AAFJES, B. & P. WORM. Peter Kersen-Eter. Amst., De Gulden Pers, (1943). 16 pp. Or. cordbound blue wrps. w. handcold. lithogr. mounted on front side. (Wrps. sl. faded along edges).
€ 120
ABC BOOKS -- (SWILDENS, J.H.). A-B boek, Vaderlandsch, voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd. Amst., W. Holtrop, 1781. (30), (4), 58, (2) pp., incl. engr. ti., 1 full-p. engr. w. different alphabets, 27 fine half-p. engr. (2 for the letter G) in the text & 4 full-p. engr. by L. Brasser, H. Numan, (a.o). Clothbacked brds. (Spine a bit dam., ti-p. laid down (small corner missing), inner margin strengthened in places, a bit thumbed). -- NIEUW ABÉ boekje voor lieve kinderen. (2e dr.). Leyden, D. Noothoven van Goor, (c. 1869). (24) pp. W. handcold. ills. Entirely strengthened with linen, as published. Or. ill. linen wrps. (Wrps. a bit browned/soiled). -- A IS EEN AAPJE. Amst., J. Vlieger, (1907). W. ill. by P. v. Geldorp. 4°. Or. lithogr. wrps. (Spine a bit dam). -- And 4 o. (7).
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- CARROLL, L. Alice im Wunderland. (Übers. v. K. Schrey). (1958). W. ill. by W. Jasper. 4°. Or. pictorial hcl. -- Id. La chasse au snark. Texte français de J. Roubaud. 1981. W. ill. by A.-C. Martin. 4°. Loose as issued in or. limp brds. portfol. (Portfol. partly faded). -- Id. Alice au Pays des Merveilles. de l'autre côté du miroir. Trad. d. M.-M. Fayet. (1992). W. ill. by D. Berková. Obrds. -- Id. Les aventures d'Alice au Pays des Merveilles. Trad. d. H. Parisot. (1972). W. ill. by N. Claveloux. 4°. Obrds. -- And 20 o. on Alice in diff. languages. (24).
€ 100
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- CARROLL, L. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. (Centenary Ed.). (1930). W. tipped in cold. plates by G.M. Hudson. Lge-8°. Or. pictorial gilt dec. red cl. (Bind. a bit stained/faded). -- Id. The same work. (N.Y., Garden City Publ., c. 1930). W. cold. ill. by A.E. Jackson. Ocl. -- Id. The same work. (Lond., P.R. Gawthorn, c. 1940). W. cold. ill. by R. Cloke. Sm-4°. Ocl. (Bind. a bit stained/faded). -- Id. The hunting of the Snark. Utr., De Roos, 1966. W. ill. by P. de Vos. Lge-8°. Or. illustr. brds. w. rexine wrapper. -- And 14 o. on Alice. (18).
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- CARROLL, L. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Illustr. by G.A. Kay and with the or. drawings by J. Tenniel. (1923). Or. pictorial cl. (Ex libris on paste down, child's handwriting on v° first illustr.). -- Id. The Letters. Ed. by M.N. Cohen. 1979. 2 vols. Ocl. In or. slipcase. -- Id. The annotated Alice. (1960). 4°. Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- And 18 o. by/on C. (22).
€ 90
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- CARROLL, L. Alice's avonturen in Wonderland. Amst., Van Holkema & Warendorf, n.d. (1920). (8), 139 pp. W. 8 tipped in cold. plates by A. Rackham and num. plain illustr. in text. Or. dec. cl. w. laid down illustr. on front cover, t.e.g., uncut. (Spine sl. browned, content a bit yellowed).
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- CARROLL, L. De avonturen van Alice in Wonderland & Achter de spiegel en wat Alice daar aantrof. - M. GARDNER. Aantekeningen bij Alice. - Vert. d. N. Matsier. 2009. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase. (Gouden Reeks). -- Id. De jacht op de Snark. Een doodsstrijd in 8 stuiptrekkingen. Vert. en van annot. voorz. d. H. Ruizenaar. Geïll. d. J. te Wierik. (2001). 4°-obl. Obrds. In or. slipcase. -- Id. Alice's avonturen in Wonderland. Vert. d. M.C. v. Oven-v. Doorn. (1934). W. ill. by R. Cramer. Or. pictorial hcl. (Front side cracked, spine a bit soiled, w. stamps). -- J. FISHER. Het kookboek van Alice in Wonderland. (1976). W. ill. by J. Tenniel. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 13 o. on Alice, all in Dutch. (18).
