BUCKLAND WRIGHT -- SWINBURNE, A.Ch. Laus veneris. (Lond.), Golden Cockerel Press, 1948. 27, (5) pp (first and last l. blank). W. 11 fine plain woodcuts in text, incl. ti.-p. by J. Buckland Wright. Lge-8°. Ohcl. w. dec. paper sides. Printed in 750 numb. copies. -- Added: J. KEATS. The collected sonnets. Maastr., The Halcyon Press, 1930. (4), lxiv, (8) pp. W. 11 fine woodcuts in text by J. Buckland Wright. Lge-8°. Ocl., uncut. (Bind. w. some very light wear, and w. unobtrusive small stain on rear panel). Printed in a lim. & numb. ed. of 376 copies, our copy nr. 97. -- (2).
€ 100
CARCO, Fr. Rien qu'une femme. Paris, (Coulouma), 1925. (6), 162, (2) pp. W. cold. etched ti.-vignette, 15 etchings, cold. by hand, an extra suite of the same etchings (=16) in b&w, and 6 extra etchings, of which 3 cold. by hand, all bound in at end, by Chas Laborde. Sm-4°. Cont. cf. bind. by J. Brandt & Zn. w. gilt interlaced monograms on front side (WJR & SvS?), t.e.g. (Bind. w. some discolouring, spine a bit dry & slightly rubbed, sides a bit spotted, internally very clean).
CARICATURE -- L'ASSIETTE AU BEURRE. Par., 1901-10. 48 odd nrs. Richly illustrated w. cold. lithogr. Loose as issued. 4°. Owrps. (Covers in v.g. condition, but sometimes a little frayed/brittle at borders, some small rep. in places). -- Added: J.-M. ROYER. Le livre d'or de l'Assiette au Beurre. (1977). 2 vols. Fol. Owrps. In or. slipcase. -- And 4 odd issues of 'Jugend', 1897-1906. (54).
€ 200
CARICATURE -- "RONALD REAGAN". Dutch Jumping Jack paperdoll of Ronald Reagan. (1980's). C. 450 x 160 mm. (A few minor foxing spots, remnants of tape on v°). -- Added: Postcard of 'Ruud Raket & Ronald Rocket' (Lubbers and Reagan). -- And: S. EX & E. HOEK. De Mechanisch dansende Figuur van Vilmos Huszár. Gereconstrueerd door Andy Kowalski. Utr., Reflex, 1984. W. text booklet, instruction leaf, 4 board plates, 2 sheets red/green flimsy paper, wooden stick, 13 pins and tube black gouache. In. or. box. -- (3).
€ 80
COURTELINE, G. Le Train de 8 h. 47. Paris, S. Sauvage, (1927). W. 20 cold. engr. by André Dignimont, some full-p. 4°. fine cont. light brown russian leather, bound by Brandt & Zn., uncut, t.e.g. (Spine mildly faded, but a v.g. copy).
CRANE, W. Aladdin's Picture Book. (N.d., 1880's). W. 24 cold. plates by W. Crane. 4°. Or. pictorial cl. (Skilfully rebacked). -- Id. Walter Crane's Picture Book. Comprising the Baby's Opera, the Baby's Bouquêt and the Baby's own Aesop. 1900. W. cold. ills. by W. Crane, & muical scores. Lge-4°-obl. Or. h. vellum (Rebacked in cloth, sides a bit soiled, corners bumped, upper margin of 2 lvs. rep.). Printed in 500 numb. copies. -- Id. The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. (1877). W. illustr. by W. Crane. Sm-8°. Or. clothbacked illustr. brds. (Corners/edges a bit worn). -- Id. Flora's Feast: A Masque of Flowers. Lond. (etc.), 1895. W. 40 cold. lithogr. lvs. by the author. Sm-4°. Or. clothbacked cold. lithogr. brds. (Corners bumped, ticket pasted on ti.). -- (4).
