Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Epigraphy - Papyrology - Paleography

DEGRASSI, A. Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae. (1972). 2 vols. Sm-8°. Obrds. -- J. DEVOTO, ed. Tabulae Iguvinae. 1954. Owrps. -- H. COHEN, (a.o.). Coin-inscriptions and epigraphical abbreviations of imperial Rome. 1978. Obrds. -- Th. KOUREMENOS, (a.o.), ed. The Derveni Papyrus. 2006. Owrps. -- E. COURTNEY. Musa lapidaria. A selection of Latin verse inscriptions. (1995). Owrps. -- And 12 o. (18).

€ 70

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