Veiling 357 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

HUYGENS, Ch. The pendulum clock or geometrical demonstrations concerning the motion of pendula as applied to clocks. Transl. w. notes by R.J. Blackwell. Introd. by H.J. M. Bos. (1986). Ocl. -- J. BIARD & S. ROMMEVAUX, (eds.). Mathématiques et theorie du mouvement (XIVe- XVIe siècles). (2008). Owrps. -- M. BLAY. La science du mouvement de Galilée à Lagrange. (2002). Owrps. -- H.J.M. BOS, (a.o., eds.). Studies on Christiaan Huygens. 1980. Obrds. (Spine skimmed by silverfish). -- A.E. BELL. Christian Huygens and the development of science in the 17th century. (1st ed.). (1947). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 9 o. by/on Huygens. (14).

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