Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

ANESTHESIOLOGY -- BIGELOW, H.J. Insensibility during surgical operations produced by inhalation. Repr. from The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 35, no. 16. Wednesday, November 18, 1846. Title-p. of vol. 35, pp. 309-317 & 379-82. Modern hcl. w. marbled boards & green label on front side, in custom made clamshell box.

G-M 5651: "For an operation performed by John Collins Warren (1778-1856) at Massachusetts General Hospital on 16 October 1846, William Morton used ether as an anesthetic for the first time. Warren removed a benign angioma under the jaw of his patient. It was immediately recognized that complete anesthesia could be produced by the inhalation of ether vapour. Bigelow, a surgeon who witnessed the operation, left an excellent account in the above paper, which was read before the Boston Society of Medical Improvement on 9 November 1846, an abstract having been previously read before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on 3 November."

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