ALICE IN WONDERLAND -- COLLECTION of 24 illustrated works, written by L. Carroll, for the greater part on 'Alice'. Incl. 3 pop-up books. Diff. sizes. Or. binds.
(ALPHEN, H. v.). Proeve van kleine gedigten voor kinderen. 11e dr. - Bound up with: Id. Vervolg der kleine gedichten voor kinderen. - And: Id. Tweede vervolg. - Utr., 1780-82. 3 in 1 vol. W. 66 handcold. engr. plates after J. Buijs. Fine cont. cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, red label and sides meandered in gilt. (Top of spine chipped, ti-pp. of 2nd & 3rd part swapped, sl. thumbed/soiled in places).
ANNEVELD, H. De ransel. Een geschenk van ouders aan hunne strijdbare zonen, ter bevordering van hun duurzaam geluk. Amst., 1832. 12°. Old hcl. -- J.H. NIEUWOLD. Spelend onderwys. No. IV. 4e dr. Zutphen, 1822. Or. printed wrps. -- E.J. ZELLING. De kleine speelgenooten; of derde leesboek voor de lieve kleinen, met prentjes. 1849. Or. printed wrps. -- Added: A. v. TORRE. Dialogi familiares litterarum tironibus. In pietatis, scholae, ludorum exercitationibus utiles, et necessarii. Antw., 1750. 12°. Cont. cf. (Spine a bit dam.). -- And 7 o. school/educational books. (12).
ARABIAN NIGHTS -- ('BEROEMDE GESCHIEDENIS van de 1001 Nacht'). (Uitg. d.) Koffie- en Theehandel Fa. Wed, H.F. Schouten, Amsterdam, n.d. (c. 1900). W. 78 fine cold. lithogr. plates in slip-in album. 4°. Or. dec. hcl. Very rare, no copy found by us in a public library. - Not in 'Duizend min één boek'. -- Added: (ALBUM) SIPKES' JAMFABRIEK, Haarlem. (Album N° 3: series 33-48). (Haarl., c. 1912). W. tog. 96 fine tipped in chromolithogr. plates dep. scenes from i.a. the Arabian Nights. Fol. Or. clothbacked brds. ((A bit) loose in bind.). In the best possible condition. Rare. -- (2).
€ 150
BARON VON MÜNCHHAUSEN -- BÜRGER, G.A. v. Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und zu Lande, Feldzuge und lustige Abenteure des Freiherrn von Münchhausen (…). Lpz., 1921. W. wood engr. by G. Doré. 4°. Or. h. vellum w. brown label & gold dec., t.e.g. (Front side a bit discold., some foxing). -- OOM ABRAHAM (= J.J.A. Goeverneur?). De avonturen van Baron von Münchhausen Zijne wonderbaarlijke reizen en lotgevallen. Opnieuw berijmd. Bussum, (c. 1928). W. many illustr. by S. v. Vleuten jr. 4°-obl. Or. illlustr. brds. (Some dam. to spine ends, some yellowing at the margins). -- E. ZOLLER. Abenteuer und Reisen des Freiherrn von Münchhausen. Neubearb. Stuttg., (c. 1880). W. wood engr. by G. Doré. 4°. Ocl. w. gilt dec. on spine & sides, a.e.g. (Some dam. to spine ends, hinges weak, marginal yellowing). -- And 4 o. on B. v. M. (7).
BLOEMKORFJE voor de Nederlandsche jeugd. 2e dr. Amst., C. Schaares, 1822. W. engr. ti., & 6 handcold. plates. Old limp brds. (Spine strengthened, stained/soiled in places). Huiskamp B180; The Children's World of Learning 790; Klkl 375. -- C. SCHMID. De deugdzame wees. Amst., (c. 1825). W. engr. ti. & 2 plates. Or. printed wrps. (Spine dam., a bit thumbed/soiled). -- R. ARRENBERG. Merkwaardige voorvallen en belangrijke verhalen, uit geloofwaardige schrijvers bijeenverzameld. Haarl., 1831. W. 6 engr. plates. Old brds. -- T. v. SPALL. Geschenk voor Kinderen, bestaande in kleine verhalen. 3e dr. The Hague, (c. 1840). W. lithogr. ti. w. vign., front. & 4 plates. Or. printed brds. (Spine strengthened with paper, upper outer corner stained). -- A. ANTOINE. De beroemde dieren. Uit het Fransch d. R. v.d. Pijl. Dordr., 1812. Old brds. -- And 4 o. (9).
