Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Epigraphy - Papyrology - Paleography

FELLE, A.E. Biblia epigraphica. La sacra scrittura nella documentazione epigrafica dell' Orbis Christianus Antiquus (III-VIII secolo). 2006. Obrds. -- O. MARUCCHI. Christian epigraphy, an elementary treatise. W. a collection of ancient Christian inscriptions mainly of Roman origin. 1974. Ocl. -- R. ROCA-PUIG. Himne al Verge Maria "Psalmus responsorius". Papir llatí del segle IV. Ed. 2a. 1965. Fol. Owrps. (Spine ends dam.). -- H. ZILLIACUS, cur. Sylloge inscriptionum Christianarum veterum Musei Vaticani. 1963. 2 vols. Owrps. -- C.M. KAUFMANN. Handbuch der altchristlichen Epigraphik. 1917. W. 254 ill. & 10 plates. Ohcl. (Spine sl. worn/soiled, w. stamps). -- And 4 o. (10).

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