ANDERSON, G. Sage, saint, & sophist. Holy men & their associates in the early Roman empire. (1994). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P.A. MEIJER. Stoic theology. Proofs for the existence of the cosmic god and of the traditional gods. Incl. a comm. on Cleanthes' Hymn on Zeus. 2007. Owrps. -- J.P. DAVIES. Rome's religious history. Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on their gods. (2004). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- M. BEARD, (a.o.). Religions of Rome. (1998). 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 8 o. (13).
€ 80
uitslag € 70
BACKUS, I., ed. The reception of the church fathers in the West. From the Carolingians to the Maurists. 1997. 2 vols. Ocl. In or. slipcase. -- M. PELLEGRINO. Ricerche patristiche (1938-1980). Pref. di E. Corsini. 1982. 2 vols. Owrps. -- P. GORDAY. Principles of patristic exegesis. Romans 9-11 in Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. (1983). Ocl. -- D.W.H. ARNOLD & P. BRIGHT. De doctrina christiana. (1995). Ocl. -- M.-J. RONDEAU. Les commentaires patristiques du psautier (IIIe-Ve s.). 1982-85. 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 8 o. (16).
BAUMEISTER, Th. Genese und Entfaltung der altkirchlichen Theologie des Martyriums. (1991). Obrds. -- Th.J. HEFFERNAN. The passion of Perpetua and Felicity. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- J.N. BREMMER & M. FORMISANO, eds. Perpetua's passions. Multidisciplanary approaches to the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- C. BUTTERWECK. "Martyriumssucht" in der Alten Kirche? Studien zur Darstellung und Deutung frühchristl. Martyrien. (1995). Ocl. -- P. HABERMEHL. Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen im frühen afrikanischen Christentum. (1992). Obrds. -- And 3 o. (8).
€ 70
uitslag € 60
BIBLIA PATRISTICA. Index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la littérature patristique. (Éd. J. Allenbach, A. Benoît, e.a.). Par., 1975-2000. 8 vols (incl. suppl.). Ocl. (5) & owrps. - Complete set.
uitslag € 130
CANCIK, H. & J. RÜPKE, hrsg. Römische Reichsreligion und Provinzialreligion. Tübingen, (1997). Owrps. Rare. -- W. SPEYER. Frühes Christentum im antiken Strahlungsfeld. Tübingen, (1989). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (2).
DIJKSTRA, J., (a.o.), eds. Myths, Martyrs, and Modernity. Studies in the History of Religions in Honour of J.N. Bremmer. 2010. Lge-8°. Obrds. -- J. LEEMANS. Martyrdom and persecution in late antique Christianity. Festschrift B. Dehandschutter. 2010. Owrps. -- MARTYROLOGIUM ROMANUM Gregorii Papæ XIII. Jussu ed. Urbani VIII et Clementis X (…). 4a ed. 1956. Lge-8°. Owrps. -- ACTS of the pagan martyrs, The. Acta Alexandrinorum. Ed. by H. Musurillo. 1954. Or. bind. -- J.N. BREMMER & M. FORMISANO, eds. Perpetua's passions. Multidisciplinary approaches to the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 1 o. (6).
EDELSTEIN, E.J. & L. Asclepius. Collection and interpretation of the testimonies. (1988). 2 in 1 vol. Ocl. -- C.A. FARAONE. Talismans & trojan horses. Guardian statues in ancient Greek myth and ritual. 1992. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P.F. DORCEY. The cult of Silvanus. A study in Roman folk religion. 1992. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M.J.H. LINSSEN. The cults of Uruk and Babylon. The temple ritual texts as evidence for Hellenistic cult practices. 2002. Owrps. -- And 8 o. (12).
uitslag € 180
EDWARDS, M., (a.o.), eds. Apologetics in the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians. (1999). -- P. ATHANASSIADI & M. FREDE. Pagan monotheism in late antiquity. 1999. -- E.R. DODDS. Pagan and Christian in an age of anxiety. 1965. -- A. MOMIGLIANO, ed. The conflict between paganism & christianity in the 4th c. (1964). -- M. BEARD & J. NORTH, ed. Pagan priests. Religion and power in the ancient world. (1990). -- 5 vols. Or. binds. (4) w. dust-j. -- And 5 o. (10).
uitslag € 110
FAUTH, W. Helios Megistos. Zur synkretistischen Theologie der Spätantike. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P. PLANK. Phôs ilaron. Christushymnus und Lichtdanksagung der frühen Christenheit. (2001). Obrds. -- M.P. NILSSON. Geschichte der griech. Religion. Bd. 2: Die hellenistische und römische Zeit. (4. Aufl. 1988). Ocl. w. dust-j. (HbAtw). -- K. LATTE. Römische Religionsgeschichte. (1976). Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. box. (HbAtw). -- G. WISSOWA. Religion und Kultus der Römer. 2. Aufl. (nachdr.). 1971. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. box. (HbAtw). -- And 10 o. (15).
