Veiling 358 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

RONSARD, P. de. Les sonnets pour Hélène. Par., La Connaissance, 1924. W. initials & vignettes by S.H. de Roos. Cont. hcf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, t.e.g. Printed in 380 numb. copies. -- DANTE ALIGHIERI. La vita nuova. (Zürich, Offizin v. Gebr. Fretz, 1921). H. vellum., uncut. (Züricherdrucke 3). One of 100 numb. copies printed in blue & black w. gilt ti. & gilt initial on handmade paper. -- J. du BELLAY. Les regrets. Par., La Connaissance, 1925. W. woodcut-front. Hcl. Printed in red, blue & black in a limited and numb. ed. -- P. VERLAINE. Odes en son honneur. Par., La Connaissance, 1931. W. photo-engr. front.-portr. of the author by P. Berrichon. Lge-8°. Ocl. (Back discold.). Beautifully executed in red & black by C. Nypels in 100 numb. copies. -- And 7 o. (11).

€ 120

uitslag € 140

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