Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Religion

GIULEA, D.A. Pre-Nicene christology in Paschal contexts. The case of the divine noetic anthropos. 2014. Obrds. -- L.R. WICKHAM & C.P. BAMMEL, eds. Christian faith & Greek philosophy in late antiquity. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. HORNUNG. Apostasie im antiken Christentum. Studien zum Glaubensabfall in altkirchlichen Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral (4.-7. Jh. n. Chr.). (2016). Obrds. -- R. DIJKSTRA. The apostles in early Christian art and poetry. (2016). Obrds. -- U. TERVAHAUTA, (a.o., eds.). Women and knowledge in early Christianity. (2017). Obrds. -- And 8 o. (13). (VCS 19, 26, 37, 59, 73, 105, 123, 131, 134, 135, 138, 144, 145).

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