ARABIA -- NIEBUHR, C. Beschryving van Arabië, uit eigene waarnemingen (…) opgesteld. Uit het Hoogduits vert. & verm. Amst. & Utr., S.J. Baalde & J. v. Schoonhoven, 1774. (6), (2 blank), xxxxii, 408, (14) pp. W. engr. ti., large fold. map. cold. in outlines & 24 numb. engr. maps, views & plates (sev. fold.) by N. v.d. Mewer & C.J. de Huyser. 4°. Old limp brds. (Spine wrps. dam. at spine ends, sides dam. at corners & extremities, slightly waterstained in places).
€ 300
uitslag € 440
ARABIA -- NIEBUHR, C. Beschryving van Arabië, uit eigene waarnemingen (…) opgesteld. Uit het Hoogduits vert. & verm. Amst. & Utr., S.J. Baalde & J. v. Schoonhoven, 1774. (6), xxxxii, 408, (14) pp. W. engr. ti., large fold. map. cold. in outlines & 23 of (24) numb. engr. maps, views & plates (sev. fold.) by N. v.d. Mewer & C.J. de Huyser. 4°. Later h. mor. extra.(Blank pieces of half-ti. & ti. cut out (no loss of text), plate XVI lacks, stained in places).
€ 150
uitslag € 180
ASIA -- DAPPER, O. Naukeurige beschryving van Asie. Behelsende de gewesten van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolie, Of Klein Asie. Beneffens eene volkome beschrijving van gansch gelukkigh, woest, en petreesch of steenigh Arabie. Amst., J. v. Meurs, 1680. 2 parts in 1 vol. (6), 357, (3); 324, (4) pp. W. engr. front. (laid down), 15 double-p./fold. engr. plates (incl. 3 maps) & 22 lge engr. in text. Sm-fol. Old hcf. w. vellum sides. (Libr. tickets on spine, margins trimmed (but acceptable), ti.-p. a bit soiled, margins of plate Tower of Bable cut short/in the plate, small wormhole in first 9 lvs. and after p. 284 in the 2nd part, but actually not a very bad copy).
€ 1000
uitslag € 850
ASIA -- KAEMPFER, E. Amœnitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi V, quibus continentur variae relationes, observationes & descriptiones rerum persicarum & ulterioris Asiae. Lemgo, H.W. Meyer, 1712. 5 parts in 1 vol. (20), 912, (32) pp. W. engr. front., title printed in red and black w. engr. vign., 16 fold. engr. plates (incl. one map), 62 engrs. (55 full-p.) and 12 woodcuts in text (8 full-p.). 4°. Cont. cf. w. raised bands. (Bind. a bit rubbed/chafed, label gone, engr. armorial dedication leaf not inserted (as usual), some small tears as well as some wrinkling to fold. plates, some tiny marg. wormholes, sl. yellowed).
€ 4000
uitslag € 3200
ASIA -- (MARSY, F-M. DE & A. RICHER). Histoire moderne des Chinois, des Japonnois, des Indiens, des Persans, des Turcs, des Russiens, &c. Pour servir de suite a l'Histoire Ancienne de M. Rollin. Nouvelle éd. revue et corrigée. Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1755-78. 30 vols. 12°. Cont. cf. w. spine w. raised bands, gold floral dec. & red labels. (Most vols. dam. at spine ends & extremities, several labels missing or dam., several vols. delicate hinges, some light yellowing/foxing/spots in most vols but a complete and clean set). -- Added: vol. 24 of the series, double. -- (31).
€ 260
uitslag € 320
FRANCE -- COLLECTION of 8 historical works. 17th-18th c. (1 from 19th c.). 8 in 9 vols. Diff. sizes. Cont. cf. (7), cont. hcf. (1) & cont. vellum (1). (Some small dam. to binds., sl. browned/stained in a few places, not collated).
€ 180
uitslag € 200
FRANCE -- DE LA MARCHE, O. Les memoires. Avec les annot., & corr. de I.L.D.G. (Jean Lauté De Gand). 2e éd. Ghent (G. Manilius for) G. De Salenson, 1567. (32), 655, (1) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on v° last leaf. 4°. Old cf. bind. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, brown label, & sides ruled in gilt. (Spin ends/corners skilfully rep., old owner's entries on ti., sev. marg. annot. in an old hand, stains on ti. and last leaf, some faint marg. stains, 1 marginal rep.).
