ABU l-ALA' AL-MA'ARRI. The Epistle of Forgiveness or A Pardon to Enter the Garden. (2013). 2 vols. -- YUSUF AL-SHIRBINI. Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abu Shaduf Expounded. (2016). 2 vols. -- IBN AL-JAWZI. Virtues of the Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. (2013). 2 vols. -- IBN QUTAYBAH. The Excellence of the Arabs. (2017). -- And 4 similar from the same series. -- Tog. 11 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (New York Univ. Press Library of Arabic Literature).
€ 180
result € 280
AKKAD - SUMER -- SODEN, W. v. Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. Unter Benutzung des lexikal. Nachlasses von B. Meissner. Wiesbaden, 1965-81. 3 vols. 4°. Ocl. -- Id. Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik samt Erg.-Heft. 2. unveränd. Aufl. 1969. 2 in 1 vol. Owrps. (AO, 33/47). -- (4).
€ 100
result € 160
ARABIAN PENINSULA -- MEULEN, D. v.d. & H. v. WISSMANN. Hadramaut, some of its mysteries unveiled. 1932. W. num. illustr. & 2 large fold. maps. Ocl. -- D. v.d. MEULEN Aden to the Hadhramaut. A journey in South Arabia. (1947). W. ill. Ocl. -- T.E. LAWRENCE. Seven pillars of wisdom. (1935). 4°. Ocl. -- P. HARRISON. The Arab at home. (1924). Ocl. -- W. JAMES (a.o., eds.). Juan Maria Schuver's Travels in North East Africa 1880-83. 1996. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 12 o. (17). (All books w. some smoke odour).
€ 90
result € 120
ARMENIA -- BOYAJIAN, Z., (ed.). Armenian legends and poems. Lond., J.M. Dent, (n.d., c 1916). Fol. W. many tipped in plates. Ocl. w. (faded) gilt dec. (Binding scuffed, one quire clumsily repaired with tape, text quite clean & illustr. crisp & bright). -- Id. Gilgamesh. A dream of the eternal quest. Lond, G.W. Jones, 1924. Fol. W. many tipped in plates. Ocl. w. gilt dec. (Binding waterstained, text & plates bright w. some occasional foxing). -- (2). (Both books w. some smoke odour).
€ 70
ARMENIA -- CARLIER, E. Au milieu des massacres. Journal de la femme d'un consul de France en Arménie. (1903). Sm-8°. Or. printed wrps. (Loose, spine rep.). -- J. MÉCÉRIAN. Le génocide du peuple arménien. 1965. Owrps. -- (V.T.) MAYEWSKI. Les massacres d'Armenie. (Reprint of the or. ed. 1916). N.d. Owrps. -- H.-L. KIESER & D.J. SCHALLER. Der Völkermord and den Armeniern und die Shoah. (2002). Obrds. -- And 5 o. on the Armenian genocide. (9).
result € 100
ARMENIA -- DEROGY, J. Resistance & Revenge. The Armenian Assassination of the Turkish Leaders responsible for the 1915 Massacres and Deportations. (1990). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R.F. MELSON. Revolution and Genocide. On the origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. (1992). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- V.N. DADRIAN. The History of the Armenian Genocide. (1995). Obrds. -- R.G. SUNY, (a.o.). A question of genocide. Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire. (2011). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- P. BALAKIAN. The burning Tigris. The Armenian Genocide and America's response. (2003). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 6 similar. (11).
result € 150
ARMENIA -- DOCUMENTI DI ARCHITETTURA Armenia / Documents of Armenian Architecture. (Milan, Edizioni Ares, 1973-82). Vols. 1-10. W. many illustr. Owrps. In cloth slipcase. (Spines toned). -- S. DER NERSESSIAN. Armenian Mss. in the Walters Art Gallery. Baltimore, 1973. W. 8 full-p. cold. plates & 493 monochr. ill. on 243 plates. Fol. Ocl. -- K. GOMBOS. Die Baukunst Armeniens. (Budapest 1972/73). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 3 o. (15).
result € 80
ARMENIA -- GUST, W., hrsg. Der Völkermord an den Armeniern 1915/16. Dokumente a.d. Politischen Archiv des deutschen Auswärtigen Amts. (2005). Lge-8°. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- H.-L. KIESER & D.J. SCHALLER. Der Völkermord and den Armeniern und die Shoah. (2002). Obrds. -- G. KOUTCHARIAN. Der Siedlungsraum der Armenier unter dem Einfluss der historisch-politischen Ereignisse seit dem Berliner Kongress 1878. 1989. 4°. Owrps. -- E. WOLF-CROME. Aufbruch nach Armenien. (1985). Owrps. -- T. HOFMANN, hrsg. Der Völkermord a.d. Armeniern vor Gericht. Der Prozeß Talaat Pascha. (3. Ausg. 1985). Owrps. -- And 9 o. on the Armenian genocide, of which 2 in Dutch. (14).
