Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

SILIUS ITALICUS. Punicorum ll. XVII. Cum excerptis (i.a.) F. Modii. Et posthumis not. N. Heinsii. Cur. A. Drakenborch. Utr., G. Vande Water, 1717. (32), 880, (26) pp. W. engr. front., woodcut ti.-vign. showing view on Utrecht, 8 full-p. engr. & 26 text-engr. 4°. Cont. blind tooled vellum. w. raised bands & brown cf. label. (Vellum soiled, a bit browned/foxed in places).

Dibdin II, 406: "Celebrated & elaborate edition, which ranks among the most sumptuous & valuable of the Variorum classics 4to."; Schweiger, 955. - The notes of Heinsius appear here for the first time.

€ 120

uitslag € 90

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