Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

CALLIMACHUS. Hymni, epigrammata, et fragmenta. Ex rec. Th.J.G.F. Graevii cum ejusdem animadv. Utrecht, F. Halma & G. v.d. Water, 1697. 2 in 1 vol. (30), 496, (136); (16), 758, (64) pp. W. engr. front., ti.-vign. (repeated on 2nd ti.), 6 full-p. engr. & sev., mainly numismatical, text-engr. Lge-8°. Cont. vellum. (Some faint stains in places, stamps on the ti. & traces of use, but a good copy).

A monument of classical scholarship w. Spanheim's very large commentary taking up the whole of the 2nd vol. - Pfeiffer 152; Sandys II, 327; Hoffmann I, 429; Graesse II, 17-18, Dibdin I, 368-9.

€ 300

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