Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

SIBYLLINA ORACULA -- SIBYLLIAKÔN chrèsmôn logoi oktô. Sibyllinorum Oraculorum Libri VIII. Add. S. Castalionis intrepret. Lat., que Greco eregione respondeat. Cum annot. X. Betuleij. Basel, J. Oporinus, (1555). 333, (2) pp. Printed in Greek and Latin. W. woodcut initials. 18th c. cf. w. dec. gilt back, green label, sides ruled in gilt, inside dentelles. (Joints a bit dam. at the bottom, sm. stamp/scribbling on ti. p., lower inner blank margin last lvs. a bit wormholed, some faint marg. stains, a few underl./annot.).

The Sibylline Oracles, of which a small part (books 6 and 8, dealing with Jesus Christ) was edited as an appendix to Theocritus or Hesiodus as early as 1495, were for the first time completely published in 1545. Their contents, Jewish and Gnostic themes augmented with Messianic utterances dating from the first to the fourth century A.D., were freely used by the Church Fathers in defence of Christianity. Second edition, the first one with a translation. - Hoffmann III, 396. This edition not in Adams.

€ 300

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