Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

VALLEMONT, L.L. de. Déscription de l'aimant, qui s'est formé à la pointe du clocher neuf de N. Dame de Chartres: avec plusieurs expériences très-curieuses, sur l'aimant & sur d'autres matières de physique. Paris, L. d'Houry/E. Couterot, 1692. (12), 215 pp. W. engr. vign., 1 woodcut text ill. - Bound after: L. GOBART. Tractatus Philosophicus de Barometro. Amst., S. Rogers, 1702. (4), 188 pp. W. 12 full-p. engr. ills. - And: (N. GAUGER). La mechanique du feu, ou l'art d'en augmenter les effets, & d'en diminuer la dépense. Contenant le traité de nouvelles cheminees (...). Amst., D. Mortier, 1714. x, 267, (9) pp. W engr. ti-vign. (showing Erasmus' statue in Rotterdam) & 12 fold. plates. - 3 works in 1 vol. Cont. vellum. (W. libr. tickets & stamp, scribbling on ti. of 2nd mentioned, (faintly) waterstained in places, front. of last work lacks).

Rare treatise, relating of the new steeple of the Notre Dame de Chartres, which was found in a highly magnetic heavy coating of rust after a severe wind and rain storm in 1690. However the work goes beyond describing the magnetic characteristics of the one piece of iron and is actually an important treatise on magnets and magnetic theory. - Caillet 10983. Ad 2: Bierens de Haan 1690.

€ 360

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