MEYER, R. & C. Die menschliche Sterblichkeit unter dem Titel Todten-Tanz. Hamburg & Lpz. (=Zürich, Wolff), 1759. xviii, 144 pp. W. engr. front. & 61 large engrs. by R. & C. Meyer. 4°. Old h. vellum extra w. gilt lettering.
The third edition, still printed from the original plates (1650), of this charming, finely executed 'Dance of Death' series, which depicts the various professions and classes in confrontation with death. - Very fine copy. Reichelt 85; Cat. Memento Mori, Dansen met de Dood 31; Faber du Faur 453; Praz p. 425. - From the library of Van der Hoeven and with his bookplate.€ 1000
uitslag € 1300