Auction 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

PLATO. Gorgias. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by E.R. Dodds. (1966). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Opera. Rec. brev. adnot. crit. instr. J. Burnet. (1955-58). 5 vols. Ocl. (1) w. dust-j. (OCT). -- Id. Respublica. (2003). Obrds. w. dust-j. (OCT). -- Id. Philebus & Epinomis. Transl. & introd. by A.E. Taylor. Ed. by R. Klibansky. 1956. Ocl. -- F.M. CORNFORD. Plato's Cosmology. The Timaeus transl. w. a running comment. (1966). Ocl. -- Id. The Symposium. Ed. by R.G. Bury. 2nd ed. 1932. Ocl. -- And 4 o. by/on P. (14).

€ 70

result € 60

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