SCHENKMAN, J. Sint Nikolaas en zijn knecht. Amst., J. Vlieger, (c. 1880). W. 8 chromolithogr. plates. 8°-obl. Obrds. w. mounted chromolithogr. plate on frontcover. (Spine a bit dam., book block shaken). -- Added: W.P. RAZOUX. Een aardige prentenboek met leerzame vertellingen, naar het beroemde Hoogduitsche kinderwerk: Der Struwwelpeter. 1898. 4°. Or. clothbacked brds. -- And 1 o. (3).
Ad 1: The Children's World of Learning 3776: "Rare later edition by Vlieger of one of the first really happy and exciting children's picture books, depicting all festivities around the feast of Saint Nicholas (...)." - Caljé-Van Gulik 472.€ 80
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