€ 150
CRANE -- HAWTHORNE, N. Wonder Book for Girls & Boys. Lond., 1892. W. 60 cold. & tinted designs by W. Crane. Or. dec. cl. First UK edition. -- W. CRANE. Queen Summer, or the Journey of the Lily & the Rose. 1891. W. 40 cold. lithogr. lvs. by the author. Fol. Or. clothbacked dec. brds. Copy w. leaf of academic 'stellingen' preceding book. -- GRIMM (BROTHERS). Household Stories. Lond. & N.Y., 1893. W. num. b&w designs by W. Crane. Sm-8°. Or. gilt dec. cl. -- (3).
€ 90
DANTE ALIGHIERI. The new life. Transl. by D.G. Rosetti. N.d. (c. 1900). W. 8 cold. plates, 8 mounted cold. plates & num. ill./dec. by E. Paul. 4°. Or. 'renaissance like' leather bind. w. relief print portrait of Dante on front side in colour. -- Added: A. FRANCE. Thais. Paris, Libr. de la Collection des Dix, 1900. W. etchings in text by L. Boisson. Lge-8°. Fine cont. blue h. mor. bind. w. marbled paper sides, spine gilt w. 'Egyptian style' ornaments, owrps. bound up, marbled endpapers, t.e.g. Printed in 300 copies. -- And 2 o. illustrated literary works in French (Flaubert & Zola). (4).
DAUMIER -- (ALHOY, M.). Les cent et un Robert-Macaire. Text C. Philipon. (Par., Aubert & Cie, 1839). No pagination. W. 101 lithogr. plates by H. Daumier and explan. texts. 4°. Cont. hcl. (Without the 2 title-p., foxed in places/age-toning, but a good copy).
DORÉ, G. Histoire dramatique, pittoresque et caricaturale de la Sainte Russie. D'après les chroniqueurs et historiens Nestor, Nikan, (etc.). Sous la direction genérale de Sotain. Paris, J. Bry ainé, n.d. (1854). (4), 207 pp. W. 500 wood-engr. in text by Doré and 2 pp. w. sponged red ink ("les taches rouges"). 4°. Cont. black mor., spine raised and dec. w. 5 gold and red cold. stars, and 2 red labels, marbled endpapers, or. lithogr. wrps. bound up. (Extremities very mildly chafed, some light foxing throughout).
€ 500
FLORIAN, J.-P.-C. de. Fables choisies. Illustrées par des artistes Japonais, sous la direction de P. Barboutau. Tokio & Paris, Libr. Marpon & Flammarion, (28 Meidji = 1895). 18, (2) pp. - Bound with: Id. Fables choisies. Illustrées par des artistes Japonais, sous la direction de P. Barboutau. Deuxieme serie. Tokio & Paris, Libr. Marpon & Flammarion, (28 Meidji = 1895). 18, (2) pp. - 2 in 1 vol. W. many illustr. by Kubita Tosui, Kajita Hanko, Kono Tomonobu. 4°-obl. Modern hcf. w. pictorial endpapers & owrps. bound up, pp. bound in Japanese style. (Spine ends slightly dam., prints & text very well-preserved).
GRAPHIC NOVELS -- SPIEGELMAN, A. In the shadow of no towers. Lond., 2004. 10, (2), VII pp. 4°. Obrds. -- Id. Breakdowns. Portrait of the artist as a young %@§*!. Lond., 2008. C. 50 pp. 4°. Obrds. -- Id. Metamaus. Amst., 2011. 293 pp. Ohcl. (Includes CD-ROM). -- G. REVE & D. MATENA. De avonden. Een beeldverhaal. Vols. 1-3. Amst., 2003-04. 3 (of 4) vols. 4°. Obrds. -- And 3 o. (8).
€ 70
MASEREEL, Fr. Mein Stundenbuch. (München, K. Wolff, 1920). W. 167 woodcuts. Cont. h. mor. extra, t.e.g. (Extremities sl. chafed, some minor foxing spots).
