Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Quae supersunt. Cum not. integris (i.a.) J. Gronovii quibus T. Reinesii quasdam & suas adj. J.A. Wagner. Ed. C.G.A. Erfurdt. 1808. 3 vols. Cont. hcf. -- Id. Storie. A cura di M. Caltabiano. (1989). Obrds. In or. slipcase. -- F.W. JENKINS. Ammianus Marcellinus: An annotated bibliography 1474 to the present. 2017. Ocl. -- G. SABBAH. La méthode d'Ammien Marcellin. 1978. Ocl. -- And 6 o. on A.M. (12).

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