Veiling 360 Children's Books

BODENHEIM, N. Luilekkerland. Amst., S.L. v. Looy, (1915). W. cold. lithogr. ill. by the author. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (Spine strenghtened, corners bumped). -- Id. In Holland staat een huis. 2e dr. (1924). W. silhouettes by the author. 8°-obl. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. (Front side a bit stained). -- CHANSONS de France depuis le quinzième siècle jusqu'à nos jours. 1946. W. ill. by N. Bodenheim. Sm-4°. Or. clothbacked brds. -- G.J. BOEKENOOGEN. Raadsels. (N.d. (=1902)). W. 10 lithogr. lvs. (9 cold.) by N. Bodenheim. 8°-obl. Or. clothbacked brds. (Covers stained, spine worn). -- Added: R. STOLK. Dierenprentenboek. Silhouetten. (1945). W. silhouettes in black of animals, texts in blue & black. Or. ill. wrps. -- And 6 o. (11).

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