BODENHEIM, N. Luilekkerland. Amst., S.L. v. Looy, (1915). W. cold. lithogr. ill. by the author. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (Spine strenghtened, corners bumped). -- Id. In Holland staat een huis. 2e dr. (1924). W. silhouettes by the author. 8°-obl. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (Front side a bit stained). -- CHANSONS de France depuis le quinzième siècle jusqu'à nos jours. 1946. W. ill. by N. Bodenheim. Sm-4°. Or. clothbacked brds. -- G.J. BOEKENOOGEN. Raadsels. (N.d. (=1902)). W. 10 lithogr. lvs. (9 cold.) by N. Bodenheim. 8°-obl. Or. clothbacked brds. (Covers stained, spine worn). -- Added: R. STOLK. Dierenprentenboek. Silhouetten. (1945). W. silhouettes in black of animals, texts in blue & black. Or. ill. wrps. -- And 6 o. (11).
€ 80
BRINK, H. ten. Ten Brink's nieuwe prenten. 1e-2e serie (alles). Meppel, H. ten Brink, (1909). 2 vols. W. 48 double-p. captioned cold. lithogr. (220 x 340 mm each), produced for education, depicting a wide variety of subjects, from inventions to means of transportation, from animals to household supplies. Fol. Mod. cl. (Part of plate 5 of the first series cut out, traces of use: slight thumbing, small marginal splits, but in v.g. condition).
CIZEK, F., (hrsg.). Weihnacht. Vierzehn farbige original Steinzeichnungen. Vienna, Burgverlag Richter & Zöllner, 1922. (4) pp. W. 14 beautiful cold. lithographed plates by T. Conrad, G. Hanus, M. Kind, S. Kraus, I. Probst, E. Stoi, B. Vichon, M. Zehenter and H. Zuckermann. 4°. Or. pictorial clothbacked brds. (Spine ends a bit worn/dam., sides a bit browned, a bit worn along edges/corners, small ticket on back cover, loose(ning), but interior good).
€ 400
CRAMER -- BOREL, H., (vert.). Het karnen van den oceaan des tijds. Uit het Sanskriet-manuscript in het Engelsch vertaald door F.W. Bain. (Dl. III-V). Utr., W. de Haan, (1918-1920). 3 vols. of the series. Each vol. w. 6 tipped-in cold. plates & ills. by R. Cramer. Square-8°. Or. dec. cl., t.e.g. (Spine ends 1 vol. sl. worn).
GAMES/TOYS -- "IETS OM TE KIJKEN". (c. 1900). Box containing a booklet w. 6 lvs. w. cold. lithogr. ill. depicting objects, animals, etc. w. a small description; 3 two-sided jigsaw puzzles, w. the same images as in the booklet. 4°. Owrps. w. lithogr. cover & box with wooden papercovered sides & cardboard front side w. same lithogr. as on the accomp. booklet. (Box a bit worn, front side loose and a bit browned/soiled).
GAMES/TOYS -- "WIELER SPORT-SPEL". Amst., J. Vlieger, n.d. (c. 1885). Dissected cold. lithogr. by Faddegon & Co. laid down on 4 hinged hard board mounts. 620 x 470 mm. -- Added: "PRINSES WILHELMINA SPEL". Amst., H.G. Koster, 1880. Dissected cold. lithogr. by Amand on 4 hinged hard board mounts. 600 x 450 mm. -- (2).
HOYTEMA -- ANDERSEN, H.C. Twee hanen. Amst., 1898. W. 20 cold. lithogr. on 10 fold. lvs. by T. v. Hoytema. Lge-8°-obl. Or. lithogr. brds. executed in red & black. (Top of spine dam. and rep., cover slightly foxed). -- T. HOYTEMA. Hoe de vogels aan een koning kwamen. Eene vogelgeschiedenis. Gevolgd naar een oude legende. The Hague, (1892). W. lithogr. ti-p., 30 plates (all printed on grey paper). 4°-obl. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (Sl. soiled). -- Id. Vogelvreugd. Een prentenboek voor de jeugd. Amst., (1904). W. 36 cold. lithogr. plates. Or. pictorial cl. -- And 1 o. (4).
