ARABIAN PENINSULA -- MEULEN, D. v.d. & H. v. WISSMANN. Hadramaut, some of its mysteries unveiled. 1932. W. num. illustr. & 2 large fold. maps. Ocl. -- D. v.d. MEULEN Aden to the Hadhramaut. A journey in South Arabia. (1947). W. ill. Ocl. -- T.E. LAWRENCE. Seven pillars of wisdom. (1935). 4°. Ocl. -- P. HARRISON. The Arab at home. (1924). Ocl. -- W. JAMES (a.o., eds.). Juan Maria Schuver's Travels in North East Africa 1880-83. 1996. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 12 o. (17). (All books w. some smoke odour).
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