Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

DORDRECHT -- DE KAT -- "VRAGT EN PROVISIE BOEK A° 1768 a 1812". Ms. on laid paper. (138) lvs., r° and v°. Fol. Cont. vellum bind. w. leather ties.

Alphabetically (by customer's name) and annually arranged administration by the Dordrecht 'beurtschipper' (bargeman) Otto de Kat (1737-1829), but seemingly with other, later hands as well. The manuscript records costs for the transport of goods on the one hand, and financial transactions on the other, i.a. with listings of the receipts of interest on bonds and stocks. Otto de Kat later founded the banking house 'Otto de Kat & Zn., kassiers te Dordrecht' in 1796. His son, Herman de Kat (1784-1851), co-founder of 'De Kat & Van der Linden, kassiers en commissionairs in effecten', became - next to being a succesful banker - an important art collector. 'Beurtvaart' was a form of shipping in which passengers, cargo and livestock were transported along a fixed route according to a timetable. It was the first public transport in the Netherlands and for centuries it was subject to permits and regulations of the cities. The word 'beurt' in this context refers to the regular order in which skippers had to sail. - Very important and interesting document containing lots of detailed financial transactions between De Kat and his customers. Also offering an insight into what was transported for whom in Dordrecht in the 18th century.

€ 700

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