Veiling 358 Printing Art

CLANDESTINE PUBLICATIONS -- MALLARMÉ, S. L'après-midi d' un faune. De namiddag van een faun. Amst., Pont Neuf, 1945. W. lithogr. ills. by D. Lammers. Lge-4°. Owrps. (Wrps. sl. browned). Printed in a limited and numb. edition of 50 copies, our copy nr. 7. Signed in the colophon by the artist. - De Jong 531. -- S. VESTDIJK. De uiterste seconde. (Bussum), Bayard Pers (F.G. Kroonder), (1944). Owrps. (Spine dam.). Printed in 50 numb. copies, signed by the author. - De Jong 862. -- (H.M. v. RANDWIJK). Celdroom. 1943. 4°. Ohcl. Printed in 50 copies, this copy for J.W. Schulte-Nordholt. - De Jong 140. -- J. ENGELMAN. Hart en lied. 1944. Owrps. Printed in 400 copies. - De Jong 244. -- And 7 o. clandestine publ. (11).

€ 100

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