Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA. (Opera:) Cælestis hierarchia; Ecclesiastica hierarchia; Divina nomina; Mystica theologia; Undecim epistolæ; Ignatii Undecim epistolæ; Polycarpi Epistola una. (Venice, J. Tacuinus da Trino, November 1502). (6), 143 lvs. Title-p. partly xylographically printed and w. woodcut representation of St John beneath the title (monogrammed BM (=Benedetto Montagna?), 16 woodcut diagrams in text and several woodcut initials (1 printed in red). Fol. Mod. h. vellum. (Margins trimmed, last blank fails, underlinings and small annotations in an old hand in places, some tiny wormholes at end, but a very good copy).

Dionysius the Areopagite is sometimes regarded as an "apostolic Father". However this enigmatic figure remains an unknown author. He is sometimes called "Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite" in order to distinguish him from the figure of the same name mentioned in Acts 17:34. His writings are said to date around 500 A.D. This is the third edition of the Latin translation by Ambrosius Camalduensis, with a long preface by the French humanist Jacobus Faber Stapulensis (c.1455-1536)/ Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples. Beautifully printed post-incunable. - Adams D-522; Hoffmann I, 578.

€ 1200

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