FRANCHI DE' CAVALIERI, P. Scritti agiografici. 1962. 2 vols. -- Id. Hagiographica. 1908. -- Id. Constantiniana. 1953. -- Id. Note agiografiche. Fasc. 3-9. 1909-53. 7 vols. -- Id. I martirii di S. Teodoto e di S. Ariadne. 1901. -- P. KÜNZLE, (e.a.). Indici agiografici dell'opera di Pio Franchi de' Cavalieri. 1964. -- And 1 o., tog. 14 vols. Owrps. (13) & cl. (Studi e Testi). -- Added: 7 vols. from "Subsidia Hagiographica". -- (21).
GELDON, A.C. & R. ROUKEMA, ed. Violence in ancient Christianity. Victims and perpetrators. (2014). Obrds. -- E.A. CLARK. Ascetic piety and women's faith. Essays on late ancient Christianity. (1986). Ocl. -- W.H.C. FREND. Religion popular and unpopular in the early Christian centuries. (Repr. ed.). 1976. Ocl. -- R. SALZMAN. The making of a christian aristocracy. Social & religious change in the Western Roman empire. 2002. Owrps. -- And 13 o. (17).
GIULEA, D.A. Pre-Nicene christology in Paschal contexts. The case of the divine noetic anthropos. 2014. Obrds. -- L.R. WICKHAM & C.P. BAMMEL, eds. Christian faith & Greek philosophy in late antiquity. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. HORNUNG. Apostasie im antiken Christentum. Studien zum Glaubensabfall in altkirchlichen Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral (4.-7. Jh. n. Chr.). (2016). Obrds. -- R. DIJKSTRA. The apostles in early Christian art and poetry. (2016). Obrds. -- U. TERVAHAUTA, (a.o., eds.). Women and knowledge in early Christianity. (2017). Obrds. -- And 8 o. (13). (VCS 19, 26, 37, 59, 73, 105, 123, 131, 134, 135, 138, 144, 145).
€ 120
uitslag € 280
GNOSTICISM - MYSTICISM -- CORPUS HERMETICUM. (Éd.) p. A.D. Nock & A.-J. Festugière. 1972-73. 4 vols. Owrps. (Col. Budé). -- J. MANSFELD. Studies in later Greek Philosophy & Gnosticism. 1989. Ocl. -- R. v.d. BROEK. Gnosis in de oudheid. Nag Hammadi in context. 2010. Obrds. -- R. v.d. BROEK. Hermes Trismegistus. Inl., teksten, commentaren. 2006. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J.M. ROBINSON, ed. The Nag Hammadi Library in English. 1977. Ocl. w. (a bit dam.) dust-j. -- And 6 o. (14).
€ 100
uitslag € 170
GWYN GRIFFITHS, J. The origins of Osiris and his cult. 1980. -- M.J. VERMASEREN. Cybele and Attis. The myth and the cult. (1977). W. 112 ill. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J.R. HINNELLS, ed. Studies in Mithraism. (1994). Owrps. -- S.J. FRIESEN. Imperial cults and the apocalypse of John. Reading revelation in the ruins. 2001. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (8).
uitslag € 500
HALKIN, Fr. Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient. 1986. 4°. Ocl. -- C.J.M.J. v. BEEK. Passio sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis. Vol. 1 (=all). 1936. Owrps. -- LES MARTYRS de Lyon (177). 1978. Or. bind. -- M. LAMBERIGTS & P. v. DEUN, eds. Martyrium in multidisciplinary perspective. Memorial L. Reekmans. 1995. Owrps. -- ATTI E PASSIONI dei martiri. Introd. A.A.R. Bastiaensen. (1987). Or. bind. -- L. ROBERT, ed. Le martyre de Pionios, prêtre de Smyrne. (1994). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 6 o. (12).
uitslag € 40
HOEK, A. v.d. & J.J. HERRMANN, jr. Pottery, pavements, and paradise. Iconographic and textual studies on late antiquity. 2013. Obrds. -- K. GRESCHAT. Apelles & Hermogenes. Zwei theologische Lehrer des 2. Jh. 2000. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A. MARJANEN & P. LUOMANEN, eds. A companion to 2nd-c. Christian 'Heretics'. 2005. Obrds. -- A. BRENT. The imperial cult & the development of church order. Concepts & images of authority in paganism & early Christianity before the age of Cyprian. 1999. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 10 o. (14). (VCS 4, 45, 48, 65, 69, 76, 81, 94, 108, 121, 122, 125, 132, 136).
