Veiling 360 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

ARETHUSA PERS -- VERVOORN, A.J. Zicht op Van der Meij. 1993. W. 3 (2 signed) etchings by W. v.d. Meij. 4°-obl. Ocl. Printed in a lim. & numb. edition of 70 copies. -- Th. de VRIES. De verdwijning van Monsieur Cambert. (1993). W. etching by W. v.d. Meij. Sm-8°. Ocl. W. an extra copy of the etching loosely added, this copy numbered h.c. -- VERZEN voor vrienden. 1993. W. (signed) etching by H. Pauwels. Hcf. (Spine ends dam., some invitations and funeral cards loosely inserted). Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 70; this copy 1 of 14 printed & bound for colleagues of the publisher, dedicated by name to J. de Coo. -- Added: some invitations & booklets and 1 In Memoriam w. an etching by H. Pauwels. -- And 5 o. by the Arethusa Pers. (13).

€ 80

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