ALGRA, K., (a.o.), ed. The Cambridge history of Hellenistic philosophy. (1999). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. SORABJI. The philosophy of the commentators 200-600 AD. (2004). 3 vols. Owrps. -- R.W. SHARPLES. Peripatetic philosophy 200 BC to AD 200. An introd. and collection of sources in translation. (2010). Owrps. -- And 2 o. (7).
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ARMSTRONG, A.H., N. KRETZMANN, (a.o.), eds. The Cambridge history of later Greek & early medieval philosophy. 1967. - K. ALGRA, (a.o.), ed. The Cambridge history of Hellenistic philosophy. (1999). - 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J.C.M. v. WINDEN. An early christian philosopher. Justin Martyr's Dialogue w. Trypho. Chapters 1-9. Introd., text & comment. 1971. Ocl. -- M. BAUMBACH, hrsg. Tradita et inventa. Beitr. zur Rezeption der Antike. (2000). Obrds. -- W. JAEGER. Paideia. Die Formung des griech. Menschen. 2.-3. Aufl. 1954-55. 3 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (11).
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MANSFELD, J. & D.T. RUNIA. Aëtiana. The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer. Vol. 2-3. 2009-2018. 2 in 3 vols. Obrds. (PA 114 (part 1 & 2), 118). -- J. MANSFELD. Prolegomena. Questions to be settled Before the Study of an Author, or a Text. 1994. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA 61). -- (4).
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POHLENZ, M. Die Stoa. Geschichte einer geistigen Bewegung. (&) Erläuterungen. 2. Aufl. 1955-59. 2 vols. Ocl. w. (sl. dam.) dust-j. -- R. JOLY. Le thème philosophique des genres de vie dans l'antiquité classique. 1956. Owrps. -- M-O. GOULET-CAZÉ & R. GOULET, dir. Le cynisme ancien et ses prolongements. (1993). Ocl. -- J.A. COULTER. The literary microcosm. Theories of interpretation of the later Neoplatinists. 1976. Ocl. -- K. DÖRING. Exemplum Socratis. Studien zur Sokratesnachwirkung in der kynisch-stoischen Popularphilosophie der frühen Kaiserzeit und im frühen Christentum. (1979). Owrps. -- J.B. GOULD. The philosophy of Chrysippus. 1971. Owrps. -- And 10 o. (17).
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