Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

PHILOSOPHY -- LE GRAND, A. Curiosus rerum abditarum naturæq(ue) Arcanorum perscrutator (…). Nuremb., J. Ziger, 1681. 250, (22) pp. Sm-8°. Cont cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt spine & board edges dec. in gilt. (Ex libris & name entry on first free endpaper, some annot in the margins in an old hand, but a very pretty copy).

Antoine Le Grand (1629–1699), philosopher and catholic theologian who played an important role in propagating the Cartesian philosophy in England during the latter half of the 17th c. This work dedicated to the wonders of nature. - First edition. VD 17, 23:240812Q; Thorndike VIII, 289.

€ 300

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