Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS. Historia ecclesiastica. Dat is warachtighe beschrijvinge aller ouder Christelijcker Kercken. Ten eersten de Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebii Pamphilii Caesariensis elf Boecken. Ten anderen de Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita, Sozomeni, Socratis, ende Theodoreti twaelf Boecken (...). Dordr., P. Verhaghen, 1613, 2 parts in 1 vol. (part 2 with 1612 on title-p.). (24), 488, (42), xxxvi pp. W. ti. printed in red and black, large woodcut on ti. Sm-fol. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. (New endpapers, upper margin of ti. rep. on v°, margins stained in places, a bit browned).

The concise history 1517-56 written from a Protestant point of view. - Knuttel, Ned. Bibl. Kerkgeschied., 139.

€ 180

uitslag € 160

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