€ 140
uitslag € 600
HOUTMAN, A., (a.o.), ed. Empsychoi Logoi. Religious innovations in Antiquity. Studies in honour of P.W. v.d. Horst. 2008. Obrds. -- F.G. MARTÍNEZ & G.P. LUTTIKHUIZEN, eds. Jerusalem, Alexandria, Rome. Studies in ancient cultural interaction in honour of A. Hilhorst. 2003. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A.D. NOCK. Essays on religion and the ancient world. Ed. by Z. Stewart. 1972. 2 vols. Ocl. -- M. LAMBERIGTS & P. v. DEUN, eds. Martyrium in multidisciplinary perspective. Memorial L. Reekmans. 1995. Owrps. -- M. SIMONETTI & P. SINISCALCO, cur. Studi sul cristianesimo antico e moderno. In onore di M.G. Mara. 1995. 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 4 o. (11).
MAGIC -- MEYER, M. & P. MIRECKI, eds. Ancient magic & ritual power. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. (EPRO). -- J.G. GAGER. Curse tablets and binding spells from the ancient world. 1992. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C.A. FARAONE & D. OBBINK, ed. Magika hiera. Ancient Greek magic and religion. 1991. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H.D. BETZ, ed. The Greek magical papyri in translation incl. the demotic spells. Vol. 1: Texts. (1986). Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- K. PREISENDANZ, hrsg. Papyri Graecae Magicae. Die griech. Zauberpapyri. 2. verb. Aufl. 1973-74. 2 vols. W. 6 (fold.) plates. Ocl. -- And 3 o. on the subject. (9).
uitslag € 160
MERKELBACH, R. Isis Regina - Zeus Sarapis. Die griechisch-ägyptische Religion nach den Quellen dargestellt. 1995. W. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. TOTTI. Ausgewählte Texte der Isis-und Sarapis-Religion. 1985. Owrps. -- J. EINGARTNER. Isis und ihre Dienerinnen in der Kunst der römischen Kaiserzeit. 1991. W. 98 plates. Owrps. (Suppl. Mnemosyne 115). -- L. BRICAULT. Atlas de la diffusion des cultes isiaques (IVe s. av. J.-C. - IVe s. apr. J.-C.). 2001. 4°. Owrps. -- (4).
PÉPIN, J. Mythe et allégorie. Les origines grecques et les contestations judéo-chrétiennes. (1958). Owrps. -- B. BITTON-ASHKELONY & A. KOFSKY, eds. Christian Gaza in late antiquity. 2004. Obrds. -- G. OTRANTO. Per una storia dell'Italia tardoantica cristiana. 2009. Obrds. -- M. NALDINI. Il Cristianesimo in Egitto. Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV. 1968. Or. bind. w. dust-j. -- And 10 o. (14).
uitslag € 90
RAMELLI, I.L.E. The Christian doctrine of Apokatastasis. A crit. assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena. 2013. -- W. TABBERNEE. Fake prophesy and polluted sacraments. Ecclesiastical and imperial reactions to Montanism. 2007. -- W. OTTEN & K. POLLMANN. Poetry and exegesis in premodern Latin Christianity. 2007. -- K.R. HUGHES. The trinitarian testimony of the spirit. Prosopological exegesis and the development of the Pre-Nicene pneumatology. (2018). -- T.C. FERGUSON. The past is prologue. The revolution of Nicene historiography. 2005. -- 5 vols. Obrds. -- And 8 o. (13). (VCS 5, 11, 27, 42, 62, 75, 84, 87, 98, 102, 104, 120, 147).
RIEDLBERGER, P. Philologischer, historischer und liturgischer Kommentar zum 8. Buch der Johannis des Goripp. 2010. Ocl. -- T.D. BARNES. From Eusebius to Augustine. Selected papers 1982-93. (1994). Ocl. -- C. MOHRMANN, cur. Vite dei Santi. (Milan, 1974-81). 4 vols. Or. binds. w. (dam.) dust-j. -- L'ESEGESI dei Padri Latini. Dalle origini a Gregorio Magno. Vol. 1. 2000. Owrps. -- And 11 o. (18).
uitslag € 80
SCHMID, H. Die Eucharistie ist Jesus. Anfänge einer Theorie des Sakraments im koptischen Philippusevangelium (NHC II 3). 2007. Obrds. -- Id. Christen und Sethianer: Ein Bei gtrag zur Diskussion um den religionsgeschichtlichen und den kirchengeschichtlichen Begriff des Gnosis. (2018). Obrds. -- A.I. ELANSKAYA. The literary coptic manuscripts in the A.S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow. 1994. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. v.d. BROEK. Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem 'On the Life and the Passion of Christ'. A coptic Apocryphon. 2013. Obrds. -- N. KAVVADAS. Isaak von Ninive und seine Kephalaia Gnostika. (2015). Obrds. -- And 8 o. (13). (VCS 2, 7(I-II), 17, 18, 33, 50, 78, 88, 110, 118, 128, 143).