KINGSLEY, Ch. The water babies. (1924). W. ill. by J. Willcox Smith. Or. pictorial cl. -- Id. The same work. 1927. W. ill. by W. Goble. Or. gilt dec. cl. (Extremities sl. worn). -- Id. The same work. (1915). W. ill. by W. Heath Robinson. Or. gilt dec. cl. (Some minor foxing). -- And 3 o. illustrated editions of the same work (1 in Dutch). (7).
KROL, J.G. Theoretisch en practisch rekenboek voor de Nederlandsche jeugd, bijzonderlijk toegepast op voorbeelden, getrokken uit den koophandel en het dagelijksch leven, naar de nieuwe munten, maten en gewigten. Zutphen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1819-22. 3 vols. viii, 86, (2); iv, 147; iv, 166, (6) pp. Sm-8°. Mod. clothbacked brds., uncut. (Margins a bit waterstained in places, some ink stains to edges, a bit browned).
€ 300
LANG, A. The Orange Fairy Book. Lond., 1906. W. 8 cold. plates & many illustr. Or. pictorial cl., a.e.g. (Name entries to flyleaf). -- THE FAIRY TALE BOOK. Lond., (1925?). W. many cold. plates & illustr. Ocl. (Name entry on first free endpaper). -- THE NURSERY WONDER BOOK. Lond. & N.Y., 1886. W. 12 cold. plates & many illustr. Ocl. (Some wear to spine ends). -- E. FITZGERALD. The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam. Ed. by F.H. Evans. Lond., 1914. Ohcl. (W. ex libris of the ed. on paste-down). -- R. CALDECOTT. An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog / Sing a Song for Sixpence / The Diverting Story of John Gilpin / The Three Jovial Huntsmen. Lond., (1878-80). 4 parts in 1 vol. W. many cold. illustr. Cl. w. owrps. bound in. (Spine discold., some wear to spine ends, hinges weak, some entries in pencil on endpapers). -- And 15 o. illustrated works. (20).
MÜLLER, J.F.L. De kluchtige poes en het hondje. Een tegenhanger van De Kluchtige aap en het poesje. Amst., J. Guijkens, (1838). W. 16 full-p. engr., all cold. by hand. Sm-8°-obl. Or. limp brds. (Back cover gone, small blank corner front cover gone, spine dam./strengthened w. paper, sides soiled).
NIEUW PRENTEBOEKJE VOOR DE LIEVE KLEINEN. Met bijgevoegde leeslesjes naar hunne vatbaarheid. 1e stukje. Franeker, G. Ypma, n.d. (=1826?). W. 7 handcold. woodcuts. Old wrps. Huiskamp N81. -- DE KLEINE FAMILIE; een geschenkje tot nut en vermaak voor kinderen. Nieuwe uitg. Amst., J. v.d. Hey, 1811. W. 4 handcold. engr. plates by J.E. Marcus. Brds. (Spine rep. w. cloth, first plate rep., a bit soiled). Not in Huiskamp. -- MINA VAN KRAAIJENHORST, het nut der tegenspoeden. Een zedelijk tafereel voor de beschaafde Nederlandsche jeugd. 2e uitg. Amst., H. v. Blokhuizen, 1835. W. 8 engr. plates. Brds. (W. handwritten dedication from i.a. the publisher to 'Gemeente-bestuur van Amsterdam' on ti-p.). -- And 4 o. (7).
NURSERY LAND. ABC. Father Tuck's Nursery Series. (c. 1915). 4°. Or. pictorial wrps. (Spine a bit dam., a few creases/stains). -- R. CALDECOTT. The three jovial huntsmen. - The queen of hearts. (c. 1880). 2 vols. Or. pictorial wrps. (Covers of 2nd mentioned a bit dam., some soiling). -- GEORGIN & LACABE-PLASTEIG. Imagier de l'enfance. Ier livret: L'Enfant. (c. 1900). 8°-obl. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (A bit browned). -- And 12 o. children's books. (16).
