Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

PRAYER BOOK. Cologne (?), late 15th or early 16th c. (265) lvs. Ms. in black and red ink on laid paper. Thick sm-8°, 160 x 105 mm. Bound in cont. pigskin over wooden brds., painted red, sides paneled and blind stamped w. various ornaments, upper and lower inner hinge w. strips of old ms., w. brass clasps (of which 1 is from a later date) hinged to bind. w. leather strips, and brass catches. (Rebacked w. re-use of parts of the old spine).

Contemplations and prayers for the ceremonies of the glorious Ressurection of the Lord. Saints like Mechtild von Hackenborn, St. Hedwig, a.o., mentioned in the text, indicate that this prayer-book may have been conceived in the neighbourhood of Cologne, Germany.

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