€ 200
uitslag € 280
FRANCE -- JEANNIN, P. Les negotiations de monsieur le President Ieannin. Paris, P. Le Petit, 1656. (12), 757, (11) pp. W. engr. ti-vign. & engr. portr. Fol. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. (Outer margin faintly stained at the beginning, some foxing in places).
uitslag € 170
FRANCE -- LE CLERC, (J.). Het leeven van Armand Jean, Kardinaal Hartog van Richelieu, Eerste Dienaar van Staat onder Lodewyk XIII. Koning van Vrankryk en Navarre. Amst., B. Lakeman, 1728. 2 vols. (18), 547, (2); (2), 587, (68)pp.
€ 80
uitslag € 70
FRANCE -- (LICQUES, D., ed.). Histoire de la vie de Messire de Mornay, seigneur du Plessis Marly, &c., contenant outre la Relation de plusieurs evenemens notables en l'Estat, en l'Eglise, és Cours & és Armees, divers Advis Politiques, Ecclesiastiques & Militaires sur beaucoup de Mouvemens importans de l'Europe; soubs Henry III., Henry IV. & Louis XIII. Leyden, B. & A. Elzevier, 1647. (12), 732, (5) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Name entries on ti., margins stained throughout, outer margin last lvs. rep.).
€ 120
ICELAND -- ANDERSON, J. Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis. Verrykt met platen en een nieuwe naauwkeurige landkaart der ontdekkingen, (…) Uit het hoogduitsch vertaalt. Door J.D.J. - Bound with: N. HORREBOW. De tegenwoordige staat of omstandige beschryving van het groot eyland Ysland, bevattende zowel eene bestipte bepaling van de ligging en grote van dat eiland (…) strekkende ook inzonderheid tot meerder opheldering, verbeetering en uitbreiding van de Beschryving van Ysland door wylen den Heer Johan Anderson. - Amst., S. v. Esveldt, 1750-1754.2 works in 1 vol. (16), 286, (6); (10), 158 pp. W. titles printed in red & black, engr. front., 5 (2 fold.) plates and fold. map. 4°. Cont. vellum.
€ 800
uitslag € 1300
PRUSSIAN WARS -- LLOYD, (H.H.E.). The history of the late war in Germany, between the King of Prussia, and the Empress of Germany and her allies. Lond., for S. Hooper, 1781-90. 3 in 2 vols., incl. plate vol. (4), xxxix, (5), xxxix, 147, (1); viii, 9, (1), 238 pp. Plate-vol. w. 24 fold. maps/plans of battle fields and fiortifications (of which 4 form a dissected map "A map of the theatre of the King of Prussia's Campaigns") & 10 (fold.) letterpress tables. 4°. Cont. hcf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs & brown labels. (Edges a bit worn/bumped, a bit foxed/browned in places, plates partly misfolded/creased & w. some splits in places, but a good copy).
uitslag € 700
SOUTH AMERICA -- ANTILLES -- (BELLIN, J.-N.). Description géographique des isles Antilles possedées par les Anglois. Scavoir La Jamaique, La Barbade, Antigue, Montserrat, S. Christophle, Nieves, l'Anguille, et les Vierges Isles Lucayes et Bermudes. (Paris, Didot, 1758). xii, 171 pp. W. engr. title by P.P. Choffard, 13 engr. maps (8 fold. and 3 full-p engr. cold. by hand), 10 engr. in text (of which 9 fine coastal profiles). 4°. Mod. hcf. w. marbled paper sides. (Slightly browned, but a v.g. copy).
€ 1200
uitslag € 950
SOUTH AMERICA -- ANTILLES -- (ROCHEFORT, Ch. de). Histoire naturelle et morale des iles Antilles de l'Amérique, (…). Avec un Vocabulaire Caraïbe. Rott., R. Leers, 1681. (36), 583, (13) pp. W. engr. ti., 46 engr. of various sizes in text and 3 fold. engr. - Bound up with 2 works which have little to do w. the subject: THEOPHYLACTUS. Institutio Regia. Paris, 1651. (16), 99 pp. - And: REGALES NUPTIAE Ludovici [XV] et Mariae Carmen. Paris, 1726. 15 pp. - 3 in 1 vol. 4°. Cont. cf. over wooden (!) brds., spine gilt and raised in compartments, marbled edges, marbled endpapers. (The sides are presumably - very skillfully - restored, upper joint split but holding, in all a very good copy).
uitslag € 0
SOUTH AMERICA -- ANTILLES -- (ROCHEFORT, Ch. de). Histoire naturelle et morale des iles Antilles de l'Amérique, (…). Avec un Vocabulaire Caraïbe. Rott., A. Leers, 1658. 2 parts in 1 vol. (16), 527, (12) pp. W. engr. ti. and 43 fine engr. of various sizes in text. 4°. Mod. hcf. (Without the portrait of J. Amproux called for by Sabin, prelims a bit soiled/thumbed, lower margin trifle stained in places towards end, but a v.g. copy).
