Veiling 360 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

BOOM, I. The architecture of the book. Books in reverse chronological order 2013-1986. (2013). Miniature book. Owrps. In or. cardboard box. -- Added: G.A.E. BOGENG. Einführung in die Bibliophilie. Lpz., 1931. Cont. hcf. w. marbled sides, spine w. raised bands & gold lettering. (Spine a bit chafed, ex libris Collectie Buijnsters Smets). -- Ch. ASSELINEAU. De hel van de bibliofiel. 2022. Ocl. w. dust.-j. -- P. IJSENBRANT & E. SCHILDERS, eds. De pelle humana. Over de mensenhuid als boekband. Feiten of fabels. 2023. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- Ch. NODIER. De bibliomaan. 2021. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- B. BÜCH. Openbaar boekbezit. Over verre leeszalen, kille bibliotheken en vergeten pennevoerders. M. illustr. v. P. van Straaten. 1991. Obrds. -- And 11 o. (17).

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