MAURY, G. L'Enfant à la charrue. Huit contes limousins du temps de guerre. Par., 1918. W. woodcuts by F.-L. Schmied. Or. dec. brds. In or. dec. slipcase. (Spine and slipcase a bit dam./foxing). Signed by the artist. -- É. HENRIOT. Les livres du second rayon, irréguliers et libertins. 1925. W. front. & vignettes by J.-L. Perrichon. Cont. hcf., uncut. Printed in 790 numb. copies. -- P. VERLAINE. Sagesse. 1924. W. cold. ill. by D. Girard. H. vellum w. owrps. bound up. Printed in 550 numb. copies. -- P. LOUŸS. Les chansons de Bilitis. 1900. W. 300 tinted illustr. in text and 24 in col. by Notor. Sm-8°. Cont. cf. (Spine unfortunately rubbed). Unique copy (?): binding and endpapers after design S.H. de Roos (!). -- And 1 o. (5).
NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. Een Florentijnsche villa "Riposo dei Vescovi" S. Domenico di Fiesole bij Florence. 's-Grav., 1938. 134 pp. W. 99 illustr. in text. Fol. Or. vellum. (Annot. in ink on last blank, but a fine copy).
NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. Mijn huis op het water, mijn huis op het land. (Met:) Vervolg. 1931-35. 1930. 2 vols. Prof. ill. Fol. Or. dec. brds. -- Added: Id. Heilige steden. Engelsch-Indië. (1924). Fol. Ocl. (A bit loose). Printed in a limited numb. ed. -- W.J. TUYN. Old Dutch towns and villages of the Zuiderzee. 1901. W. illustr. by W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp. 4°. Ocl. (Cloth faded, traces of use (i.a. clippings at end)). -- Id. Oude Hollandsche dorpen aan de Zuiderzee. 1900. W. illustr. and book design by J.G. Veldheer. Fol. Owrps. (Wrps. a bit dam. in places, a bit foxing). -- And 4 o. by N. (9).
OMAR KHAYYAM. R Rubaiyat. (Lond., G.G. Harrap & Co., c. 1910). W. 24 tipped in cold. ills., vignettes, borders and binding by W.A. Pogány. 4°. Or. blind tooled brown suede binding, t.e.g. (Sl. browned). -- Id. Rendered into English verse by E. Fitzgerald. Lond., (c. 1920). W. 20 cold. tipped in plates by E. Dulac. 4°. Or. gilt dec. red cl. -- (2).
PETIT MOISSONNEUR, Le, des Théatres. (With:) Le souvenir des dames. Paris, Lefuel, n.d. (=1828). 192, (8) pp. W. 12 full-p. engr. portraits of actors, cold. by hand, and 7 plain engr. calendar lvs. at end. In or. illustr. cold. ivory paper slipcase. 16°. Cold. illustr. ivory paper brds., a.e.g. (Both sides of booklet and slipcase a bit worn, bottom of slipcase a bit dam.). -- Added: JUVENILE, The, British Ladies Pocket Book. Or general companion for the year 1815. Lond., Minerva press, (1814). 128, (4) pp. W. engr. front. 16°. Or. green cf. envelope bind. (Pen is missing). -- And 21 o. small (literary) publications/bibelots, of which some illustr., in English, French, German and Dutch. (23).
RACKHAM -- ALLIES' FAIRY BOOK, THE. W. an introd. by E. Gosse. (1916). W. 12 cold. illustr. by A. Rackham. Ocl. -- J.M. BARRIE. Peter Pan in Kensington gardens. (1912). W. 50 tipped in cold. plates by A. Rackham w. tissue guards & num. black & white ill. 4°. Ocl. (Extremities sl. worn/dam., some minor foxing). -- Id. The same work. (c. 1911). W. 24 cold. plates. Ocl. (Bind. a bit warped, spine ends sl. dam., some minor foxing). -- ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. Retold by G.A. Steel. 1922. W. ills. by A. Rackham. Ocl. (Spine reinforced, new endpapers). -- And 1 o. work ill. by Rackham in Dutch. (5).
