Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

"RECTISSIMA AD OMNEM HUMANAM SCIENTIAM SEMITA, seu philosophia rationalis. Vulgo logica quaestionibus ac resolutionibus menti Aristoteles conformibus illustrata et praemonstrata". Germany (?), 17th c. Ms. on paper. (219) lvs. W. 10 cold. drawings of 'trees of knowledge' on 9 lvs., 1 large folding. 4°. Cont. cf., spine gilt and raised in compartments.

'The most direct path to all human knowledge, or rational philosophy'. Commentary in five chapters on philosophical texts by Aristotle (and others?) in Latin by an anonymous, rather legible hand: "prolegomena logica"; "In isagogen Porphyry seu de universalibus"; "In cathegorias seu prodicamenta"; "In duos libros Perihermonias seu de interpretatione"; "In libros analiticorum (…)". At the end 40 "conclusiones pro baccalaureatu" which may indicate use of these texts at a university.

€ 300

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