SOUTH AMERICA -- ECUADOR -- LA CONDAMINE, (Ch.M. de). Journal du voyage fait par ordre du Roi, a l'équateur, servant d'introduction historique à la mésure des trois premiers degrés du méridien. Paris, Impr. Royale, 1751. (2), xxxvi, 280, xv pp. W. engr. headpiece, 2 fold. maps (incl. 1 lge. fold. map of Quito), 1 fold. plan of the city of Quito, and 3 engr. plates (1 fold. view on "la plaine d'Yarouqui, depuis Carabourou jusqu'à Oyambaro"). 4°. Cont. mottled cf. (Upper hinge split but holding, outer corners a bit worn, small libr. stamp on ti.-p., in fine interior condition). -- Added: (J.-B. LABAT). Nouveau voyage aux isles de l'Amérique (…). Vol. 2 (of 2). La Haye, P. Husson, (e.a.), 1724. W. 19 plates (incl. 5 maps/plans). 4°. Cont. richtly gilt marbled cf., a.e.g. -- (2).
€ 700
uitslag € 650
SOUTH AMERICA -- GUYANA/SURINAM -- (BELLIN, J.N.). Description géographique de la Guiane. (Contenant les possessions et les Etablissemens des François, des Espagnols, des Portugais, des Hollandois dans ces vastes Pays). Paris, l'Imprimerie de Didot, 1763. xiv, (2), 294, (2) pp. W. engr. title, engr. headpiece, 20 engr. maps (of which 8 fold.) and 10 full-p. engr. plates. 4°. Very fine cont. mottled cf., spine gilt and raised in compartments, fine paste paper endpapers.
SOUTH AMERICA -- GUYANA/SURINAM -- BENOIT, P.J. Scènes de la vie américaine, description de la Guyane Hollandaise. Brux., Bruylant-Christophe & Comp., (1858). 96 pp. W. b&w lithogr. front., 49 full-p. b&w lithogr. plates on laid down India paper by Madou & Lauters w. tog. 99 illustr. Fol. Old green h. mor. w. marbled paper sides. (Bind. mildly rubbed, endpapers renewed; in v.g. condition).
€ 500
uitslag € 800
TEMPLE, W. Miscellanea of verscheidene tractaten zoo politique als andere. Utr., A. Schouten, 1693. 2 in 1 vols. Cont. vellum. -- Id. Historische gedenkschriften in twee deelen, het eerste vervattende zijne Aanmerkingen over de Nederlandsche Provintien. Rott., P. v.d. Slaart, 1692. 2 in 1 vols. Cont. vellum. -- PRÉCIS PHILOSOPHIQUE ET POLITIQUE de l'histoire d'Angleterre, depuis l'invasion des Romains, jusqu'en 1763. Lond. (=Paris), 1776. 2 vols. Cont. mottled cf. w. spine w. raised bands, gold dec. & red & brown letterpiece, a.e.r. (A very charming set). -- ESSAIS HISTORIQUES sur la dissolution et le rétablissement de la monarchie Angloise. Paris, 1791. Owrps. (uncut). -- (5).
€ 110
uitslag € 130
THEATRUM MUNDI. Oder Der Welt Schau-Platz/ Vorstellend Verschiedene sonderbahre Begebenheiten/ Heiliger berühmter Leute/ wie auch vornehmer Gebürgen/ Meeren/ Flüssen/ Insulen/ Städten, (usw.). Augsburg, J. Koppmayer, 1700. Ti.-p.; (12) txt-lvs; 31 pp and 28 lvs. w. engr. views, plans, maps, etc. Sm-fol. Cont. brds. w. brocade paper sides.
€ 400
WICQUEFORT, (A.) de. Memoires touchant les ambassadeurs et les ministres publics. Cologne, P. du Marteau (=The Hague) 1679. 2 in 1 vol. (12), 447, (43); 466, (59) pp. 12°. Cont. vellum. (Name entry on ti.). -- Added: J. de WICQUEFORT. Lettres. Chevalier de l'Ordre de S. Michel, Conseiller de Madame de la Landgrave de Hesse (…). Avec les reponses de M.G. Barlée. Amst., G. Gallet, 1696. (22), 492. pp. W. engr. ti. Cont. cf. w. raised bands & richly dec. gilt back. (Upper joint split at th top, lower paste down detached). -- (2).
€ 130