Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSUS. Antiquitatem sive originem Romanarum ll. X. Sigimundo Gelenio interprete. Add. undecimum ex vers. Lapi, (…). Basel, (H. Froben & N. Episcopius), 1549. (48), 518, (2 blank), (32) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. & on v° last leaf, and sev. woodcut initials. Fol. Old vellum. (Rebacked in mod. vellum, new endpapers, old owner's entry on ti., faintly waterstained in places, sl. browned/foxed).

First edition of the translation of S. Gelenius. - Adams D-630; Hoffmann I, 586; Schweiger I, 100; Ebert 6222; VD 16 D-1971.

€ 360

uitslag € 280

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