Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

LEIDEN -- (MEURSIUS, J.). Icones, elogia ac vitæ professorum Lugdunensium apud Batavos: quibus addita sunt omnia Academiæ ornamenta summo artificio æri incisa. Leyden, A. Cloucq, 1617. (24), 38, (174) pp. W. engr. ti., 35 engr. portrs., 1 dedic. engr. & 4 fold. engr. plates of the library, anatomical theatre, botanical garden & fencing hall. 4°. Cont. cf. w. raised bands & richly dec. gilt back. (Spine ends a bit dam., bind. rubbed/chafed, fold. plates w. sev. repairs to v° and some sm. marg. tears, a few stains to library plate, a bit browned/foxed in some places, a few faint marg. stains).

Extremely rare 3rd edition of 'Illustris Academia', but with different title and with the four rare folding plates by W. Swanenburg after J.C. Woudanus, printed by A. Cloucq in 1610. Titles of plates: "Bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae cum pulpitis et arcis vera ixnographia" - "Delineatio ludi publici gladiatorii urbis et Academiæ Lugdunendsi apud Batavos" - "Horti publici academiae Lugduno-Batavae cum areolis et pulvillis vera delineatio' - "Vera anatomiae Lugduno-Batavae cum sceletis et reliquis quae ibi extant delineatio" - Not in UB Leiden/NCC (?). Someren I, 144c (extensively); Muller 1284 C; Lugt 2228; Hollstein Dutch 29-32. - Ex libris Van der Hoeven and ex libris Jacobi Manzoni.

€ 1000

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