Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

LEIDEN -- (MEURSIUS, J.). Illustris academia Lugd-Batava: id est virorum clarissimorum icones, elogia ac vitæ, qui eam scriptis suis illustrarunt. Leyden, A. Cloucquius, 1613. (188) pp. W. engr. ti., 35 engr. portrs. & 1 dedic. engr. 4°. Cont. cf. (Dam. at spine ends and extremities, leather dried, wormhole through the top of the pp., some waterstaining, bookplate Van der Hoeven on paste down, Ex libris S. Martini (?) in an old hand on flyleaf).

Second edition of the work later known as 'Illustrium Hollandiae & Westfrisiae ordinum Alma Academia Leidensis'. - Brunet III, 1684; Rahir 1801; Willems 237 (note); Bibl. Belgica A51; Van Someren I, 144b.

€ 220

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