€ 150
uitslag € 340
STUDIA PATRISTICA. Ed. by E.A. Livingstone. Vols. XIV (pt. 3), XVII (pt. 1-3), XVIII (pt. 1-4), XIX-XXIII. 1976-89. In 13 vols. Owrps. (10) & or. binds. -- Added: PATROLOGIA. Vol. III-V, VII, X. (1978-2003). 5 vols. of the series. Obrds. (3; 2 w. dust-j.) & owrps. -- (18).
TAKÁCS, S.A. Isis & Sarapis in the Roman world. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- V. TRAN TAM TINH. Isis Lactans. 1973. Ocl. --L. BRICAULT, ed. Isis en Occident. Actes du IIème Colloque Int. sur les Études Isiaques, Lyon III, 16-17 Mai 2002. 2004. Obrds. -- D. FISHWICK. The imperial cult in the Latin West. Studies in the ruler cult of the Western provinces of the Roman Empire. 1987-92. 2 in 4 vols. Owrps. -- G.S. GASPARRO. Soteriology and mystic aspects in the cult of Cybele and Attis. 1985. Owrps. -- (8). (EPRO 37, 103, 108, 124, 151
uitslag € 260
TROMBLEY, F.R. Hellenic religion & christianization c. 370-529. 1993. 2 vols. -- F.T. v. STRATEN. Hiera kala. Images of animal sacrifice in Archaic & clas. Greece. 1995. -- LUCIANUS SAMOSATENUS. Alexandros oder der Lügenprophet. Eingel., hrsg., übers. & erkl. v. U. Victor. 1997. -- S.J. FRIESEN. Twice Neokoros. Ephesus, Asia & the cult of the Flavian imperial family. 1993. -- A.-F. MORAND. Études sur les hymnes orphiques. 2001. -- 6 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (5) & obrds. (EPRO 115(1-2), 116, 127, 132, 143).
uitslag € 190
VERMASEREN, M.J. Die orientalischen Religionen im Römerreich. 1981. -- Id. & U. BIANCHI, cur. La soteriologia dei culti orientali nell'impero romano. 1982. -- J. FLAMANT. Macrobe et le néo-platonisme, à la fin du IVe s. 1977. -- S.I.JOHNSTON & P.T. STRUCK, eds. Mantikê. Studies in ancient divination. 2005. -- S.A. TAKÁCS. Isis & Sarapis in the Roman world. 1995. -- 5 vols. Ocl. (4) (1 w. dust-j.) & obrds. (EPRO 58, 92-93, 124, 155).
VERSNEL, H.S. Transition and reversal in myth and ritual. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Faith, hope and worship. Aspects of religious mentality in the ancient world. 1981. Owrps. -- Id. Ter unus. Isis, Dionysos, Hermes. Three studies in henotheism. 1990. Owrps. -- Z. v. MARTELS & V. SCHMIDT, eds. Antiquity renewed. Late classical and early modern themes. 2003. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (8).
uitslag € 140
VIGILIAE CHRISTIANAE. A review of early Christian life and language. Vols. 1-17, 43-67. Amst./Leiden, 1947-2013. 42 vols. of the series. Owrps. (17) & ocl.
€ 160
WINDEN, J.C.M. v. Arche. A collection of patristic studies. Ed. by J. den Boeft & D.T. Runia. 1997. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A. MERKT. Das patristische Prinzip. Eine Studie zur theolog. Deutung der Kirchenväter. 2001. Obrds. -- A. HILHORST, ed. The apostolic age in patristic thought. 2004. Obrds. -- J. den BOEFT & M.L. v. POLL-v.d. LISDONK. The impact of scripture in early Christianity. 1999. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P.L. REYNOLDS. Marriage in the Western Church. The christianization of marriage during the patristic & early medieval periods. 1994. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J.S. ALLEN. The despoliation of Egypt in pre-rabbinic, rabbinic and patristic traditions. 2008. Obrds. -- And 6 o. (12). (VCS 9, 20, 22, 24, 41, 44, 56, 58, 70, 92, 114, 137).
uitslag € 240