€ 120
RACKHAM -- WAGNER, R. The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie. Transl by M. Armour. (First ed., 2nd impression). 1910. W. 34 tipped in cold. plates w. tissue guards & sev. b&w text-ill. by A. Rackham. 4°. Or. gilt dec. cl. & pictorial endpapers. (Spine sl. worn, bind. partly faded). -- ÆSOP. Fables. A new transl. by V.S. Vernon Jones. (1949). W. (cold.) illustr. by A. Rackham. Ocl. (Spine browned). -- Ch. DICKENS. A Christmas carol. (1948). W. cold. ills. by A. Rackham. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J. RUSKIN. The king of the golden river. (1939). W. ills. by A. Rackham. Or. ill. wrps. (Spine ends sl. torn, hinges strengthened w. mending tape, some foxing). -- (4).
REYNARD THE FOX -- GOETHE, J.W. v. Reineke Fuchs. Stuttg., 1857. W. engr. ti. & 35 very fine engr. in text by R. Rahn & A. Sleich after W. v. Kaulbach. 4°. Or. richly dec. gilt & blind-stamped red cf. (Hinges weak & a bit dam. (espec. lower hinge), some minor foxing). -- Added: REINAERT de VOS. Uyt het Middelned. herschreven d. S. Streuvels. 1911. W. very fine ill. by G. v.d. Woestijne. 4°. Ocl. (Small ticket on spine). -- And 1 o. R. edition. (3).
SWART, N.J., (a.o). Nobody forever. (Tilburg, Hamtil & TeleXpress, 2003). W. 4 text-lvs., and 31 silkscreen printed lvs. (r° and v°), all exuberantly cold. Fol. Or. clothbacked brds.
TYTGAT -- RAMUZ, C.F. De geschiedenis van den soldaat. Gelezen - Gespeeld - Gedanst - Geteekend. Vert. d. M. Nijhoff. Maastr. & Brussel, A.A.M. Stols, 1930. 48 pp. W. au pochoir cold. ti-vign., 8 au pochoir cold. full-p. illustr. by E. Tytgat. 4°. Clothbacked lithogr. cold. brds. (Corners slightly bumped, cover a bit browned/age-toned, a bit loose in bind., name entry on first endpaper, but a reasonable copy).
€ 300
VOS, M. Meiregen een bundel kinderverzen. 1925. W. cold. illustr. by R. Hynckes. 4°. Or. threaded cord bind. -- M. (VERWEY). De geschiedenis v.e. kraai. 1923. W. 32 tinted lithogr. pp. by L. Senf. 4°. Or. lithogr. clothbacked brds. -- W. KLOOS. Herfstgeneurie. 1900. W. musical scores by C. v. Rennes. 4°-obl. Plain lithogr. owrps. and 4 plain lithogr. lvs. by Th. Goedvriend. -- C.J.G. GEERLINGS. De heimannetjes. 1899. Or. clothbacked lithogr. brds. -- E.C. KNAPPERT. Kijkjes in de plantenwereld. (1900). W. 5 full-p. cold. lithogr. 4°. Or. clothbacked cold. lithogr. brds. -- And 2 o. in 4 vols. (9).
WILDE, O. La Ballade de la geole de Reading. Paris, Javal & Bourdeaux, 1927. 25, (1), xlv, (2) p. W. 9 cold. plts & 6 cold. illustr. by C. Thevenin after J.G. Cornelius. 4°. Owrps, loose in quires as issued. W. or. board chemise & or. slipcase. (Joints of chemise broken but holding, some pp. & plates slightly but evenly yellowed, front side & upper strip of slipcase broken off entirely).