tipped onto mounts. Diff. sizes. Stored in large ring binder.
€ 160