Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

VLACQ, A. Nieuwe konstige tafelen, sinuum, tangentium et secantium, (…). En vermeerdert (…) door A. de Graef. Amst., P. Goos, 1658. 16, 20, (181), (1), (102), (4), (24), (62), (2) pp. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. (Pastedown detached, title-p. & first p. of 2nd chapter loose, first 2 chapters interleaved & quite delicate, waterstaining at the bottom).

The interleaved chapters are annotated and illustrated in a neat and whimsical hand by a Claas Simonsz. Backer, 17 years old, writing in 1676. - Hoogendoorn p. 422 & cf. p 910.

€ 300

uitslag € 380

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