Auction 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

MORAUX, P. & J. WIESNER. Zweifelhaftes im Corpus Aristotelicum. Studien zu einigen Dubia. Akten des 9. Symp. Arist. 1983. Ocl. -- F.M. PETRUCCI. Teone di Smirne: Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. (2012). Owrps. -- IAMBLICHUS. In Platonis dialogos comm. fragmenta. Ed. w. transl. & comm. by J.M. Dillon. (2009). Obrds. -- S. EBBESEN, (a.o.), eds. Aristotle's Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin traditions. (2013). Owrps. -- L. GILI. La sillogistica di Alessandro di Afrodisia. 2011. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (10).

€ 100

result € 70

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