€ 80
result € 70
ARMENIA -- HACOBIAN, A.P. Armenia and the War. An Armenian's point of view w. an appeal to Britain and the coming Peace Conference. 1917. Ocl. -- E.M.B. AUSTIN. Unending journey. Being the story of Agnacia Manuelian. (1939). Ocl. -- ARMIN T. WEGNER e gli Armeni in Anatolia, 1915. Images and testimonies. (1996). 4°. Owrps. (Italian/English ed.). -- Y. ROST. Armenian tragedy. An eye-witness account of Human Conflict and Natural Disaster in Armenia and Azerbaijan. (1990). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- K. BEDOUKIAN. The Urchin. An Armenian's Escape. (1978). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- D.M. LANG. The Armenians. A People in Exile. (1981). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 10 o. (16).
ARMENIA -- REITLINGER, G. A Tower of Skulls. A Journey through Persia and Turkish Armenia. 1932. Ocl. -- D.E. & L.T. MILLER. Survivors. An oral history of the Armenian Genocide. (1993). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- D. BLOXHAM. The Great Game of Genocide. Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Destruction of Ottoman Armenians. (2005). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- ARMIN T. WEGNER e gli Armeni in Anatolia, 1915. Images and testimonies. (1996). 4°. Owrps. (Italian/English ed.). -- And 14 o. (also smaller) works. (18).
result € 60
BUSINK, Th.A. Der Tempel von Jerusalem von Salomo bis Herodes. Eine archäeologisch-historische Studie unter Berücksichtigung des westsemitischen Tempelbaus. Leiden, 1970-80. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. - As new.
€ 150
EGYPT - SUDAN -- VERNER, W. Sketches in the Soudan. Lond., R.H. Porter, 1885. (4), 4, (4) pp., (39) lvs. with one-sided text, lithogr. ti., lithogr. cold. map & 37 tinted lithogr. plates by J.G. Keulemans after Verner, & at the end 2 pp. w. publisher's advertisements. Fol.-obl. Or. h. vellum w. printed front cover. (Bottom of spine torn, sides a bit stained and worn along edges, last 8 lvs. waterstained in upper margin).
€ 300
result € 240
EGYPT - SUDAN -- WINGATE, F.R. Ten years' captivity in the Mahdi's camp 1882-1892. From the original manuscript of Father Joseph Ohrwalder. Lond., 1892. 459 pp. W. many plates & photogr. lithographs in the text, and 3 fold. maps: Plan of Omdurman, Map of the Nile Basin, and Sketch map showing (…) Uganda. Ocl. (Shelfwear, some yellowing & foxing, maps delicate at attachment points). From the library of Arnold Toynbee w. his autograph on first free endpaper. -- R. SLATIN. Fire and sword in the Sudan. A personal narrative of fighting and serving the Dervishes. 1879-1895. Lond., 1896. W. several plates & 2 fold. maps. Ocl. (Wear at extremities, first free endpaper and frontispiece detached, otherwise a clean copy). -- (2).
TURKEY -- ÜNGÖR, U.Ü. The making of modern Turkey. Nation and state in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950. (2012). Obrds. -- W.M. RAMSAY. Impressions of Turkey during twelve years' wanderings. 1897. Ocl. -- F. AHMAD. The Young Turks. The Comittee of Union and Progress in Turkish Politics 1908-1914. 1969. Ocl w. dust-j. -- J. POMIANKOWSKI. Der Zusammenbruch des Ottomanischen Reiches. (1928). W. maps loosely inserted in the back. Ocl. (Spine toned). -- S.I.A. SHAH. Eastward to Persia. (n.d., c.1931). Ocl. -- And 9 o. (14). (All books w. some smoke odour).
€ 120
result € 130