Veiling 358 Topographical Prints & Drawings

SOUTH AMERICA -- CARIBBEAN -- "NOUVELLE CARTE PARTICULIERE DE L'AMÉRIQUE ou sont exactement marquées les Îles de Bermude, la Iamaique, Saint Domingue, les Antilles, la Terre Ferme, &c." (Amst., Covens & Mortier, c. 1741). Fine engr. map by J. Condet (after H. Popple) in cont. colouring. 610 x 543 mm. (Blank margin a bit soiled and w. some splits, but in excellent condition).

This is the southeast sheet of the Dutch version of Henry Popple's important map of 'The British Empire in North America' in 4 parts published by Covens and Mortier.

€ 300

uitslag € 260

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