Veiling 357 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

HUXLEY FAMILY -- HUXLEY, Th.H. Life and letters. (Ed.) by L. Huxley. 1900. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. (Traces of (library) use). First edition. -- Id. Essays upon some controverted questions. 1892. Lge-8°. Ocl. First edition. -- A. DESMOND. Huxley: Evolution's High Priest. (1997). Lge-8°. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- Id. Huxley: The Devil's Disciple. (1994).Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R.W. CLARK. The Huxleys. (1968). Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. in relation to Huxley. (10).

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