PICTURE PLATE ALBUM containing hundreds of tipped in commercial 'plaatjes' (pictures) depicting every day life, scenes from famous stories/fairy tales, human races, etc. to promote all kinds of brands from tea to cigarettes and from soap to chocolate. 1910's/1920's. On 30 thick lvs. Lge-fol. Private cl. binding. -- Added: 10 complete albums, published by Verkade, Tiktak, Baan, Hille, Kanis & Gunnink, etc. (11).
PRINSES OP DE ERWT, DE. Teekeningen van H. Collin. Naverteld d. N. v. Hichtum. (1930). Sm-4°. Ohcl. w. mounted ill. -- (A.Th.) STEINLEN. De katjes. Amst., Venn. Letteren & Kunst, (c. 1910). W. wood-engr. ti-p. & 18 full-p. wood-engr. plates, of which 7 cold. 4°. Hcl. w. or. front side laid down. -- A. LISTAL. Gouden regen. (1919). W. 8 cold. lithogr. 4°. Or. clothbacked illustr. brds. (Sides a bit rubbed/soiled, corners bumped, a bit stained/browned). -- B.E. v. OSSELEN-v. DELDEN. Levend speelgoed, een grappige droom. (1903). 4°-obl. Or. illustr. hcl. (Spine rep., corners worn, a bit stained/browned). -- And 13 o. picture books. (17).
€ 130
SCHENKMAN, J. Sint Nikolaas en zijn knecht. Amst., J. Vlieger, (c. 1880). W. 8 chromolithogr. plates. 8°-obl. Obrds. w. mounted chromolithogr. plate on frontcover. (Spine a bit dam., book block shaken). -- Added: W.P. RAZOUX. Een aardige prentenboek met leerzame vertellingen, naar het beroemde Hoogduitsche kinderwerk: Der Struwwelpeter. 1898. 4°. Or. clothbacked brds. -- And 1 o. (3).
TIEN KLEINE NIKKERTJES. (N.pl., no publ., n.d., ±1900). (8) pp. W. 4 cold. lithogr. plates. 4°. Owrps. w. cold. lithogr. on both sides. (Some scribbling in pencil on v° front cover, but in v.g. condition). -- And 9 o. (rather faulty) Dutch 'prentenboeken'. (10).
TIK-TAK. Utrecht, (1916). 5 pp. W. many full colour illustr. Rag book w. pictorial soft cloth covers. (Cover faded & smudged, upper & lower edges of the 'pages' fraying, inside w. spots but colours bright). -- W.P. RAZOUX. Een aardig prentenboek met leerzame vertellingen naar het beroemde Hoogduitsche kinderwerk: "Der Struwwelpeter". (…) Jubileum-uitgaaf. (1898). Ohcl. (Spine loose, front cover handcold. by a tiny hand, insides w. some annot. in the margins but remarkably clean). -- H. WYTHOFF. Het petekind van Sint-Nikolaas. (N.d.). W. illustr. by A. Wythoff. Ohcl. (Exterior bumped & chafed, textblock partly loose). -- J. WILDVANCK. Klein-Jantje en de kinderen van Modderstad. (1903). W. illustr. by O. Adelborg. Or. pictorial cl. (Cover foxed, name entry & stamps on first free end paper, insides clean). -- Added: (GEILLUSTREERD NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCH ALFABET). W. many illustr. (Re-bound in custom limp cl. wrappers, lacks front-p., w. several entries in pencil throughout). -- And 8 o. (13).
VOS, M. Meiregen. Een bundel kinderverzen. Amst., 1925. W. 13 cold. illustr. by R. Hynckes. 4°. Or. threaded cord bind. (Cover slightly affected by silverfish). -- T. v. HOYTEMA. Vogelvreugd. Een prentenboek voor de jeugd. Amst., (1904). W. 36 charming cold. lithogr. Or. illustr. hcl. (Some wear to spine ends). -- (C.S.) ADAMA v. SCHELTEMA. De Wilgen. Utr., (1918). W. illustr. by R. Cramer. Ohcl. w. pictorial brds. -- (J.P.J.H.) CLINGE DOORENBOS. Pim en Piet op avontuur. (Amst., c. 1955?). 11 pp. W. illustr. by Netty Heyligers. Owrps. -- And 2 o. (6).