Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - General History & Topography

PONTANUS, J.I. Originum Francicarum libri VI. in quibus praeter Germaniae ac Rheni chorographiam, francorum origines ac primae fedes, aliaque ad gentis in Gallias transitum variasque victorias, instituta ac mores pertinentia, ordine deducuntur. Harderwijk, Th. Henricus, 1516 (=1616). (20), 617, (7) pp. W. 1 fold. plate. Sm-4°. Cont. cf. (Spine ends dam., joints split, bind. chafed/rubbed, corners dam., a bit stained in places, browned/foxed in places).

In this work Pontanus tried to prove the common origin of the French and Germans. - Haitsma Mulier/v.d. Lem 387d; Graesse V, 407.

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