Veiling 358 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

ROSSETTI, D.G. Hand and soul. (Hilversum, de Heuvelpers, 1929). Printed in red & black. Brds. Printed in 125 numb. copies by S.H. de Roos. -- E.A. POE. The fall of the house of Usher. Maastricht, The Halcyon Press, 1930. W. 10 aquatints by A. Alexeïeff. Lge-8°. Wrps. Printed in 325 numb. copies. -- S.T. WARNER. Elinor Barley. Cresset Press, 1930. W. etchings by I.R. Hodgkins. Or. h. vellum, uncut. Printed in 380 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- G. JONES. The green island. The Golden Cockerel Press, 1946. W. engrs. by J. Petts. Ocl. Printed in 500 numb. copies. -- And 5 o. (9).

€ 120

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